The Constitution of Society: Outline of the Theory of StructurationUniversity of California Press, 1984 - 402 من الصفحات Anthony Giddens has been in the forefront of developments in social theory for the past decade. In "The Constitution of Society" he outlines the distinctive position he has evolved during that period and offers a full statement of a major new perspective in social thought, a synthesis and elaboration of ideas touched on in previous works but described here for the first time in an integrated and comprehensive form. A particular feature is Giddens's concern to connect abstract problems of theory to an interpretation of the nature of empirical method in the social sciences. In presenting his own ideas, Giddens mounts a critical attack on some of the more orthodox sociological views. "The Constitution of Society" is an invaluable reference book for all those concerned with the basic issues in contemporary social theory. |
Elements of the Theory of Structuration | 1 |
Consciousness Self and Social Encounters | 41 |
Time Space and Regionalization | 110 |
Structure System Social Reproduction | 162 |
Methodological Individualism | 207 |
Change Evolution and Power | 227 |
Structuration Theory Empirical Research and Social Critique | 281 |
Mutual Knowledge versus Common Sense | 334 |
The Practical Connotations of Social Science | 348 |
Glossary | 373 |
392 | |
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عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
action actors agents analysis aspects associated behaviour body capitalism character characteristic circumstances co-presence concept concerned conduct connection constitution contexts contradiction course CPST cultural day-to-day differentiation disciplinary discussion duality of structure empirical encounters Erving Goffman evolution evolutionary evolutionism example exist express forms formulation Foucault Freud functionalist Goffman Hägerstrand hermeneutic human Ibid implications important influence institutions interaction interpretation involved knowledge labour labour power London macrosociological Marx Marxism means mechanisms methodological individualism modern modes motivation nation-states natural science normative notion objectivism ontological security organization Parsons phenomena practical consciousness Press properties of social refer reflexive monitoring regarded regionalization relations relevant routines rules sense situations social change social reproduction social sciences social systems social theory societal totalities societies space spatial specific structural properties structural sociology structuration theory super-ego temporal tend time-space total institutions unconscious unintended consequences University