ADDITIONAL CLAIMS. E. The UNITED STATES in account with the STATE OF MAINE, Dr. For expenditures incurred on account of her Northeastern boundary, in accordance with resolves of the legislature, and under the authority of the Governor and council, as follows: To amount paid for the services and expenses of agents; as per account No. 1. 3,964 34 To amount of expenses in making surveys upon the 4,059 50 To amount paid for the services and expenses of Commissioners in relation to the Northeastern boundary, in 1842; as per account No. 3. 3,000 00 To amount of miscellaneous expenditures; as per account No. 4. 5,802 00 To amount of pensions and allowances paid under resolves of the legislature, to individuals for injuries received while engaged in the service of the state in protecting the Northeastern frontier; as per account No. 5. To amount of allowances paid under resolves of the legislature to towns and individuals, for services rendered and expenses incurred on account of the Aroostook expedition in 1839; as per account No. 6. To amount of expenses of the civil posse during the year 1841, subsequent to the 30th of September; as per account No. 7. To amount of expenses of the civil posse during the year 1842; as per account No. 8. Aggregate, 2,892 00 747 06 394 90 442 45 $21,302 25 Cr. By amount received from the United States; as per account No. 9. 2,910 59 $18,391 66 [No. I.] The UNITED STATES in account with the STATE OF MAINE, Dr. For the following items paid from the treasury for services and expenses of agents, on account of the Northeastern boundary; 1. To amount paid to John G. Deane, per resolve of February 23, 1828; for his services and expenses in obtaining necessary and useful information relative to the Northeastern boundary, amount paid Charles S. Daveis, per resolve of February 25, 1828; for services and expenses incurred in obtaining evidence in relation to British aggressions, 2. “ amount paid Jonah Dunn, per resolve of Feb- amount paid Abijah Smith, per report of coun- amount paid John G. Deane and Edward 100 00 748 59 58 00 103 42 6. To amount paid Gorham Parks, per resolve of March 8, 1832; for his services and expenses as agent to Massachusetts, under resolve of January 24, 1832, 118 00 amount paid William P. Preble, per resolve of amount paid Charles S. Daveis, per report of 228 88 76 31 898 50 amount paid Richard H. Vose, per report of 46 88 11. amount paid Jona. P. Rogers, per report of council of March 25, 1839; for services as 100 00 12. 13. amount paid John D. McCrate, per report of 300 00 100 00 council of February 28, 1840; for services 15. To amount paid James L. Child, per reports of 16. " Aggregate of account No. I, 186 50 101 00 78 78 $3,964 34 [No. II.] The UNITED STATES in account with the STATE OF MAINE, Dr. For the following items paid from the treasury, for expenses in making surveys upon the Northeastern frontier, under resolves of the legislature, entitled "resolves in relation to the Northeastern boundary," approved March 23, 1838. 1. To amount paid John G. Deane and others, for services and expenses as commissioners, &c., amount paid John G. Deane and others, per amount paid Francis Eneas, per resolve of 1,398 30 2,050 87 45 00 him for services and expenses as surveyor, em- 265 33 5. To amount paid William Anson, per resolves of March 10, 1842, and March 22, 1843; for compiling and drafting maps for the state in 1838 and 1839; under direction of the commissioners to run the Northeastern boundary line of the state, Aggregate of account No. 2, 300 00 $4,059 50 [No. III.] The UNITED STATES in account with the STATE OF MAINE, Dr. For amount paid to Edward Kavanagh, William Pitt Preble, Edward Kent, and John Otis, Commissioners appointed under "Resolves in relation to the northeastern boundary of this State," approved May 26, 1842, for their services and expenses under said commission, paid per reports of council of December 31, 1842; and March, 1843, and resolve of the Legislature of March 20, 1843; to wit; $750 to each, $3,000 [No. IV.] The UNITED STATES in account with the STATE OF MAINE, Dr. For the following miscellaneous expenditures from the treasury, on account of the Northeastern boundary. 1. To amount per report of council of October 18, 1828; for the relief of John Baker's family, 2. amount paid John Baker, per report of coun 212 00 |