INDEX. By reference to the same matter, arranged under the head of the De- MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT. Message at the commencement of the session Report of the Engineers on the Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Respecting lead mines in Illinois and Missouri Additional papers relating to the negotiations about the Co- Respecting the making a road from Little Rock to Canton- As to the nature of the stipulations entered into between the Survey of sites for dry docks Proposition of New York to sell fortifications on Staten Respecting the impressment of American seamen - Convention with Great Britain for payment of property car- Relating to appointments and compensations of Chargés des In relation to an attempt by the State of Georgia to survey Report of the Secretary of War in relation to patent rifles, Treaties with the Chippewa, Pattawatamie, and Miami In- dians, (not printed) Report of the Director of the Mint Respecting the Military School of Practice at Fortress - 5 73 5 76 - 5 113 6 124 REPORTS FROM THE SECRETARY OF STATE. List of Patents issued in 1826 As to the state of the business of the Patent Office Statement registered seamen of the United States Vol. No. · 2 27 REPORTS FROM SECRETARY OF THE TREASURY. Annual report on the state of the finances 2 11 skin 2 19 Relating to suits pending on titles to land between Roberts' 5 75 5 100 Respecting surveys of land in Louisiana and Mississippi Relating to certain accounts of the Marshal of East Ten- Estimates of appropriations for 1827 Monthly statements of the Bank of the United States Quantity of woollen goods imported since 1820, and to false Amount received and expended for the relief of sick and Statement of revenue collected on British goods on inland Amount of tonnage of the United States various offices under the War Department, of expendi Testimony, &c. in the cases of Moses Shephard, Daniel - - - Value of trade between the United States and the West Receipts and expenditures of the United States for 1825 Statement of commerce and navigation of the United States 5 101 7 144 5 118 ❤ 5 111 5 119 6 120 Do Do Reports from the Comptroller of the Treasury. List of balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor do Second Auditor In relation to an extension of the Cumberland road to In relation to the Florida Indians Relative to a survey of a canal route between James and 2 16 2 17 In relation to a call for an additional report upon the subject In relation to a canal route between Lake Pontchartrain and 2 14 7 133 In relation to the survey of a road between Washington and 2 In relation to a survey of Roanoke Inlet System of cavalry and artillery tactics for the militia In relation to the National road constructing from Wheel- In relation to fortifications at Charleston Relating to a survey of the piers at Chester, in Delaware river Relating to a survey of the bay and harbor of Oswego 2 28 Respecting the disposition of Indians to remove Westward dians Of the condition of the Quapaw Indians Of the expenditure of the contingent fund of the army Respecting charges preferred by G. W. Perpall against Of the surveys at Grand river. Conneaut creek, Sandusky Of the survey of Kennebec river Of the survey of La Plaisance bay harbor Of the various appropriations for the military service for On the petition of Uria Brown, (not printed) Surveys of the harbor of Edgartown, Merrimack river, and Inability of the Engineers to form an estimate of a canal Vol. No. 6 130 5 79 - 5 86 7 140 5 97 5 99 5 106 REPORTS FROM THE SECRETARY OF THE NAVY. Names of the crew of Ketch employed in the destruction of the Philadelphia frigate Result of the survey of the harbor of Baltimore List of contracts made in 1826 List of Clerks employed in 1826 Report of the Commmisioners of the Navy Pension Fund Strength, distribution, and increase, of the Marine Corps Various appropriations for the naval service in 1826, with On the accounts of Robert M. Desha, Paymaster Marine 5 90 REPORTS FROM THE POSTMASTER GENERAL. List of Clerks in 1826 Statement of postage collected at each post office in 1826 Report of survey of a post road between Baltimore and List of contracts made in 1826 In relation to contracts held by a printer in the District of 6 123 |