TABLE No. 3.-Statement showing the amount of ore on hand, worked, &c.-Continued. 5, 145 89 7,267 72 6, 628 19 8,570 97 25,025 55 4 75 4 32 6 11.9 7 91.1 16, 328 79 7,385 14 37, 119 37 4 75 4 01 10 66.9 4 82.5 23 10 24 25.4 2.40 5.82 Months. Number of bars made. TABLE NO. 4.-Statement showing the work of company's assay office for company year ending July 31, 1871. Value. Gold. Silver. Total. TABLE No. 4.-Statement showing the work of company's assay office, &c.—Continued. 11 19, 461.60 19, 001.30 2.3 151 $3,360 88 166, 011 06 November. 135, 387 62 December 151, 731 20 744 37 Value. Grand total. Number of ore assays made. Cost of office. TABLE NO. 5.-Statement of materials purchased and consumed at the mine for the company year from August 1, 1870, to July 31, 1871. Receipts and disbursements of the Meadow Valley Mining Company for the biennial term ending July 31, 1871. DISBURSEMENTS. For mine properties: adverse claims, &c..... Purchases made by company in extinguishment of Law expenses contesting adverse claims. $32,679 65 For construction and improvements at mine: $250,589 76 6,288 76 Reduction of ores at company's mill, as per Exhibit For miscellaneous expenditures: Freight to San Francisco on bullion yield to January 1, 1871.... Discount on bullion yield to date.. Exchange for coin equivalent on superintendent's Interest on company's notes and overdrafts at bank, Insurance premium on mill property... To consulting engineer, secretary, and fees of For dividends: From No. 1 to 5, inclusive, paid to stockholders.... Total disbursements for the term.. UNLIQUIDATED BALANCES. Charles Forman, general superintendent.-Current bal- Bullion in transitu.-Credited per contra to bullion yield.. Petty cash. 418 48 72, 831 67 25, 000 00 $250 00 No. 3, levied October 9, 1869. No. 5, levied January 29, 1870... No. 6, levied March 26, 1870. No. 7, levied May 11, 1870.. From bullion yield of company's mines: From rents: Of company's boarding-house, at mine. From sales of materials: To mining contractors and others... Total receipts for the term.... 15,000 00 |