Territorial, embracing accounts for the legislative expenses of the several Ter- 354 110 Collectors of internal revenue, embracing their accounts of the revenue collected, 3,952 Miscellaneous, internal revenue, embracing accounts for salaries and expenses of supervisors, drawbacks, informers, &c... 1,212 2,081 Stamp agents, embracing accounts for the sale of internal revenue stamps. Miscellaneous, embracing accounts for the contingent expenses of the executive departments at Washington, salaries of judges, marshals, district attorneys, &c.. Number of letters written on official business. Number of receipts of collectors of internal revenue for tax-lists examined, registered, and filed. Number of official bonds examined, registered, and filed.. Diplomatic and consular.. 1,646 1,834 9, 385 2,863 1, 169 776 210 2,897 United States marshals... The Comptroller deems it unnecessary to give in this report a statement of the revenues received and the disbursements made, inasmuch as the records of the Secretary's office correspond with those of the Comptroller's, and the financial report will present the same figures and results as would be presented by this office. The foregoing statement of the labor performed in the office shows that there has not been any reduction in its amount, and that it remains as large as in former years, and requires that the force should be continued. I am, sir, very respectfully, your obedient servant, Hon. GEORGE S. BOUTWELL, Comptroller. Secretary of the Treasury. REPORT OF SECOND COMPTROLLER OF THE TREASURY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Second Comptroller's Office, September 30, 1871. SIR: I have the honor to submit the following detailed statement of the business operations of this office for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871: The aggregate number of accounts of disbursing officers and agents which have been received, as well as those which have been finally adjusted, is as follows: The above accounts have been duly entered, revised, and the balance und thereon certified to the Secretary of the Department in which the expenditure has been incurred, viz: those from the Second and Third Auditors to the Secretary of War, (excepting the accounts of Indian agents, which are certified to the Secretary of the Interior,) and those from the Fourth Auditor to the Secretary of the Navy. Character of accounts. FROM THE SECOND AUDITOR. Embracing accounts of disbursing officers of the War Departseat fredicting organizing, and drilling volunteers. Paytasters accounts, for the pay and rations, &c., of officers and sellers of the Army. Span Tylered accounts, including National Asylum and Aerts of Army recruiting officers, for clothing, equipments, embracing the accounts of disbursing officers of the se i partment for arsenals, armories, armaments for fmaritars ornang militia, &e. Ind an Ivertirent-Accounts of Indian agents, including the of In an annuities, presents to Indians, expenses of treaties, pay of interpreters, pay of Indian agents, and the settlement of personal claims for miscellaneous kerti asel agents and others in connection with Indian affairs. Mdeal.ro hospital accounts, including the purchase of mediCres émiga surgical instruments, hospital stores, the claims et pris.te physicians for services, and surgeons employed Quartermasters' accounts, for transportation of the Army, and Acorrt, ci pension agents, for the payment of military pen- Quartermasters of the Marine Corps: Embracing accounts for De exerms of officers' quarters, fuel, forage for horses, ■***.. 31 CE OZ, Courts martial and courts of inquiry, transportoto me fehlers and marines, supplies of provisions, clothing, Ingel stores, and military stores for batracks, and all rtad supplies for marines on shore. A x 20's of paymasters of the Marine Corps, for pay and Na 35.800 82its' accounts for the payment of pensions of Ours and seamen, &c., of the Navy, and officers and pvales of the Marine Corps. Total... Number of settlements for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871.. 23, 171 23, 476 6,075, 076 1, 794 1,794 6, 564 1, 202 742 1,114 TREASURY DEPARTMENT, Office of Commissioner of Customs, September 2, 1871. SIR: I submit herewith, for your information, a statement of the ork performed in this office during the fiscal year ending June 30, 1871. The number of accounts on hand July 1, 1870, was. The number of accounts received from First Auditor during year.... 135 6,013 6, 148 5,905 44 5,949 199 There was paid into the Treasury of the United States, from sources the accounts of which are settled in this office: On account of customs On account of fines, penalties, and forfeitures.. On account of steamboat inspections On account of drayage, storage, &c On account of marine hospital money, (from January 1, 1871).. $206, 270, 408 05 952,579 86 223,823 70 414, 310 61 161,711 46 585,887 69 208, 608, 721 37 And there was paid out of the Treasury: On account of expenses of collecting the revenue from customs On account of revenue-cutters, construction and maintenance On account of light-houses, construction and maintenance On account of distributive shares of fines... On account of life-saving stations, Long Island and New Jersey $6,560, 672 61 2,276, 169 16 945, 441 52 1,252,000 31 1,350, 133 87 2,674, 928 08 437,493 86 488, 135 55 37,740 17 73, 128 00 16,095, 843 13 During the past year the business in this division has been very small, having been confined principally to the settlement of accounts for legal services, under act of April 20, 1870, and to the review of work already done, the latter necessitated by the adverse claims of cotton agents in settling their accounts. I append tabular statement of the expenditures out of appropriations, the accounts of which are settled in this office, marked A. Statement of receipts from fines, penalties, and forfeitures, by districts, as shown by the accounts, so far as they have been received at this office, marked B. Statement showing the transactions in bonded merchandise, marked C. Very respectfully, your obedient servant, Hon. GEORGE S. BOUTWELL, W. T. HAINES, Commissioner of Customs. Secretary of the Treasury. REPORT OF THE FIRST AUDITOR OF THE TREASURY. TREASURY DEPARTMENT, First Auditor's Office, September 18, 1871. SIR: I have the honor to submit the following statement of the business transactions of this office for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1871: Agents of marine hospitals 507 366, 373 01 Accounts for duties illegally exacted, fines remitted, judgments satis fied, and net proceeds of unclaimed merchandise paid. Judiciary accounts.. 1,895 Disbursements for revenue-cutters. 421 Redemption of the public debt and the payment of interest thereon.. 643 3 2,624, 379 11 1,058, 177 64 602, 129, 163 51 524 75 31,307 21 1,112, 207 67 59, 350 34 12,000 00 Construction and repair of public buildings. 800 1,581, 182 07 Life-saving stations.. Compensation and mileage of the members of the Senate and House of Contingent expenses of the Senate and House of Representatives and Treasurer of the United States for general receipts and expenditures. 6 Distribution of fines, penalties, and forfeitures. 154 Commissioner of Public Buildings 118 478 49 1,080, 837, 381 25 195, 143 82 296, 409 83 Commissioner of Agriculture. 30 145, 221 05 As the character of the business of this office has undergone no essential change since my last annual report, I am induced to adopt, in part, the language and form of that report, as applicable to this. |