صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


Newcastle, 27th December, 1843.


SIR: Please cause to be printed, to be laid before the Legislature, at the commencement of its next session, copies of the following documents:

1st. Report of Samuel L. Harris, Esq., Agent of Claims of the State against the General Government, at Washington. 2d. Copies of correspondence in relation thereto.

Correspondence in relation to the violation of Territory and Jurisdiction on the Northeastern Frontier of this State, and the arrest of Savage.

Ist. My letter to the Sheriffs and County Attorneys of the Counties of Penobscot and Aroostook, dated 11th April, A. D. 1843.

2d. My letter to the Sheriff and Attorney of the County of Aroostook, dated 14th April, A. D. 1843.

3d. My letter to the Sheriff of the County of Aroostook, dated 1th May, A. D. 1843.

4th. Letter of Gorham Parks, Attorney for the County of Penob900t, dated 17th April, A. D. 1843.

5th. Letter of J. W. Tabor, Attorney for the County of Aroos

ok, dated 20th April, A. D. 1843.

6th. Letter of J. W. Tabor, Attorney for the County of Aroos

bok, dated April 26, A. D. 1843.

7th. Letter of John Lovering, Sheriff of the County of Aroos

ak, dated 18th May, A. D. 1843.

Correspondence on the subject of a Resolve of the Legislature of Maine, passed on the 17th February, A. D. 1843, in relation to Bonds or Securities, that were to be surrendered by Great Britain to the States of Maine and Massachusetts, under the late Treaty.

1st. Letter from the Department of State of the United States, dated 3d April, A. D. 1843.

2d. Letter from the Department of State of the United States, dated 27th April, A. D. 1843.

3d. My letter to the Department of State of the United States, dated 29th April, A. D. 1843.

4th. Letter from the Department of State of the United States, dated 8th May, A. D. 1843.

5th. My letter to the Department of State of the United States, dated 4th May, A. D. 1843.

6th. My letter to the Department of State of the United States, dated 20th October, A. D. 1843.

7th. Letter from the Department of State of the United States, dated 1st November, A. D. 1843.

Removal of the troops of the United States from Fort Kent, near the Northern Frontier of this State.

Ist. My letter to the President of the United States, dated 17th October, A. D. 1843.

2d. A letter from the War Department, dated 30th November A. D. 1843.

3d. My letter to the President of the United States, dated 22 December, A. D. 1843.

Correspondence with the Department of State of the United State and with the Lieutenant Governor of the British Province

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