the fame duties, as the said commissioners of the treasury, or charges) to be any three or more of them, or the high treasurer for the time paid into the being, shall from time to time think reasonable to establish or exchequer. allow in that behalf; and that the respective commissioners for the said inland duties hereby imposed upon coffee, tea and chocolate, shall from time to time cause all the monies to arife by or for the fame duties (the necessary charges of raising, levying and accounting for the fame excepted) to be paid into the receipt of his Majesty's exchequer distinctly and apart from all other branches of the publick revenues, for the purposes in this act expressed, under the like penalties, forfeitures and disabilities, as are herein after inflicted for diverting or misapplying any money by this act appropriated. VIII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, The powers, That all and every the powers, authorities, directions, rules, &c. in the exmethods, penalties, forfeitures, clauses, matters and things, cise acts to be exercised, &c. which in and by an act made in the twelfth year of the reign for the execuof King Charles the Second, intituled, An alt for taking away tion of this act. the court of wards and liveries, and tenures in capite and by knightsService, and purveyance, and for fettling a revenue upon his Majesty in lieu thereof, or by any other law now in force relating to his Majesty's revenue of excise upon beer, ale or other liquors, are provided, settled or established for managing, raising, levying, collecting, mitigating, or recovering, adjudging or afcertaining the duties thereby granted, or any of them, (other than in fuch cases, for which other penalties or provisions are prescribed by this act) shall be exercised, practised, applied, used and put in execution, in and for the managing, raifing, levying, collecting, mitigating, adjudging, ascertaining, recovering and paying the inland duties upon coffee, tea and chocolate hereby granted, during the continuance of this act, as fully and effectually to all intents and purposes, as if all and every the faid powers, authorities, rules, directions, methods, penalties, forfeitures, clauses, matters and things were particularly repeated and again enacted in the body of this present act. to IX. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, On or before That on or before the said twenty fourth day of June one thou- 24 June 1724, every drugsand seven hundred and twenty four all and every druggift, gro-gift, &c. cer, chandler, coffeehouse-keeper, chocolatehouse-keeper, and enter at the all and every other person or persons, bodies politick and cor- next office for porate, who shall then be a feller of or a dealer in coffee, tea or these duties, cocoa nuts, or any or either of them, or shall be a maker or every warehouse, &c. used seller of chocolate, either by wholesale or retail, shall make a for keeping true and particular entry in writing of all warehouses, store- coffee, &c. and houses, rooms, shops, cellars, vaults and other places by him, all coffee, &c. her or them respectively made use of for the keeping of coffee, tea, therein, on cocoa nuts or chocolate, or making of chocolate, at the office pain of forfeiting 200 l. for to be appointed for the faid inland duties hereby set and im- every place posed, within the compass or limits whereof such respective not so entred, warehouses, storehouses, rooms, shops, cellars, vaults and and all the other coffee therein, All who, after shall become fellers of or fee, &c. to make fresh entries under other places shall be fituated; and also of all coffee, tea, cocoa nuts and chocolate, which at the time of making such refpective entries shall be in fuch warehouses, storehouses, rooms, shops, cellars, vaults and other places, and every of them respectively, upon pain of forfeiting the fum of two hundred pounds for every fuch warehouse, storehouse, room, shop, cellar, vault or other place which, from and after the faid twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty four, shall be so made use of by any fuch druggift, grocer, chandler, coffeehouse-keeper, chocolatehouse-keeper, or any other person or perfons, bodies politick or corporate respectively, without making fuch entry thereof as aforesaid, together with the coffee, tea, cocoa nuts and chocolate, which shall be found therein, and also the canisters, bags, jars, tubs, boxes, casks and other veffels or package whatsoever containing the fame. X. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, 24 June 1724, That all and every druggift, grocer, chandler, coffeehousekeeper, chocolatehouse keeper, and all and every other person dealers in cof- or perfons, bodies politick and corporate whatfoever, who, after the faid twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty four, shall become a feller or fellers, dealer or likę penalties. dealers in coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate, either by wholefale or retail, or maker of chocolate, shall, before he, the or they shall take any fuch coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate into his, her or their custody or poffeffion, make the like particular entry in writing of the several and respective warehouses, storehouses, rooms, shops, cellars, vaults and other places intended by him, her or them respectively to be made use of for the keeping of coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate, or for the 2001. for eve- making of chocolate, on pain of forfeiting the sum of two hunry such place dred pounds for every such warehouse, storehouse, room, shop, not so entred, cellar, vault or other place so made use of by fuch last menand coffee, &c. tioned druggift, grocer, chandler, coffeehouse-keeper, chocolatehouse-keeper, or any other person or persons, body politick or corporate respectively, without making fuch entry as aforefaid; and the coffee, tea, cocoa nuts and chocolate which shall be found therein, and also the canisters, bags, jars, tubs, boxes, casks and other vessels or package whatsoever containing the fame, fuch entred After 24 June 1724, no cof- That from and after the faid twenty fourth day of June one fee, &c. to be thousand seven hundred and twenty four no coffee, tea, cocoa brought into nuts or chocolate shall be brought into any fuch before-mentioned warehouse, storehouse, room, shop, cellar, vault or other places without notice and place made use of by such druggift, grocer, chandler, coffeecertificate, on house-keeper, chocolatehouse-keeper, or fuch other perfon or forfeiture perfons, body politick or corporate, without his, her or their thereof, and of first giving notice thereof to the officer for the faid inland duties XI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, the treble value. hereby set and imposed, of the division or place in which such warehouse, storehouse, room, shop, cellar, vault or other place in which such coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate are intended to be lodged, and producing to the faid officer and leaving with him an authentick certificate, figned by the officer for the faid inland inland duties hereby set and imposed, of the division from whence such coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate shall be brought, that in case of coffee, tea or chocolate, the inland duties charged or chargeable by this act upon the said coffee, tea, or chocolate so intended to be brought in as aforesaid, have been actually paid, or that the same hath been condemned as forfeited, or was part of the stock in hand of some druggift, grocer, chandler, coffeehouse-keeper or chocolatehouse-keeper, or other person or persons, body politick or corporate, selling or dealing in coffee, tea or chocolate, or making of chocolate, and in case of bringing in cocoa nuts, that the same have been duly entred with the officer or officers of his Majesty's customs, or that they were condemned as forfeited, or were part of the stock in hand of fome druggist or other person sfelling or dealing therein, upon or before the said twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty four, of which an account of fuch coffee, tea, cocoa nuts and chocolate had been taken on or before the said twenty fourth day of June one thousand seven hundred and twenty four, and expreffing the quantity and quality thereof, and at what place the faid inland duties were so paid for the faid coffee, tea or chocolate, or at what port or place the customs and duties were so paid for fuch cocoa nuts, or the faid coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate were condemned, or of whose stock in hand the same was part, on pain of forfeiting the coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate so brought in without fuch notice and certificate as aforesaid, and treble the value thereof, together with the canisters, bags, jars, tubs, boxes, casks and other vessels or package whatsoever containing the fame. XII. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Officers in the That from and after the faid twenty fourth day of June one day-time may thousand seven hundred and twenty four it shall and may be enter all warehouses, &c. lawful for the officers for the faid inland duties hereby set or ufed for keepimposed, or any of them, from time to time and at all times ing coffee, &c. by day, to enter into all and every the warehouses, storehouses, and take acrooms, shops, cellars, vaults and other places made use of for counts. keeping or making any coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate by any druggift, grocer, chandler, coffeehouse-keeper, chocolatehouse-keeper, or other person or perfons, body politick or corporate, felling or dealing in coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate, by wholesale or retail, or making chocolate, and by weighing, gaging or otherwise to take an account of the quantity and forts of the faid commodities, which shall at any time be in their or any of their custody, in the weighing whereof the owners of any of the faid commodities, or fome on their behalf, shall be aiding and affifting to the faid officers, and keep fuffici- affift officers in ent just weights and scales to be made use of by the said officers weighing, and for that purpose; and if any fuch druggist, grocer, chandler, to keep fufficoffeehouse-keeper, chocolatehouse-keeper, or other person or and weights. persons, body politick or corporate, felling or dealing in coffee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate, by wholesale or retail, or making chocolate, shall hinder or refuse the faid officers, or any of them to Owners of cof fee, &c. to cient scales [1723. For hindring, to enter into such his, her or their warehouses, storehouses, &c. officer to de rooms, shops, cellars, vaults or other places, or to take fuch account, for account as aforesaid, or shall neglect to keep sufficient just not keeping weights and scales to be made use of by the said officers for the fufficient purposes aforesaid, or shall keep any false weights or scales, or scales, &c. for fhal! neglect or refuse to assist the said officers in the weighing keeping false weights, for as aforesaid, or shall let, hinder or obstruct any of the said offinot affifting cers in the execution of the powers and authorities given to him officer in or them by this act, the person or persons offending therein weighing or shall, for every fuch offence, forfeit and lose the sum of one for hindring hundred pounds. him therein, penalty 1001. and on oath before com XIII. Provided always, and it is hereby further enacted by the authority aforesaid, That in case any officer or officers for the On fufpicion said duties by this act granted shall have cause to suspect that of concealing, &c. coffee, &c. ealing, any coffee, tea, chocolate or cocoa nuts shall be fradulently hid or concealed in any place whatsoever, either entred for the keeping of the fame as aforesaid, or not entred, with an intent to defraud his Majesty of his duties thereon, then and in such case, if such place shall be within the cities of London or Westminster, or within the limits of the weekly bills of mortality, upon oath made by such officer or officers before the commiffioners for miffioners or a the duties by this act granted, or any two or more of them, or justice of peace, they in case the same shall be in any other part of Great Britain, upon respectively oath made by such officer or officers before one or more justice may impower or justices of the peace of the county, riding, division or place any officer in the day-time where such officer or officers shall suspect the same to be so hid with or with- or concealed, setting forth the ground of fuch his or their fufpiout, and in the cion, it shall and may be lawful to and for the faid commiffinight-time oners for the said duties, or justice or justices of the peace reble, to enter spectively, before whom such affidavit or affidavits shall be made, all suspected if he or they shall judge it reasonable, by special warrant or warplaces, and to ants under his or their respective hands and feals, to authorize take and carry and impower fuch officer or officers by day or by night, but if away coffee, in the night-time, then in the prefence of a conftable or other with a confta &c.concealed. lawful officer of the peace, to enter into all and every such place or places where he or they shall so suspect fuch coffee, tea, chocolate or cocoa nuts shall be so fraudulently hid or concealed, and seize and carry away all such coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa nuts which he or they shall then and there find so fraudulently hid and concealed, as forfeited for his Majesty's use, together with all and every the bags, canisters, boxes, casks and other package or things wherein the fame, shall be contained; and if any person or persons whatsoever shall let, obstruct of Every person hinder any of the officers for the faid duties by this act granted obstructing, from entring fuch places, where he or they shall suspect fuch &c. officer, coffee, tea, chocolate or cocoa nuts shall be fo fradulently hid &c. therein, or concealed as aforesaid, or in seizing and carrying away fuch forfeits 100l. coffee, tea, chocolate and cocoa nuts which shall be fo hid or concealed, together with the bags, canisters, boxes, cafks or other package or things where the same shall be contained, the perfon or persons offending therein shall, for every fuch offence, 6 fence, forfeit and lose the sum of one hundred pounds, to be recovered as aforesaid. XIV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, No coffee, &c. That from and after the said twenty fourth day of June one to be fold or exposed to thousand seven hundred and twenty four no coffee, tea, cocoa fale, but in nuts or chocolate shall be fold, uttered or exposed to fale, either places entred. by wholesale or retail, but when the same shall be in some or one of the faid warehouses, storehouses, rooms, shops, cellars, vaults or other places so entred as aforesaid, or in some or one of the warehouses to be approved of by the commissioners of his Majesty's customs for the keeping of coffee, tea and cocoa nuts, in pursuance of this act, upon pain of forfeiting all such coffee, tea, cocoa nuts and chocolate which shall be so sold, uttered or exposed to sale, when the same shall be in any other place on pain of foror places than those entered or approved as aforesaid, and treble feiting all fuch the value thereof, together with the canisters, bags, jars, tubs, coffee, and the boxes, casks and other vessels or package whatsoever containing treble value. the fame. such entred XV. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, For coffee, &c. That from and after the said twenty fourth day of June one exceeding the thousand feven hundred and twenty four, where any such cof-weight of fix fee, tea, cocoa nuts or chocolate shall be fold in any of the said pounds fold in entred places in any quantity above the weight of fix pounds, places, officer the officer or officers for the inland duties hereby set and im- to give a ceгposed, of the respective divisions or places where the same shall tificate. be so sold, shall be obliged, and are hereby required from time to time, upon request of the seller or fellers thereof, without fee or reward, to give to the respective buyer or buyers thereof certificates in writing, figned by the respective officer or officers, expreffing the quantities so sold, and the name and names of the respective buyers and fellers thereof; and that the duties by this act granted on such coffee, tea or chocolate so sold, have been paid, or that such cocoa nuts have been duly entred with the officer or officers of his Majesty's customs, or that the fame have been condemned as forfeited, or were part of such stock in hand as aforesaid; which certificate shall be left with the officer or officers for the faid duties of the respective divisions, to which the fame is or are intended to be carried, to fatisfy the faid officers that no duties are to be answered for the same, that the seizing thereof may be prevented. XVI. And be it further enacted by the authority aforesaid, Any quantity That from and after the said twenty fourth day of June one exceeding the thousand seven hundred and twenty four no coffee, tea, cocoa weight of fix nuts or chocolate, exceeding the quantity of fix pounds weight, pounds carrying without shall be removed or carried from any part of this kingdom, by such permit or land or by water, without a permit or certificate, signed by one certificate is or more of the officers for the said inland duties hereby set and forfeited. imposed, fignifying and certifying the names and places of abode of the buyer and feller, and expressing the quantity and species of the commodity so permitted or certified for, and that his Majesty's inland duties chargeable by this act upon coffee, tea |