صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

Situation politica en España, La. Salvador Canals. Nuestro Tiempo, 37:192. Feb.

Spain. Una crisis parcial. Salvador Canals. Nuestro Tiempo, 38:84. April.

Spain. Una embajada interesante. El Marques de Alguebla. Nuestro Tiempo, 37:356, 38:59, 190.

Sugar Conventions. Régime des sucres (protocole) de Bruxelles du 17 mai 1912, Le. L. Couzinet. R. de science et de légis. financiéres, 10:242. April-June.


Story of the Brussels Sugar Convention, The. Nation (Lond.), 11:686.

Telegraph. Interets français et les relations télégraphiques internationales, Les. Léon Jacob. Q. dip., 34:156. Aug.

Treaties. Anglo-Russian trade treaty of 1734. Peter Struvé.


[ocr errors]

Russian R., 1:20.

Bruits de conférence européenne et d'alliance franco-anglaise, Les. Commandant de Thomasson. Q. dip., 33:641. June.

Lord Ashburton and the treaty of Washington. E. D. Adams. Am. hist. R., 17:764. July.

Triple Alliance. Alrededor de la Triplice. Mariano Marfil. Nuestro Tiempo, 38:83. April.

Tsar and Kaiser in the limelight. E. J. Dillon. Tripoli. Guerra Turco-Italiano, La. Mariano Marfil. May.

Contemp., 102: 261. Aug.
Nuestro Tiempo. 38:188.

Guerre italo-turque et la situation en Orient, La. Raymond Recouly. R. pol. et parl., 73:127. July.

Lösung des italienisch-turkischen Konflikts, Die. Von einem Ausländischen Politiker. Deutsche R., 37:181. Aug.

Nostra guerra con la Turchia, La. *** Rivista di dir. int., serie II, vol., 1:224.

Tripolis und kein Ende. Völker-Friede, 6:49. June.

Tripolitan war. G. T. Abbott. Quart. R., 217:249. July.

Zum italienisch-Türkischen Streit wegen Tripolis. Von einem österreischen Staatsmann. A. D. Deutsche R., 37:143. Aug.

Turkey. Perils of Turkey, The. Nation (Lond.), 11:685. Aug.

Turkey in war time. Francis E. Clark. Ind., 73:487. Aug.

Venezuela. British mercenaries in Venezuela. Blackw., 191:848. June.

War. Guerre, qui fuse-La guerre qui s'use, La. Léon Bollack. Mouvement pacifiste, 1:211. June.

Slow decay of war, The. Léon Bollack. Peace Movement, 1:212. June. Modern wars and war taxes. W. R. Lawson. Nation, 95:60. July. War not inevitable: All international disputes arbitrable. Jackson H. Ralston. Ad. of Peace, 74:148. June.

War is coming to an end: for want of money, The. E. J. Dillon. Contemp., 102:109. July.




[Abbreviations: BR., book review or book note; Ed., editorial comment; JD., judicial
decision; LA., leading article; rev., reviewer.]

"Abkommen betreffend die friedliche erledigung internationaler streitigkeiten"
vom 18. Oktober, 1907, Kommentar zu dem. Hans Wehberg. BR. J. B.
Scott, rev..

Abkommen, Die, der Haager freidenskonferenzen, der Londoner seekriegskon-
ferenz nebst Genfer konvention. Hans Wehberg. BR. J. B. Scott, rev...
Additional protocol to the international prize court convention, The. George
C. Butte. LA.......

Aerial space, The international law of. A. S. Hershey. LA..
Air, The law of the. H. D. Hazeltine. BR. A. K. Kuhn, rev..

Airs, La réglementation de la guerre des. L. de Stael-Holstein. BR. D. P.
Myers, rev.....

Alabama claims, The. See Reminiscences of the Geneva tribunal of arbitration
Alien problem and its remedy, The. M. J. Landa. BR. Chas. Earl, rev. . . . . .
Aliens in the United States, Exclusion and Expulsion of. C. L. Bouvé. BR.
Chas. Earl, rev.









Altman v. United States, Applicability of, to special agreements concluded un-
der a general treaty of arbitration. Ed.....


Alvarez, A., rev. Boundaries. H. D. Barbagelata. BR..


American foreign missionaries, The Government of the United States and. J.B.
Scott. LA.. .. .


American Institute of International Law. Ed..


American international law, A contribution to the study of. See Boundaries.
American Journal of International Law, Spanish edition of. Ed. .


American Revolution, The Dutch Republic and the. F. Edler. BR. W. T.
Root, rev.


American Society of International Law, Sixth annual meeting of. Ed..
Ancient Greece and Rome, International law and custom of. C. Phillipson.
BR. A. S. Hershey, rev.....

197, 729


Anglo-German tension and a solution. F. E. Chadwick. LA..
Annual meeting of the American Society of International Law. Ed..
Antwerp, international status of. See "Anvers, Port de Commerce."

E. Nys. BR. A. van H. Engert, rev..

"Anvers, Port de Commerce," Une clause des traités de 1814 et de 1839.

Arbitration, International courts of. Thomas Balch. BR. J. B. Scott, rev....
Arbitration and procedure, International. R. C. Morris. BR. W. C. C., rev...


197, 729



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