Statement showing the expenses of assessing the internal revenue taxes in the several collection districts, &c.--Continued. Total. Including items belonging to previous fiscal years not before adjusted. 4,059, 372 83 NOTE. The districts marked "old" and "new" are those that have been consolidated, and show the amount of expenses previous and subsequent to consolidation. NOTE.-There was refunded by distillers during the fiscal year, as pay of store-keepers, the sum of $557,235 41, which was covered into the Treasury as miscellaneous receipts. This, if not accounted for as receipts, could be deducted from the expenses, it being by law a reimbursement in form of the pay of store-keepers. Statement showing the expenses of collecting the internal revenue taxes in the several collection districts, including the commissions, salaries, and extra allowances of the collectors; the office expenses which are paid out of the commissions and extra allowances; and the assessments and collections from July 1, 1870, to June 30, 1871. • Including items which belonged to previous fiscal years not before adjusted. 18 07 7,69% 03 84.24 94.74 33 20 12.70 16 10,993-95 10 53 252 10 51.85 7,944 98 11, 423 31 32 8 12, 175 59 144 46 260 00 12, 613-33 13 47 4, 2-0 62 17 26 162 96 37 55 1,555 08 1,497 9 4,914 38 49, 533 55 5,530 9 3,992 55 748,356 19 98,877 44 66, 703 62 136, CM 70 53,960 43 17,361,070 87 15,333, 256 97 Complete returns not received from collector. |