Silver and Gold: An Account of the Mining and Metallurgical Industries of the United States |
من داخل الكتاب
الصفحة 412
... Cupellation of rich lead . The first fusion . - Eleven years ' experience has proved that the most efficient slag is one approaching the composition of a bi - silicate . The following is an average analysis : Silica ... Alumina . Oxide ...
... Cupellation of rich lead . The first fusion . - Eleven years ' experience has proved that the most efficient slag is one approaching the composition of a bi - silicate . The following is an average analysis : Silica ... Alumina . Oxide ...
الصفحة 418
... cupellation , would complete the process . We should then have a process divided as follows : 1. Concentration of poor ore . 2. Roasting of concentrated and rich ore . 3. Fusion of roasted ore with lead . 4. Roasting of matte . 5 ...
... cupellation , would complete the process . We should then have a process divided as follows : 1. Concentration of poor ore . 2. Roasting of concentrated and rich ore . 3. Fusion of roasted ore with lead . 4. Roasting of matte . 5 ...
الصفحة 419
... cupellation , we have in addition : Cupellation : 0.24 day's labor , at $ 3 . 0.37 bushels coal , at 25 cents . 0.69 cord wood , at $ 8 . 9 pounds lead , say at 5 cents . $ 0.75 09 5 52 45 6 81 Total for mining , roasting , smelting ...
... cupellation , we have in addition : Cupellation : 0.24 day's labor , at $ 3 . 0.37 bushels coal , at 25 cents . 0.69 cord wood , at $ 8 . 9 pounds lead , say at 5 cents . $ 0.75 09 5 52 45 6 81 Total for mining , roasting , smelting ...
الصفحة 420
... cupellation , the copper matte being sold . Accepting the Burroughs milling ore as an average of the second- class ore , we have for this , one ounce gold , worth $ 20.67 , and 4.5 ounces silver , worth $ 5.81 ; total , $ 25.48 . The ...
... cupellation , the copper matte being sold . Accepting the Burroughs milling ore as an average of the second- class ore , we have for this , one ounce gold , worth $ 20.67 , and 4.5 ounces silver , worth $ 5.81 ; total , $ 25.48 . The ...
الصفحة 481
... cupellation , properties and ores of silver , American and European amalgamation , amalgamating - pans , smelt- ing with lead , methods of extraction by wet way , properties and ores of gold , washing , amalgamation , smelting with lead ...
... cupellation , properties and ores of silver , American and European amalgamation , amalgamating - pans , smelt- ing with lead , methods of extraction by wet way , properties and ores of gold , washing , amalgamation , smelting with lead ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
50 feet amalgam amount antimony arrastra assay average Bannack base bullion bed-rock bullion Calaveras County California Cañon carbonate cent chemical claim coal commenced company's contains copper cost County course Creek Cupellation December deposits depth developed district ditch drift drill east El Dorado County engine erected Eureka expense extracted feet deep feet in length feet long feet wide furnace galena gangue gold Gold Hill gravel ground Gulch Hill hundred hydraulic inches incline iron labor lead ledge limestone located lode metallurgy metals miles mill miners Mining Company months nearly Nevada opened operations ounces owners placer mines pounds present Professor prospecting quantity quartz quartzite rich River rock San Francisco silver slag slate smelting smelting-works stamps stopes sulphurets sunk supply surface Table Mountain tailings thick tion tons Total tunnel Tuolumne County tuyeres Valley vein width yield