House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th Congress, 2d Session-49th Congress, 1st Session, المجلد 4،الجزء 1

الغلاف الأمامي

من داخل الكتاب

الصفحات المحددة

طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات

عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة

مقاطع مشهورة

الصفحة 442 - ... cannot be acquired by cession, when the interest of the United States demands it, before the appropriation would by law fall into the surplus fund, in any and all such cases the appropriations shall be applicable to the objects for which they are made, at any time within two years after the first meeting of the legislature in any State wherein such land may be situated,, subsequent to the passage of this act, to wit: MAINE.
الصفحة 152 - ... made by worms. But however efficient these boring animals may be in preparing the coral stems for decay, there is yet another agent, perhaps still more destructive. We allude to the minute boring-sponges, which penetrate them in all directions, until they appear at last completely rotten throughout.
الصفحة 513 - He reaffirms his opinion of the pro^ priety of the site, after considering this objection. In recommending lights for the western coast, I have not advised that any of them be revolving lights, except in the case of Point Conception, conceiving that at present, until facilities for repairs of machinery and the number of lights are increased, it is inexpedient and unnecessary to resort to such a distinction. Very respectfully, yours, AD BACHE, Superintendent United States Coast Survey. Hon. THOMAS...
الصفحة 148 - The reefs of Florida, as they have been described in the foregoing sketch of the topography of that state, and, indeed, the separate parts of each of these reefs, in their extensive range from northeast to southwest, present such varieties as will afford, when judiciously combined, a complete history of the whole process of their formation. " Here we have groups of living corals, beginning to expand at considerable depth, and forming isolated, disconnected patches — the first rudiments, as it were,...
الصفحة 101 - Report of the Superintendent of the Coast Survey to the Secretary of the Treasury on Halteras shoals, with a report of Lieutenant Commanding Jenkins, United States navy.
الصفحة 466 - Hole harbor, three thousand five hundred dollars. For a beacon on Fawn bar, near Deer island, Boston harbor, two thousand five hundred dollars. For two iron spindles on the northeast ledge of the Graves, and on Holmes' ledge, Boston harbor, two thousand dollars.
الصفحة 505 - ... source of the most unfeigned regret and mystification. If the British government, however, has the right to exact of its agents an implicit obedience to its mandates, regardless of all considerations but its interests, I must do Captain Prevost the justice of bearing witness to his devoted loyalty. I would respectfully call the attention of the department to the fact that there are still some points which must be embraced in the instructions for Captain Prevost's guidance which are not to be...
الصفحة 144 - Sol•dier key, is so shoal that it will forever remain inaccessible, except to -very small vessels. The keys consist of an extensive range of low islands, rising but a few feet, perhaps from six to" eight or ten, or at the utmost to twelve or thirteen feet, above the level of the sea. They begin to the north of 'Cape Florida, where they converge towards the main land, extending in the...
الصفحة 152 - ... rotten at the heart, but still apparently green and flourishing without, till the first heavy gale of wind snaps the hollow trunk, and betrays its decay. Again, innumerable boring animals establish themselves in the lifeless stem, piercing holes in all directions into its interior, like so many augers, dissolving its solid connexion with the ground, and even penetrating far into the living portion of these compact communities. The number of these boring animals is quite incredible, and they belong...
الصفحة 443 - ... including a bridge from the shore to the light-house, thirteen thousand dollars. OHIO. For a light-house on Rock or Mouse island, Lake Erie, five thousand dollars. For a light-house on Green island, Lake Erie, five thousand dollars. For a beacon-light on Cedar Point, as a range to enter Sandusky bay, five hundred dollars. For buoys at the entrance of Port Clinton, Lake Erie, two hundred and fifty dollars. MICHIGAN. FLORIDA. For buoys at the entrance of Musquito harbor, five hundred dollars. OREGON....

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