SCHEDULE (C.) A SCHEDULE of Duties payable on articles imported into his Majes ty's Possessions in America and the West Indies, from other places in America and the West Indies, the duties following, (that is to say:) Barrel of wheat flour, not weighing more than 196 lbs. net weight For every 100 lbs of bread, made from wheat or other grain, imported For every barrel of flour, not weighing more than 196 lbs. made from rye, pease, or beans For every bushel of pease, beans, rye, or calavances Rice, for every 100 lbs. net weight For every 1,000 shingles, called Boston chips, not more than 12 inches in length For every 1,000 shingles, being more than 12 inches in length For every 1,000 red oak staves For every 1,000 white oak staves or headings For every 1,000 feet of white or yellow pine lumber, of one inch thick For every 1,000 feet of pitch pine lumber Other kinds of wood and lumber, per 1,000 feet For every 1,000 wood hoops Horses, for every 100%. of the value thereof Neat cattle, for every 1007. of the value thereof £ s. d. Sterling. 0 5 0 026 0 1 6 026 2 6 007 026 070 0 14 0 1 1 0 0 15 0 1 1 0 1 1 0 180 All other live stock, for every 1007. of the value thereof 10 0 CHAP. LXXIII. AN ACT for further regulating the trade of his Majesty's possessions in America and the West Indies, and for the warehousing of goods therein. [27th June, 1825.] WHEREAS an act was passed in the third year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled "An act to regulate 3 G. 4. c. 44. the trade between his Majesty's possessions in America and Intercourse other places in America and the West Indies," whereby with America. it is enacted, that it shall be lawful to import into any of the ports in his Majesty's said possessions, enumerated in a schedule to the said act annexed, (marked A.) and therein denominated Free Ports," from any foreign country on the continent of North or South America, or from any foreign Island in the West Indies, the articles enumerated in another schedule to the said act annexed, (marked B.) subject, nevertheless, to the several duties of customs set forth in another schedule to the said act Intercourse with Europe. annexed, (marked C.) and that it shall be lawful so to import the same in certain foreign ships or vessels therein mentioned, as well as in British ships or vessels: and whereas, another act was passed in the said third year of the reign of his present Majesty, entitled "An act to S G. 4. c. 45. regulate the trade between his Majesty's possessions in America and the West Indies, and other parts of the world." whereby it is enacted that it shall be lawful to import in any British ship or vessel, owned and navigated according to law, from any port in Europe or Africa, or from Gibraltar, the Island of Malta, or the dependencies thereof, or the Islands of Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, or Sark, into any of his Majesty's colonies, plantations, or Islands in America or the West Indies, the articles enumerated or described in a schedule thereunto annexed, (marked A.) subject, nevertheless, on importation, to certain duties of customs set forth in another schedule thereunto annexed, (marked B.); and whereas it is expedient to permit all goods, (except as hereinafter excepted,) to be imported from any of the said places into any of the said free ports, and to charge the same with the like duties from whichever of the said places the same may be imported and, also, to permit any of such goods to be so imported in ships of the country of which the goods are the produce, as well as in British ships, but to confine all such importations to the said free ports: Be it therefore enacted, by the King's most excellent Majesty, by and with the advice of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, Certain sche- and Commons, in his present Parliament assembled, and dules of goods by the authority of the same, that the several schedules and of duties (marked B. and C. respectively,) to the first recited act imposed by recited acts, or annexed, and the several schedules (marked A. and B. by 4 G. 4. c. 2. respectively) to the second recited act annexed, and, also, repealed; that all duties imposed by either of the said acts, or by an act passed in the fourth year of his said Majesty's reign, entitled "An act to amend an act of the last session of Parliament. for regulating the trade between his Majesty's possessions in America and the West Indies, and other parts of the world," shall from and after the fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and twentysix, be repealed, and the same are hereby repealed accordexcept as to ingly, except so far as the same relate in any way to the Newfoundland. Island of Newfoundland. II. And be it further enacted, That from and after the All goods may fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and be imported twenty-six, it shall be lawful to import into any of the from America, said free ports, except in Newfoundland, any goods, (exAfrica, &c.; cept as hereinafter excepted,) from any foreign place in Europe, or America, or in Europe, or in Asia within the Mediterranean sea, and from any place in Africa, and from Gibraltar, and from the Islands of Malta. Guernsey, Jersey, Alderney, and Sark, provided such importations be made in British ships, or in ships of the country of which the goods are the produce; subject, nevertheless, to the powers subject to powgiven to his Majesty, by an act passed in the fourth year ers in acts 4 G. of his reign, entitled "An act to authorize his Majesty, 4. c. 50. under certain circumstances, to regulate the duties and drawbacks on goods imported or exported in foreign vessels, and to exempt certain foreign vessels from pilotage;" and by another act passed in the fifth year of his reign to amend the same: provided always, that nothing in this 4. c. 77.and 5 G. act contained, shall extend to permit the importation of Articles prohi gunpowder, arms, ammunition, or utensils of war, dried bited. or salted fish, salted beef, pork, or bacon, whale oil, blubber or fins, books which are prohibited to be imported into the United Kingdom, base or counterfeit coin, or any goods the produce or manufacture of any place within the limits of the East India Company's charter, into any of his Majesty's possessions in America or the West Indies, nor coffee, cocoa nuts, sugar, melasses, or rum of foreign production, into any of the said possessions in South America or the West Indies, or into Newfoundland. Foreign coffee, III. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful to import any coffee, cocoa nuts, sugar, melasses, and rum &c. may be imof foreign production into any of the British possessions ported into N. in North America, except Newfoundland, any thing in America. any act or acts to the contrary notwithstanding: Provided always, that all coffee, cocoa nuts, sugar, melasses, and rum, (although the same may be of the British plantations,) having been imported into any of the British possessions in North America, except Newfoundland, shall, upon subsequent importation from thence into any of the British possessions in South America or the West Indies, or into Newfoundland, or into the United Kingdom, be deemed to be of foreign production, and shall be liable on such importations, respectively, to the same duties or the same forfeitures as articles of the like description, being of foreign production, would be liable to, unless the same shall have been warehoused under the provisions of this act, and exported from the warehouse direct to such other British possession, or to Newfoundland, or to the United Kingdom, as the case may be. New duties ac IV. And be it further enacted, That, from and after the fifth day of January, one thousand eight hundred and cording to the twenty-six, in lieu of the duties hereby made to cease and schedule. determine, there shall be raised, levied, collected, and Abating the amount of any previous duties. Duties to be levied under powers of former acts. Exportation to ships of the nation. paid unto his Majesty, his heirs and successors, upon importation of the several articles enumerated or described in the schedule of duties to this act annexed, into any of the said possessions in America or the West Indies, except Newfoundland, from any foreign place in America, or from Europe, or from Asia, within the Mediterranean sea, or from any place in Africa, the several duties of customs as the same are respectively set forth in figures in the said schedule: Provided always, that no greater proportion of such duties shall be charged upon any article subject also to duty under any other act heretofore and still in force, or under any colonial law, than the amount, if any, by which the duty charged by this act shall exceed such other duty or duties. V. And be it further enacted, That the duties imposed by this act shall be levied, raised, applied, and abated under the same management, and in the same manner, and by the same powers and means, and under the like penalties and forfeitures, as the duties imposed by the two acts hereinbefore first mentioned would be levied, raised, applied, and abated under the provisions of those acts repectively, except so far as the same may be altered by this act. VI. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful Europe, &c. in to export from any of the said free ports, except in Newplace of desti- foundland, to any foreign country in Europe or Africa, or in Asia, within the Mediterranean Sea, in any ship belonging to such country, any goods, being of the growth, production, or manufacture of such possessions, and any goods which have been legally imported into the same. Power to pro- VII. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawhibit trade with ful for his Majesty, his heirs and successors, by orcountries not der in Council, from time to time, when and as often as granting simifar privileges. it shall be judged expedient, to prohibit the trade and intercourse authorized by this act with any country in Europe having possessions in America or the West Indies, if it shall appear that the privileges granted by this act to foreign ships or vessels are not allowed by such country to British ships or vessels in trade or intercourse with the possessions of such country in America or the West Indies. 4. G. 4. c. 24. as VIII. And be it further enacted. That so much of an relates to act passed in the fourth year of the reign of his present goods in schedule [B.] ware- Majesty, entitled "An act to make more effectual prohoused and ex- vision for permitting goods imported to be secured in ported to Bri- warehouses or other places, without payment of duty on tish possessions in America, re- the first entry thereof," as enacts that certain goods and pealed. merchandise, mentioned in a schedule, (marked B,) to that act annexed, warehoused under the provisions of that act, shall not be exported from the warehouse to any British colony, plantation, territory, or dominion in America or the West Indies, nor be imported into any such British colony or plantation, unless, and until all duties as well of customs as excise, payable in Great Britain or Ireland respectively, on such goods and merchandise, for home consumption, shall have been paid, shall be repealed, and the same is hereby repealed accordingly. ports as his Majesty shall ap IX. And whereas it is expedient to constitute and ap- Kingston, Halipoint some of the free ports in America and the West In- fax, and Quebec, &c. to be dies to be free warehousing ports for all goods which may free warehousbe legally imported into the said ports respectively; and ing ports; and it is also expedient to empower his Majesty to constitute such other and appoint. from time to time, any other ports in any of the said British possessions in America or the West In- point. dies. to be, in like manner, free warehousing ports for such goods as may be legally imported into such ports respectively; and it is therefore necessary to make regulations for the appointing of proper warehouses at such ports, and for the lodging and securing of goods therein : Be it therefore enacted. That the several ports hereinafter mentioned, (that is to say.) Kingston in the Island of Jamaica, Halifax, in Nova Scotia, Quebec, in Canada, Saint John's. in New Brunswick, and Bridge Town, in the Island of Barbadoes, shall be free warehousing ports for the purposes of this act; and that it shall be lawful for the several collectors and controllers of the said ports respectively, by notice in writing under their hands, to Collectors and appoint. from time to time, such warehouses at such ports respectively as shall be approved of by them, for the free houses. warehousing and securing of goods therein for the purposes of this act, and also in such notice to declare what sorts of goods may be so warehoused, and, also, by like notice, to revoke or alter any such appointment or declaration: Provided always, that every such notice shall be transmitted to the Governor of the place, and shall be published in such manner as he shall direct. Controllers to appoint ware X. And be it further enacted, That it shall be lawful Goods may be for the importer of any such goods into the said ports, to warehoused without paywarehouse the same in the warehouses so appointed, with ment of duty. out payment of any duty on the first entry thereof, subject, nevertheless, to the rules, regulations, restrictions, and conditions, hereinafter contained. XI. And be it further enacted, That all goods so ware- Stowage of housed, shall be stowed in such parts or divisions of the goods in warewarehouse, and in such manner, as the collector and controller shall direct; and that the warehouse shall be lock house. |