صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Indians, proposed donations of land to United States' Com-

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Indians, Quapaw, present condition of

Indians, friendly Creek, report Secretary of War on the suf-
fering condition of

Indians, licensées granted to trade with the (1826)

Indians, Choctaw, encroachment of white men on lands of
Indians, Creek, conflicting claims to lands between Georgia
and the

Indians, Creek, survey of the lands in Georgia, belonging

to the

Indians, their disposition to remove Westward
Indians, disbursements of money and effects to

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Kennebeck river, survey of


- 5 103

Land Office, (see documents accompanying President's
message at commencement of session-part 4)

Lands in Mississippi and Louisiana South of 31st degree of
latitude, causes which prevented the survey of
Lands, donations proposed by Indians to United States'

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La Plaisance Bay, report of the survey of the harbor of
Lead mines belonging to the United States in Illinois and

Missouri, in relation to

Licenses granted to trade with Indians

Live oak timber, preservation of, (see Navy)


Mail, transportation of, between city of Washington and
Vincennes (Duff Green, contractor)


Marine Hospital, City Council of Charleston, on the sub-
ject of

Marine Hospitals, amount received and expended, from 1819

to 1826

Massachusetts, Legislature of (Woollen Manufactures)
Massachusetts, inhabitants of Boston, against duty on wool-
len goods
Massachusetts, inhabitants of, against the reduction of duty
on salt

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Massachusetts, inhabitants of New Bedford, Dartmouth,
&c. against the reduction of duty on salt
Massachusetts, inhabitants of Provincetown, ditto
Massachusetts, inhabitants of Chatham, ditto

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Military Establishment, contingent expenses of the (1826)
Military Establishment, appropriations for the service of

Militia, see documents accompanying President's message,
at commencement of session, (part 3)
Militia, tactics for cavalry of the -

Militia claims of Georgia

Militia of the United States, abstract of the general an-

nual return of

Mint, report of the director of

Mint, report of the Secretary of the Treasury, of the ope-
rations of the

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Ministers and Secretary to Panama, when appointed
Missouri, General Assembly, in behalf of New Madrid suf-
ferers by earthquakes

5 7S

4 67

Miscellaneous claims, not otherwise provided for, dis-
charged at the Treasury

5 101


Navy Department, see documents accompanying Presi-
dent's message at commencement of session, (part 4.)

Navy, contingent expenses of the (1826) -

Navy contracts made during the year 1826
Navy hospitals, statement of the funds of the
Navy pension fund, annual report in relation to
Naval appropriations for 1826, expenditures of
Navy, preservation of live oak timber for the
Navy, dry docks for the

Navy yard, Baltimore, survey for

Navigation of United States, (see commerce and naviga-


Netherlands, discriminating duties

New Madrid, sufferers by earthquakes

New York, merchants and traders of-(Spoliations)

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New York, propose to sell to United States fortification on
Staten Island

3 49

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Paintings, application to Congress to purchase West's
Panama. proceeding of the Congress of

Panama, ministers to, when appointed

Passengers arriving in the United States during the year
ending 30th September, 1826

Patents granted for new inventions for the year 1826

Patent Office, state of the business of the, and additional
clerks for the

Pensacola, plans and estimates for fortification at


Pension Office, see documents accompanying President's
message at commencement of session (part S.)
Pension fund, annual report of the Navy
Penitentiaries, Bulfinch's report on

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7 143

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2 27

3 47

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Philadelphia frigate, names of persons employed in the de-

struction of

Philadelphia. merchants and traders, (Spoliations.)
Post Office Department, see documents accompanying Pre-
sident's message at commencement of session, (part 4)
Post office in each State and Territory, account of postage
received at each

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Post Office Department, contracts made by the (1826)
Post routes, list of unproductive (1826)

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Post road between Baltimore and Philadelphia, survey of -
Portsmouth, N. H. inhabitants of (Dry dock.)
President of the United States, his message commencement
of ed session, 19th Congress

Public Buildings, annual report of the Commissioner of the


Receipts and Expenditures of United States for 1825
Reports to be made by Executive Departments, list of
Rhode Island, merchants of (Spoliations)

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Representation under fifth census, ratio of (statement sub-
mitted by the Hon. Mr. Little)

Road, Washington City to Buffalo

Road, Cumberland, to the District of Columbia

Road through Ohio, Indiana, and Illinois, Engineer's re-

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Roads, canals, &c. surveys of (see Internal Improvement)
Roads and canals, surveys of, and relative importance of
Roanoke inlet, survey of



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Salt, inhabitants of New Bedford, &c. against the reduc-

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Vol. No.

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5 110

5 101


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Saugatuck, harbor and river, survey of

Seamen, expenditures on account of sich and disabled, (1825)
Seamen, relative to the impressment of American

Seamen in the several districts United States, abstract of
American, (1825)

School of Artillery Practice, (see army)

Sinking Fund, annual report of the

Slaves and other property carried off, (see Great Britain)
Slave Trade, prohibition of the

Spoilations, merchants of Philadelphia

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Spoliations on the commerce of the United States, general
statement of, (Secretary of State)

Statutes of Great Britain, Colonial trade)
Store houses, &c. (see Barracks, &c.)

Surveys of Roads, Canals, &c. for Internal Improvements
Survey of Roads and Canals, and their relative importance
Survey of lands in Mississippi and Louisiana, South of 31st
degree of latitude, causes that prevented

Survey, Roanoke inlet

Do. harbor of Baltimore

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Do. harbor of Edgartown, Merrimack river, and

Do. La Plaisance Bay harbor


Surveyor General, compensation, &c. for 1824-5-6


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5 103

5 110

7 140

7 142

3 55

Tactics for the militia, see militia


5 100

Tonnage of United States, annual statement of the district
Treasurer's accounts from 1st April, 1825, to 1st April, 1826, 7 145


Virginia, inhabitants Ohio county, (Cumberland road and

domestic manufactures)

5 108

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2 19


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4 66

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5 115


War Department, (see documents accompanying President's
message, commencement of session,) (part 2)

War Department, contracts made by the (1826)
West's paintings, application to Congress to purchase
West India, (see Colonial trade.)

Wool on the skin, relating to the importation of

Woollen manufactures imported between Sept. 1820 and
Sept. 1826

Woollen goods, duties existing, and those proposed by new

Tariff, on

Woollen manufactures, Legislature of Massachusetts, on
the subject of

Wool, foreign, quantity imported during the last two years
Woollen goods, inhabitants of Boston, against increase of

duty on

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