Geo. 1. ftat. 2. C. 24. 2. C. 35. liament to be discharged therewith, or out of the fame, and to none other use, intent or purpose whatsoever; any thing in this act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. XXXV. And whereas by an act of parliament of the first year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, An act for appointing commiffioners to take, examine and state the debts due to the army, feveral perfons therein named, were conftituted commissioners for taking and flating the accounts, claims and demands therein mentioned, which act was to endure from the tenth day of September one thoufand Seven hundred and fifteen, to the tenth day of September one thousand feven hundred and fixteen; and by another act of the first Geo. 1. ftat. year of bis Majesty's reign, intituled, An act to appoint a commiffioner for taking, examining and stating the debts due to the army, in the room of Thomas Smith, esq; deceased; and for continuing the former act until the tenth day of March one thousand seven hundred and fixteen, several persons therein named, were constituted commissioners, with power to proceed in the examining and flating the accounts, and to do other things therein mentioned, from the ninth day of September one thousand seven hundred and fixteen, to the tenth day of March then next following: and by an alt of the third year of his Majesty's reign, intituled, An act to enable his Majesty to appoint commissioners to take, examine, 3 Geo. 1. c.17. state and determine the debts due to the army, it was enacted, That it should and might be lawful for bis Majesty to grant to any perfons (whom his Majesty should think fit, not exceeding the number of seven) bis commission under the great feal of Great Britain, with full power, at any time before the tenth day of March one thousand Seven hundred and seventeen, to take, examine and state the debts then remaining due to the army; and that it should and might be lawful to and for the commissioners so to be conftituted, or any four or more of them, to proceed to determine fuch accounts, claims and demands, as had been taken and flated by the commissioners appointed by the faid former acts, or any four or more of them, and also to take, state and determine fuch of the faid accounts, claims and demands, as were not Jo taken and stated, and after fuch determinations respectively, to certify the fame to the paymaster of his Majesty's forces for the time being, or to the then late paymaster or paymasters for fuch respective times as they were employed or concerned in the payment of her late Majesty's forces, and in which the said debts, claims or demands became due and were contracted, and what should remain due upon fuch respective accounts, claims or demands, and to whom the same was reSpectively due, in order to the faid paymasters making out debentures to the officers, engineers, gunners, and other perfons, to whom the monies So certified to be due should respectively belong, which faid debentures the faid paymaster or paymasters respectively, were thereby directed and required to make out accordingly: and that the commissioners of the treasury, or any three or more of them, or the high treasurer for the time being, should order and appoint fuch a form and method of making out the faid debentures, as might beft tend to prevent the counterfeiting of the fame: and whereas on the eighth day of February one thousand Seven hundred and Seventeen, James then lord viscount Stanhope, 6 Geo. 1. c.17. hope, (afterwards earl Stanhope,) Thomas lord Torrington, John Wallop, esquire, (now lord Limington) and George Baillie, esquire, then commissioners of bis Majesty's treasury, did by an inftrument in writing under their hands, pursuant to the power to them given by the faid act of the third year of his Majesty's reign, approve a form and method of making out debentures in the manner thereby defcribed, and did order and appoint the faid method and form accordingly: and whereas by several acts of parliament, made and passed 3 Geo.1.c. 17. fince the faid act of the third year of bis Majesty's reign, several per- 4 Geo. 1. c. 9. Jons therein respectively named have been conftituted commissioners to 5 Geo. 1.C. 14. examine, flate and determine the debts due to the army, who were by 7 Geo. 1. stat. the fame acts respectively impowered to act in performance of the trusts 1. c. 30. in them respectively reposed, without obtaining any new commission under the Jaid great feal in that behalf: and whereas by one of the faid subsequent acts which was made and paffed in the fifth year of 5 Geo. 1. c. 140, bis Majesty's reign, it was enacted, that all certificates made out by virtue of that act, should be directed to the right honourable (James earl of Carnarvon (now duke of Chandos) or his deputy, or fuch person or persons as the commissioners of the treasury, or any three or more of them, or the lord high treasurer for the time being, should think fit to nominate and appoint; and the faid earl of Carnarvon, or his deputy, or the faid person or persons so to be nominated, were thereby directed and authorized to issue the debentures accordingly, as well for fuch fum or fums of money, as should appear to have arifen or become due to the respective claimants for any time, during which be was paymafter, as for any time or times before or fince: and whereas by an instrument in writing, bearing date the fourth day of June one thousand feven hundred and nineteen, under the hands and feals of John Aislabie, esquire, John Wallop, esquire, (now lord Limington) George Baillie, esquire, and William Clayton, esquire, then commissioners of bis Majesty's treasury, Thomas More, esquire, (who had acted and then continued to act as deputy to the faid James duke of Chandos in all cases where debentures bad heretofore been, or were by the faid act of the fifth year of bis Majesty's reign, authorized to be made out by the faid duke, as late paymafter general of the army, or his deputy) was constituted and appointed to make out debentures on all and every the certificates whatsoever, that were, should or might be issued by the commissioners appointed as aforesaid, upon or by virtue of the said act of the fifth year of his Majesty's reign : and whereas by an act made and passed in the seventh year of 7 Gee. r. ftat. his Majesty's reign (being one of the acts for appointing commissioners C. 30. to examine, state and determine the debts due to the army) it was enafted, That all debentures made out, or to be made out by any paymafter or paymasters, or his or their deputy or deputies, in pursuance of any certificate authorized to be made out by the commissioners by virtue of that or any other act or acts of parliament, for stating and determining the debts due to the army, should carry an annuity after the rate of four pounds per centum per annum, to commence from the twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and feventeen, and that the fame annuities should be payable out of the monies arifing or to arise from the customs and other duties and payments, commonly call ed 3 Geo. 1. c. 7. ed the general fund, established by an act of parliament of the third year of his Majesty's reign, amounting to seven hundred twenty four thousand eight hundred forty nine pounds fix shillings and ten pence one fifth part of a penny per annum, and the commiffioners of his Majesty's treasury, or any three or more of them, and the high treafurer for the time being, are thereby authorized and impowered, upon producing any fuch debenture or debentures made forth or to be made forth upon any such certificate or certificates as aforesaid, to issue Standing orders for paying at the faid receipt of exchequer, the faid annuities for the principal fums contained in the faid debentures refpectively, to the persons named in fuch debentures, their executors, adminiftrators, fucceffors and affigns respectively, which annuities are nevertheless redeemable, according to a proviso in the faid act of the Seventh year of his Majesty's reign contained in that behalf, as by the Said feveral acts and instruments, relation being thereunto had, may 7 Geo. 1. ftat. more fully appear: and whereas the faid Thomas More hath made forth feveral debentures in the form prescribed by the faid commiffioners of the treasury, upon the faid commission under the great feal, which was founded upon the said act of the third year of his Majesty's reign, and some doubts have arisen or may arise, whether the certificates made forth by the feveral commissioners, for stating and determining the debts due to the army, pursuant to the laid other acts, or some of them, and which certificates have been delivered to the faid Thomas More, were delivered to a proper officer or person in order to have the debentures made forth thereupon; and whether the faid Thomas More, to whom fuch certificates were delivered, was strictly authorized in all cafes, to make forth the debentures upon all fuch certificates so delivered to him; and whether the standing orders for fuch annuities as aforesaid, payable at the exchequer, or some of them have been well grounded upon all the debentures signed by the faid Thomas More as aforesaid: now for the obviating all such doubts for the future, it is hereby declared and enacted, &c. 1. C. 30. 3 Geo. 1.c.17. Debentures, &c. already made forth, or to be made forth, &c. deemed good and valid. Altering or counterfeiting debentures, &c. Felony. ☐ EXP. XXXVII. And whereas fince the faid feast of Saint Michael the archangel in the year of our Lord one thousand seven bundred twenty and two, feveral fums of money have been called for to be issued for paying off and cancelling fuch of the exchequer-bills as then remained to be cancelled, pursuant to an act made and passed in that behalf in 8 Geo. 1. C. 20. the eighth year of his Majesty's reign, and feveral fums, amounting to twenty three thousand one hundred thirty eight pounds eleven shillings ten pence three farthings, part of the monies of the faid finking fund, which remained in the exchequer at the faid feast of Saint Michael the archangel one thousand Seven hundred twenty two, have fince been issued or directed to be issued pursuant to the act last mentioned, for or towards paying off and cancelling the faid exchequerbills, which then remained undischarged: now to the end the compleat redemption of the faid annuities, amounting to fixty thousand two hundred thirty nine pounds fix shillings and two pence per 7 nuities a per annum, may not be obstructed or delayed; it is hereby pro-Redemption CAP. VI. An act for reviving and adding two millions to the capital AY it MAY 1 1 Geo. 2. flat. 2. c 8. please your most excellent Majesty, whereas in an act of Farther proveparliament of the seventh year of your Majesty's reign, inti- fions relating to tuled, An act for making several provifions to restore the pub- the matters in lick credit, which suffers by the frauds and mismanagements of this att the late directors of the South-Sea company, and others, there is contained a clause or proviso in the words or to the effect following, 7 Geo. 1. stat. (that is to say) provided always nevertheless, and it is hereby enacted, 2. fect. a. That from and after the faid feast of the nativity of Saint John Baptist which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and twenty two, the full fum of two millions of pounds sterling, part of the capital stock, which shall then belong to the faid company, shall by force and virtue of this act, be and be deemed and adjudged to be reduced, funk and annihilated for ever; and that a proportional part of Repeal of a clause in the Act 7 Geo. 1. stat. 2. for of their annuities or yearly funds, payable at the exchequer in respe of two millions, shall by force and virtue of this act, from and after the faid feast of the nativity of Saint John Baptist which shall be in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and twenty two, be no longer payable, but fhall from thenceforth for ever cease and determine, for the benefit of the publick; any thing in the said recited acts, or either of them, or any other law ftatute or provision whatsoever to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding; as by the faid alt, amongst divers other things therein contained, relation being thereunto bad, may plainly appear: now we your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects, the commons of Great Britain in parliament assembled, being fully sensible of the immense loss and damage which the faid company, commonly called the South-Sea company, have sustained by the many frauds, abuses and breaches of truft making feve- which were committed by the late sub-governor, deputy-goverrat provifions, nor and directors of the fame company, and others in confederacy with them, or fome of them; and being minded to grant further relief to the unhappy fufferers, and to advance the publick credit (as well as the credit of the fame company) for the benefit of trade, and otherwise, do most humbly beseech your Majesty that it may be enacted; and be it enacted by the King's most excellent majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the lords spiritual and temporal and commons, in this present parliament assembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the said recited proviso and clause be repealed, and the fame are hereby declared and enacted to be null and void accordingly, and the faid fum of two millions, by force and virtue of this act, is and shall be revived and again added to the present calions revived, pital stock of the faid South-Sea company; and that the proporand added to tional part or parts of the annuities or yearly funds of the faid &c. The two mil the ftock of South-Sea company, payable at the exchequer in respect of the faid two company, &c. millions, together with all arrears thereof, incurred or grown due since the said feast of the nativity of Saint John Baptist one thousand seven hundred and twenty two, shall also be revived, and again become payable at the exchequer, as if no fuch proviso or clause had been enacted or contained in the said act of 7 Geo.1.ftat. 2. the feventh year of his Majesty's reign: any thing in that act contained to the contrary notwithstanding. Before 24 June II. And be it enacted by the authority aforesaid, That the 1723. to be divided a- faid fum of two millions, by this act revived and added to the mong the pro- capital stock of the South-Sea company as aforesaid, shall before prietors of the the twenty fourth day of June in the year of our Lord one capital stock. thousand feven hundred and twenty three, be divided as near as conveniently may be, to and amongst all the proprietors of the whole capital stock of the said company, in proportion to their several and respective interests therein; and that credit be given for the fame respectively in the books of the faid company. III. And whereas on the reviving and adding the faid fum of two millions as aforesaid, the whole capital stock of the fuid South-Sea company doth by computation amount to thirty three millions eight bundred and two thousand four hundred eighty thres pounds fourteen billings |