F. & Levensaler, 774 86 774 86 Charges in Co., 977 92 480 96 496 96 Hunt & Cannell, 884 91 884 91 Lambert & Burton, 3,488 62 3,488 62 S. & W. H. Smith, 1,579 40 1,030 00 549 40 Timber, 5,115 18 5,115 18 Samuel Soule, 5,352 03 2,000 00 3,352 03 William Bodfish, 1,273 10 500 00 773 10 Rodney Forsaith, 1,875 03 1,875 03 Isaac Smith, 2,151 20 1,493 12 658 08 T. Blackman, 433 67 433 67 Jesse Gilman, 1,446 93 1,446 93 Stephen Tracy, 1,305 93 475 93 830 00 John Rollins, 100 92 100 92 Thomas E. Perley, 411 00 411 00 William T. Willey, 39 50 39 50 Jedediah Varney, 240 65 240 65 Charles Merrill, 1,146 03 734 38 411 65 Jacob O. Rogers, 272 97 272 97 William Kilborn, 242 00 242 00 Surveys of Lumber, 44 50 44 50 6,511 64 3,454 76 3,056 88 Samuel Furlong, 6 10 6 10 Commissioners to locate grants, &c. 2,569 79 217 43 2,352 36 George K. Jewett, 10,221 53 1,171 85 9,049 68 Interest, 487 00 7,562 72 7,075 72 Postage, 34 59 34 59 Military Road, 3,319 17 3,319 17 Mars hill Road, 845 83 845 83 John Webber, 60 00 60 00 Charges, 1,130 91 1,130 91 Abatements, 8,359 48 8,359 48 George W. Coffin, 23,635 76 19,632 76 4,003 02 Cash, 98,114 87 87,488 29 10,626 58 Lands Reverted, 13,006 16 1,058 73 11,947 43 State Treasury, 69,954 71 69,954 71 Sales of Land in Co., 21,465 44 21,465 44 518,898 61518,898 61 275,792 87 275,792 87 REPORT. To GEORGE W. COFFIN and LEVI BRADLEY, Esquires, Land Agents of Massachusetts and Maine. GENTLEMEN:- In accordance with your instructions I left Bangor on Tuesday, the twenty seventh of September, with necessary Assistants, and went to Moosehead Lake, in crossing which, we were delayed four days in consequence of strong north west winds, from thence I proceeded by the west branch of the Penobscot and Umbazookshus to the Chamberlain Lake, where we arrived on the third day of October. Commencing at the outlet of Telos Lake the channel is shallow, and current for a short distance, to the dead water of the Telainis Lake; crossing this lake to its outlet, we found rather more current and a longer distance than at Telos, but still a very moderate fall to the bed of the river, to the level of the Chamberlain Lake; from the outlet of the Chamberlain Lake into the Heron Lake, is a distance of nearly one mile to the dead water, and rapid current broken by rocks and gravel bars. The outlet of Heron Lake is about three miles long, and is dead water, or nearly so, the whole distance, with low banks; in some parts of the channel the water is from fifteen to twenty feet deep. After passing through the outlet we came into a lake, which we crossed in a northeasterly direction about three miles to its outlet, which we four.d quite deep, and nearly dead water, widening into a small pond at the head of the rapids, which point is marked station 61. The fall from the level of the Telos Lake to the level of the Chamberlain Lake, as determined from the high water marks at both lakes, was 0.83 feet. The fall from the level of Chamberlain Lake to Heron Lake was |