Each Post Office, in each State and Territory, For One Year, ending 31st March, 1826. JANUARY 3, 1827. Read, and laid upon the table. WASHINGTON: PRINTED BY GALES & SEATON, POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT, January 2d, 1827. SIR: In obedience to a resolution of the House of Representatives, passed March 1st, 1825, I have the honor to transmit you, herewith, a statement of the Nett Amount of Postage accruing at each Post Office, in each State and Territory of the United States, for one year, ending March 31st, 1826, and shewing the Nett Amount Accruing in each State and Territory. With great respect, I have the honor to be, your obedient humble servant, The Hon. JOHN W. TAYLOR, Speaker of the Ho. of Reps. JOHN MCLEAN. |