abstracts of returns of cashiers of, Bank commissioners, report of, Bath and Portland rail road company, to establish, British colonial trade, petition and resolve in relation to, C. No. 29 37 Claims against the general government under the treaty of Washington, mis. 11 23 52 report of agent in relation to, mis. Corporations, abstract of returns of, 66 Constitution, resolve in relation to amendment of, for the meeting of the legislature, 16 Corporations, manufacturing, in relation to, 26 County lines, an act altering, 33 Constitution, in relation to elections, to amend, 38 Common victualers, retailers, &c., act additional in relation to, 42 Colonial trade, British, resolve relating to, 52 Courts, district, additional act relating to, 20 D. District courts, act additional in relation to chapter ninety-seven of the revised statutes, Distribution of proceeds of public lands, report of committee on, No. 20 24 43 E. Elections, to amend the constitution in relation to, F. Finance, report of committee on, Ferries, act additional in relation to, Fish, an act for the preservation of, H. Harris, Samuel L., agent of claims against the general government, re- Hospital, Insane, report of trustees of, 23 25 13 1 49 committee on, I. Kavanagh, governor, communication of, in relation to the printing of cer- Madigan, James C., superintendent of schools at Madawaska, first quar- terly report of, Manufacturing corporations, in relation to, Message, inaugural of the governor, Kawanagh, of the governor, in relation to the decease of Hon. Edward 35 53 21 5 54 51 55 26 mie. 15 Militia of Maine, additional act relating to, an act to organize, govern and discipline, Mortgages of real estate, act relating to, personal property, act relating to, Ν. No. 2 30 41, 44 50 Northeastern boundary, report of the agent in relation to the claims of, mis. Public lands, report of the committee in relation to the distribution of the proceeds of the sales of, 24 President and vice president, resolve providing for the choice of, 14 Private petitions, report relating to, 35 R. Rail road company, Bath and Portland, to incorporate, Real estate, act relating to mortgages on, Redington, Alfred, adjutant general, report of, Revised statutes, chapter 14, act additional relating to, 41, 44 36, act additional relating to, 97, act additional relating to, Retrenchment, report and bill relating to, Report of the treasurer of State, adjutant general, land agent, warden of the state prison, 23 39 42 20 47 mis. 5 7 11 mis. |