2. To property turned over to the Land Agent from the Military Department, as per Abstract B, 14,604 07 I hereby certify, that the expenditures charged in the above account, and amounting to the sum of one hundred ninety-eight thousand two hundred ninety-four dollars and twenty-one cents, were made by the state of Maine, for the purpose therein stated. JOHN FAIRFIELD, Governor of Maine. The following account of the State of Maine against the United States, has been made up in pursuance of an order of the council, passed March 25, 1843, and comprises all the expenditures incurred by said state in relation to her Northeastern boundary, not included in the account presented by the Maine Commissioners in 1842. SAM'L L. HARRIS, Agent for the State of Maine. Washington, May 1, 1843. STATE OF MAINE. IN COUNCIL, March 25, 1843. Ordered, That the Governor be requested to cause to be made out an additional account against the general government, comprising the expenditures incurred by this state in relation to the settlement of our northeastern boundary question, not included in any previous account. Read and passed. BARNABAS PALMER. P. C. JOHNSON, Secretary of State. PHILIP C. JOHNSON, Secretary of State. |