The Abridgment ... Containing the Annual Message of the President of the United States to the Two Houses of Congress ... with Reports of Departments and Selections from Accompanying Papers |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 72
الصفحة 234
... mile Tree . 204. Cow Island . 205. Parada Hook . 206. Van Weiss Point . 207. Cuyler's Dyke . These ten beacon - lights in the Hudson River , which were destroyed by ice and freshets , will be restored during this 234 PAPERS ACCOMPANYING ...
... mile Tree . 204. Cow Island . 205. Parada Hook . 206. Van Weiss Point . 207. Cuyler's Dyke . These ten beacon - lights in the Hudson River , which were destroyed by ice and freshets , will be restored during this 234 PAPERS ACCOMPANYING ...
الصفحة 237
... mile Point , Hudson River . 196. Corsackie , Hudson River . UNLIGHTED BEACONS , INCLUDING SPINDLES . All the beacons ... miles east of east point of Fisher's Island . - An iron - pile beacon , with square cage - work . 16. West or ...
... mile Point , Hudson River . 196. Corsackie , Hudson River . UNLIGHTED BEACONS , INCLUDING SPINDLES . All the beacons ... miles east of east point of Fisher's Island . - An iron - pile beacon , with square cage - work . 16. West or ...
الصفحة 238
... mile . - Remains as reported last year . It is a very important mark in Fisher's Island Sound , and recommended for immediate reconstruction . It is proposed to build a granite struc- ture for the purpose of upholding the spindle and ...
... mile . - Remains as reported last year . It is a very important mark in Fisher's Island Sound , and recommended for immediate reconstruction . It is proposed to build a granite struc- ture for the purpose of upholding the spindle and ...
الصفحة 241
... miles north of Cape May Light - house . - A small light , say a fourth order , is respectfully recommended for this ... mile north of the present site , which will serve equally well the pur- poses of navigation . The estimate for ...
... miles north of Cape May Light - house . - A small light , say a fourth order , is respectfully recommended for this ... mile north of the present site , which will serve equally well the pur- poses of navigation . The estimate for ...
الصفحة 243
... miles east of the main - land . South of Horseshoe Bar , d only a little more than half a mile from it , is another long bar , run- g in a direction almost parallel to it , called Willoughby's Spit . Be- reen these two bars there is ...
... miles east of the main - land . South of Horseshoe Bar , d only a little more than half a mile from it , is another long bar , run- g in a direction almost parallel to it , called Willoughby's Spit . Be- reen these two bars there is ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
accounts acres act of Congress act of July agency agents aggregate appropriation approved Army beacon building Bureau California Carolina cent Chesapeake Bay citizens claimants claims clerks coast Commissioner cost court December 31 Department disbursing division duty ending June 30 established estimate examination expenses feet filed fiscal year ending Government Harbor Idria increase Indian instruction Island issued July 15 July 26 keeper's dwelling labor Lake Land Office Light-house March March 31 ment Mexico miles military National Bank naval Navy navy-yard necessary North North Carolina Pacific patent payment pension persons Point postmasters present purchase purpose Quarter ending Railroad receipts received recommend repairs respectfully revenue River salary schools screw-pile Secretary Secretary of War September 30 settlement South statement station submitted survey surveyor Territory tion total number Treasury Union Pacific Railroad United vessels Villefranche Washington Washington Territory whole number York