The Statutes at Large: From the Magna Charta, to the End of the Eleventh Parliament of Great Britain, Anno 1761 [continued to 1807], المجلد 15;المجلد 1225J. Bentham, 1765 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 68
... centum per annum . Cap . 6. For reviving and adding two millions to the capital stock of the South - Sea company , and for reviv- ing a proportional part of the year- ly fund payable at the exchequer , and for dividing their whole ...
... centum per annum . Cap . 6. For reviving and adding two millions to the capital stock of the South - Sea company , and for reviv- ing a proportional part of the year- ly fund payable at the exchequer , and for dividing their whole ...
... centum per annum ; and for pay- ment of the principal and interest on the standing orders for the blank tickets in the lottery granted for the fervice of the year 1714. and for making good the lofs , which hap- pened in the treasury of ...
... centum per annum ; and for pay- ment of the principal and interest on the standing orders for the blank tickets in the lottery granted for the fervice of the year 1714. and for making good the lofs , which hap- pened in the treasury of ...
... centum , redeemable by parlia- ment , and charged upon the duties on coals and culm ; and for further applying the produce of the finking fund ; and for enlarging the time for exchanging Nevis and St. Chri- stopher's debentures for ...
... centum , redeemable by parlia- ment , and charged upon the duties on coals and culm ; and for further applying the produce of the finking fund ; and for enlarging the time for exchanging Nevis and St. Chri- stopher's debentures for ...
الصفحة 3
... centum per annum . MAY by any other . it please your most excellent Majesty , Whereas in and by I Geo . 1. stati an act of parliament , made and passed , in the first year of your 2. C. 21 . Majesty's reign , intituled , An act for ...
... centum per annum . MAY by any other . it please your most excellent Majesty , Whereas in and by I Geo . 1. stati an act of parliament , made and passed , in the first year of your 2. C. 21 . Majesty's reign , intituled , An act for ...
الصفحة 4
... centum per annum , which were thereby to be purchased , until the redemption thereof by parliament ; and the said yearly fund or fum of eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds per annum , was thereby directed to be issued at the ...
... centum per annum , which were thereby to be purchased , until the redemption thereof by parliament ; and the said yearly fund or fum of eight thousand four hundred and fifty pounds per annum , was thereby directed to be issued at the ...
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
act of parliament alſo annuities annum appointed authority aforesaid bank of England Britain cafe caſe cauſe centum chocolate commiffioners commiſſioners court of chancery cuſtoms day of June debts esquire eſtate exchequer faid act faid city faid court faid duties faid late fale fame feme covert feven filk firſt forfeit fucceſſors fuch fums of money further enacted granted hereby houſe hundred and twenty inland duties intereſt intituled iſſued June one thousand juſtices late majesty Majesty's reign malt maſter monies oath offence officer or officers paid pariſh paſſed payable payment penalties pence perſon or perſons perſons ſhall pounds per centum preſent publick purpoſes raiſed refuſe reſpective ſaid ſame ſhall Scotland ſecurities ſervice ſeveral ſhillings ſhip ſhould South-Sea company ſtamp ſtock ſubject ſuch ſuch perſon ſum thall therein mentioned thereof thousand pounds thousand ſeven hundred trustees twenty five twenty fourth day uſe veſting warehouſes whatsoever whereas
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 107 - place where the offence (hall be committed ; and in cafe of conviction for any fécond or other fuch offence, to commit the offender or offenders to, the houfe of correction, there to remain and to be kept to hard labour, for any time not exceeding one. month, nor lefs than fourteen days, as to fuch juftice or juftices (hall feem meet and reafonable.
الصفحة 115 - enaéted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this prefent parliament affembled, and by the authority of the fame, That where any perfon or perfons, being under the
الصفحة 231 - and exemplary jußice ; may it therefore pleafe your moil excellent Majefty, that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent Majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this prefent parliament aflembled, and by the authority of the fame, That if
الصفحة 283 - and methods, as any fine, penalty or forfeiture is or may be fued for, recovered, levied or mitigated by any law or laws relating to his Majefty's revenues of excife, or any of them, or by action of debt, bill, plaint or information in any of his Majefty's courts of
الصفحة 326 - be lawful to and for the faid commiffioners of the treafury now or for the time being, or any three or more of them, or the lord high treafurer for the time being, and they are hereby
الصفحة 430 - ufe ful and beneficial) are near expiring^ may it therefore pleafe your Majefty that it may be enacted, and be it enacted by the King's moft excellent majefty, by and with the advice and confent of the lords fpiritual and temporal and commons, in this prefent parliament aflembled, and by the authority of the fame, That the claufe
الصفحة 32 - to prevent the fame, as much as may be for the future, be it enacted by the authority aforefaid, That from and after the faid twenty fifth day of March one thoufand feven hundred and twenty three, no appeal or appeals from any order or orders of removal of any poor perfon or perfons whatfoever from any
الصفحة 366 - forfeit and pay to the owner or owners of fuch goods or wares fo damnified, fpoiled or deftroyed, double the value thereof, to be levied by diftrefs and fale of the offender's goods and chattels, by warrant or warrants under the hands and feals of any two or more
الصفحة 61 - July one thoufand feven hundred and twenty three, to bor- duty. row any fum or fums of money, not exceeding in the whole the fum of twenty five thoufand pounds, and for fecuring the repayment thereof, by any writing under their hands and feals, to