INDEX TO THE REPORTS AND COMMUNICATIONS MADE BY The Executive Departments of the Government, TO THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, DURING THE SECOND SESSION OF THE 19TH CONGRESS. First. By reference to the Report, according to the subject. Second. By reference to the same matter, arranged under the head of the Department whence it came. A. Vol. No. Accounts, see Balances. mate of Appropriations for the service of the year 1827, general esti Appropriation for the Capitol, for 1827 Appropriations made by Congress during the 2d Session, Army, see documents accompanying President's message at Army, pay and emoluments allowed brevetted officers since Army, expenditure of the contingent fund of the Army, expenses of Artillery School of Practice of the Armories, expenditures on, and arms made at, during the year 1826 Balances on the books of the Fourth Auditor, list of Vol. No. Balances due by collectors of the customs and others, and re- Do - - on account of old internal revenue and direct tax of Do on the books of the Third Auditor Bank of the United States, monthly statements of, for 1826 Barracks, storehouses, hospitals, &c. 7 138 7.159 10 141 2 13 5 77 3 52 5 118 Bounty Land Office, see documents accompanying President's Boston, inhabitants of, against increase of duty on woollen British American Colonics, amount of trade with, from 1815 Breakwater in Delaware Bay, Chamber of Commerce of 5 2 26 & Brevet rank, payments to oflicers since 1821 in consequence Capitol, appropriations for the, for 1827 - Canal Chesapeake and Ohio, report of Board of Engineers Canal, Mississippi to Lake Pontchartrain Canal, Barnstable to Buzzard's Bay, expenses of Canals, &c. surveys of, (see internal improvements) Canals, surveys of, and relative importance of Cavalry Tactics, system of, for the militia, (sce Militia) the Hon. Mr. Little) Charleston, S. C. memorial City Council of, (Marine Hos- pital) Chesapeake and Ohio Canal Company, amendatory act of Clerks in the Navy Department, names and salaries of 5 78 Contingent fund, House of Representatives, expenditures of Vol. No. 7 144 Colonial trade, (see Great Britain) Colonial trade, (British) statement showing amount and de- Congress of Panama. (see Panama) Columbia, District. Council of Georgetown, concerning free Commerce and navigation of the United States, statement Compensation of surveys of public lands, for 1824, '25, and $26 Contracts made by the Navy Commissioners during the Colonizing free people of color, memorial of the American 4 71 4 64 · 6 120 3 55 2 33 do 6 121 Do Do Do Do made by the Post Office Department relative to oil, light-houses, beacons, &c. Customs. annual receipts of, from 1815 to 1826 Customs, emoluments and expenditnres of officers of the, in Cumberland Road, (see Roads) D. Davis, G. surveyor of Mississippi, on surveying lands Dry Docks, surveys of the harbor of Portsmouth, N. H. Duties, discriminating, correspondence with the Govern- 4 58 Duties, inland frontier, collected on British manufactures, Duties on woollen goods, existing and those proposed by Edgartown, survey of the harbor of Estimates of appropriation for the service of the year 1827 F. Finance, annual report of the Treasury on the state of the Fortification at Charleston, S. C. respecting the com- mencement of the Fortification at Pensacola, plans and estimates for Do Do do report of Engineers on the on Staten Island, proposition of New York to G. Do Georgia, resolutions, Legislature of (Militia Claims) Do Great Britain, trade between the United States and the co- 4 71 Hospitals, Navy, statement of the condition of the funds of Barracks, &c. (see barracks) Do Marine, amount received and expended from 1819 to 1826 Hyannis, survey of the harbor of I. Indian Affairs, (see documents accompanying President's . Do do do (additional) Illinois, General Assembly of, for a grant of land in aid of Internal improvement, surveys and examination of roads and canals, for the purpose of Inland frontier, (see Duties) 5 93 concerning purchasers of 5 117 Indiana, General Assembly of, lands for use of schools |