| Seymour Benjamin Chatman - 1978 - عدد الصفحات: 284
...self-conscious narration, which I cannot define better than does Robert Alter: A self-conscious novel is one that systematically flaunts its own condition of artifice...problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality. ... A fully selfconscious novel is one in which from beginning to end, through the style,... | |
| Seymour Benjamin Chatman - 1978 - عدد الصفحات: 284
...self-conscious narration, which I cannot define better than does Robert Alter: A self-conscious novel is one that systematically flaunts its own condition of artifice...the problematic relationship between real-seeming artífice and reality. ... A fully selfconscious novel is one in which from beginning to end, through... | |
| Marie Murphy - 1992 - عدد الصفحات: 140
...production literaria (Gaithersburg, MD: HispameYica, 1984), pp. 210-11. condition of artifice" and "by so doing probes into the problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality".13 The exploration of the perception and representation of reality foregrounds the fact that... | |
| María de los Angeles Rodríguez Fontela - 1996 - عدد الصفحات: 512
...asimismo Robert Alter, Partía] Magic: The Novel as a Self- Consdous Genre, Berkeley, 1975, pp. X y s. : "A self-conscious novel, briefly, is a novel that...problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality. I would lay equal stress on the ostentations nature of the artifice and on the systematic... | |
| Stephen Chubb - 1997 - عدد الصفحات: 174
...become a commonplace in literary criticism. Robert Alter defines it thus: 'A self-conscious novel [...] is a novel that systematically flaunts its own condition of artifice and that by doing so probes into the problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality'.i0i If... | |
| Philip R. Hardie - 2002 - عدد الصفحات: 424
...back towards the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century self-conscious novel, defined by Robert Alter as 'a novel that systematically flaunts its own condition...doing probes into the problematic relationship between 8 For an early exercise in widening the scope of metamorphosis from subject matter to a 'functional... | |
| Santiago Juan Navarro - 2002 - عدد الصفحات: 258
...narrativo tiene su origen en el ensayo sobre la novela autoconsciente de Robert Alter Partía! Magic: "A self-conscious novel, briefly, is a novel that systematically flaunts its own condition of artífice and that by so doing probes into the problematic relationship between real-seeming artífice... | |
| Antonio Sobejano-Morán - 2003 - عدد الصفحات: 302
...Magic: The Novel as a Self-Conscious Genre, Alter habla de la novela como un género autoconsciente que "systematically flaunts its own condition of artifice...problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality" (X). Por las mismas fechas que Alter, Raymond Federman publica un trabajo sobre la metaficción... | |
| Frederick Alfred De Armas - 2005 - عدد الصفحات: 260
...social realism," Robert Alter has argued that there is also a tradition of the selfconscious novel, that is, "a novel that systematically flaunts its own condition...problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality" (x). 5. Both Robert Weimann and Kevin Dunn have studied the change in authorizing systems... | |
| Bruce F. Kawin - 2006 - عدد الصفحات: 398
...this core list to include A Tale of a Tub and Clarissa.) He defines the self-conscious novel as one "that systematically flaunts its own condition of...problematic relationship between real-seeming artifice and reality. . . . From beginning to end, through the style, the handling of narrative viewpoint, the names... | |
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