splendour, till 1601; when after having beheaded Mary, Queen of Scots, and established the protestant religion, she was succeeded by James VI. of Scotland, and First of England, a descendant by marriage from the royal family of England. He was succeeded, 1625, by his son, Charles I. Charles had great contentions with his parliament, and was at length, after much civil war, beheaded, 1649. Oliver Cromwell, under the name of Protector, was at the head of the British government about ten years. Charles II. 1660, succeeded his father, and died in 1685. His brother, James II. reigned a few years, and then abdicated the throne. William of Orange, who had married Mary, daughter of James II. was called to the throne. William III. died 1702, and was succeeded by Anne, another daughter of James II. In 1714, on the death of Queen Anne, parliament invited to the throne George, Elector of Hanover, who had married a descendant of Charles I. the nearest protestant heir. He reigned till 1727, when his son, George II. succeeded: who held the sceptre till 1761; when he was succeeded by his grandson, George III. who died in 1820. Soon after his accession to the throne, commenced the disputes with America, which led to the American revolution. The threatening aspect of the French revolution, induced the British to take up arms against the French. This war continued, with little intermission, about twenty years; when it was finally closed, 1815, by the total discomfiture of Bonaparte, at the battle of Waterloo and though it greatly increased the national debt, while it established, in a great measure, the peace and the liberties of Europe, it added splendour to the army and navy, from their numerous and important achievements. George IV. the present monarch, is the oldest son of the late king. He had been regent since 1811. SOVEREIGNS OF ENGLAND. The union of the Heptarchy, under Alfred the Great, who may be fairly styled the first English monarch, and laid the foundation of the government, Alfred was succeeded by his son, Edward the Elder, Athelstan, Edmund, Edred, Edwy, Edgar, Henry III. 880 Henry IV. 1399 Henry V. 1412 910 Henry VI. 1442 925 Edward IV. 1460 Edward, the Martyr, 975 Edward VI. 1546 Etheldred, Edmond Ironside, 1016 Elizabeth, 1558 Canute the Dane, Danish line, 1017 James I. 1602 Harold Harefoot, Danish line, 1035 Charles I. 1625 Hardicanute, Danish line, Edward the confessor, Harold,. William the Conqueror, Dan Ann, 1702 ish line, 1714 William Rufus, 1727 Henry I. 1760 Stephen, 1135 Regency of the Prince of Henry II. John, 1811 1820 SOVEREIGNS OF FRANCE. Pharamond led his Franks over the Rhine, in the fifth century; from whom descended Clovis-who commenced his reign, The next sovereign worthy of notice was Clotair I. Pepin-son of Charles, End of the first race of kings. Philip, Charlemagne, Lewis, Debonnaire,. Lothario, Lewis II. 751 Henry 1. 1031 1059 771 Lewis VI. 1106 814 Lewis VII. 1137 840 Philip II-styled August, 1180 855 Lewis VIII. 1223 Charles the Bald, 875 Lewis IX. 1226 K2. A CHRONOLOGICAL TABLE OF REMARKABLE EVENTS, DISCOVERIES AND INVENTIONS. Before Christ. The creation of the world, and Adam and Eve, 4004 The birth of Cain, 4003 The old world is destroyed by a deluge, continuing 377 days, 2348 The tower of Babel is built by Noah's posterity, about 2247 Ninus, the son of Belus, founds the kingdom of Assyria, which lasted above 1000 years, and out of its ruins were formed the Assyrians of Babylon, those of Nineveh, and the kingdom of the Medes, 2059 Joseph dies in Egypt, which concludes the book of Genesis, containing a period of 2369 years, 1635 Aaron born in Egypt, 1574 Cecrops brings a colony of Saites from Egypt into Attica, and begins the kingdom of Athens, 1556 Cadmus carried the Phœnician letters into Greece, and built the Citadel of Thebes, 1493 Moses performs a number of miracles in Egypt, and departs from that kingdom, together with 600,000 Israelites, besides children; which completed the 430 years of sojourning, 1491 The Olympic games celebrated at Olympia in Greece, 1453 The Pentateuch, or five first books of Moses, are written in the land of Moab, where he died the year following, aged 110, The Israelites, after sojourning in the wilderness forty years, are led under Joshua into the land of Canaan, and the period of 1452 the sabbatical year commences, 1451 The rape of Helen by Paris, which gave rise to the Trojan war, 1193 Money first made of gold and silver at Argos, 894 The city of Carthage, in Africa, founded by queen Dido, 869 The kingdom of Macedon begins, 814 Era of the building of Rome in Italy, by Romulus, first king of the Romans, 753 Samaria taken, after three years siege, and the kingdom of Israel finished by Salmanasar, king of Assyria, who carries the ten tribes into captivity, 720 The city of Jerusalem taken after a siege of 18 months, The kingdom of Babylon terminates, 538.; that city being taken 587 559 536 Xerxes the Great, king of Persia, begins his expedition against The history of the Old Testament finishes about 481 430 284 The first Punic war begins, and continues 23 years. The chrono- 264 146 The Alexandrian library, consisting of 400,000 valuable books, burnt by accident, 52 Cæsar, the greatest of the Roman conquerors, after having fought Alexandria, in Egypt, is taken by Octavius, upon which Antony The temple of Janus is shut by Augustus as an emblem of universal peace, JESUS CHRIST, is born JESUS CHRIST is baptized in the wilderness by John, 66 44 35 30 ib. After Christ. 27 33 64 306 is crucified, and rises again on the third day, Rome setion fire, and burned for six days; upon which began (under Nero) the first persecution against the Christians, Constantine the Great begins his reign, The tenth persecution ends by an edict of Constantine, who fa- Constantine orders all the heathen temples to be destroyed, Attila (surnamed the scourge of God) with his Huns, ravages the 313 325 331 410 426 447 Clovis, king of France, baptized, and Christianity begins in that kingdom, 496 The power of the Popes, by the concessions of Phocas, emperor of the East, begins, 606 Mahomet, the false prophet, flies from Mecca to Medina, 622 Jerusalem is taken by the Saracens, 637 Charlemagne, king of France, begins the empire of Germany, afterwards called the western empire; and gives the present names to the winds and the months, 800 |