صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]


February 20, 1844.


ORDERED, That 400 copies of the following Report and Bill,

be printed for the use of the Legislature.

WM. T. JOHNSON, Clerk.


THE joint select committee, to whom was referred sundry petitions for the encouragement of the study of Anatomy, having had the same under consideration, beg leave to


That in their opinion it needs no argument to prove, that there is much of physical suffering, deformity and premature death in our land; for one has but to look around, and behold the maimed, the halt, the blind, and those afflicted with every disease to which "humanity is heir." As philanthropists-as law makers upon the watch tower to guard the welfare and happiness of the people-to alleviate sorrow and lessen human misery in all its forms, it may well become us, and it is our imperative duty to inquire if there are means to remedy these evils, and if so, to disseminate them as widely as possible.

It is not only true that the "sick need a physician," but it is highly important to the welfare and safety of the patient, that the physician should thoroughly understand his profession. No prudent man would entrust the repair of his watch to a blacksmith, or engage a ship carpenter to construct a piano forte, and surely the human frame is not less complicated than most other machines, or of so much less importance, that a man ignorant of its various parts and their functions can with any propriety undertake to repair it.

Especially is it important that a surgeon should have a minute knowledge of every part of the human system, as no part is exempt from disease or injury. It is true a man who is ignorant of Anatomy may sometimes perform a surgical operation, "rushing on like

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