The Wretched of the EarthGrove/Atlantic, Inc., 01/12/2007 - 320 من الصفحات The sixtieth anniversary edition of Frantz Fanon’s landmark text, now with a new introduction by Cornel West First published in 1961, and reissued in this sixtieth anniversary edition with a powerful new introduction by Cornel West, Frantz Fanon’s The Wretched of the Earth is a masterfuland timeless interrogation of race, colonialism, psychological trauma, and revolutionary struggle, and a continuing influence on movements from Black Lives Matter to decolonization. A landmark text for revolutionaries and activists, The Wretched of the Earth is an eternal touchstone for civil rights, anti-colonialism, psychiatric studies, and Black consciousness movements around the world. Alongside Cornel West’s introduction, the book features critical essays by Jean-Paul Sartre and Homi K. Bhabha. This sixtieth anniversary edition of Fanon’s most famous text stands proudly alongside such pillars of anti-colonialism and anti-racism as Edward Said’s Orientalism and The Autobiography of Malcolm X. |
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النتائج 1-5 من 18
... indigenous populations " ; 41 on the other , its various administrative avatars - assimilation , association , integration - deny those same populations the right to emerge as " French citizens " in a public sphere of their own ethical ...
... indigenous popula- tion , " the others . " The violence which governed the ordering of the colonial world , which tirelessly punctuated the destruction of the indigenous social fabric , and demolished unchecked the systems of refer- ON ...
... - ing this period the indigenous population is seen as a blurred mass . The few " native " personalities whom the colonialist bour- geois have chanced to encounter have had insufficient impact to 8 THE WRETCHED OF THE EARTH.
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