صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني





First Settlement of Virginia and New-England.

WHAT have generally been the consequences of the greatest victories ?

What has impeded the progress of refinement, &c. in South America ?

To what may the gradual increase of population in many places, be attributed ?

When was Philadelphia founded, and what has been its increase? Has the U. S. at large increased with the same rapidity ?

What was its population in 1790? 1800? and 1810 ?
At this computation, how often does it double ?

At this rate what will be the population in 150 years ?
When, and by whom was America discovered? Under

whose patronage ?

Relate the circumstances of Columbus' voyage.
From whom did America receive its name?
For what was South America settled?

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How long after its discovery before North America was settled? Who first explored the shores of North America ? When, and by whom was the first attempt made to form a settlement in Virginia?

When was a second attempt made?

Relate the circumstances of an attempt by Bartholomew Gosnold to effect a settlement in the north part of Virginia?

When and where was the first British settlement made that was not abandoned? To whom was the success of the es tablishment mostly indebted? Relate the circumstances attending his capture by the Indians.

What plot was laid by the Indians in 1609? How was it rendered abortive?


Why did the colonists resolve to return to England? What prevented them?

How did the company prosper under the administration of Delaware? Relate the history of Pocahontas.

When, and for what was Capt. Argal sent from Virginia to New-York?

How were the first women sent to Virginia disposed of?
Who explored New-England? When?

When were attempts made to form settlements in New England? Were they successful?

What were the principal motives which led the congregation of Mr. Robinson to turn their attention to the new world? When did a part of the congregation leave Europe ? When did they arrive at Cape Cod?

What did they do previous to landing? Who was chosen Governor?

When and where did they land?

What occasioned their sufferings? How many died before the next spring?

When and where were articles of submission and friendly intercourse agreed upon with the Indians?

When were settlements made at Portsmouth, and Dover, (N. H.?) Under whose orders?

What laid the foundation for the union of the settlements under one colony ?

What agreement was made at Cambridge in 1629?

How many adventurers embarked the next spring ?
Where did they plant themselves? Where was the first

General Court held?

What articles of faith were agreed upon ? What is observed of this intolerance?

Was it general throughout Europe, as well as America ? What was done by Virginia long after?

How far had settlements extended from Boston, in 1634? How was the constitution altered?

How long did this form of legislation remain?

What important transaction in 1637? For what was this year famous? What was the consequence ? What was the result of their deliberations?

What public school was founded this year? Under what appellation? When and where was the first printing office established in North America? What body of laws was established in 1640? What is observed of these laws ?

What is said of Powhatan? Who succeeded him?

What is observed of this chief?

What is said of the peace and tranquillity of the colonists? Relate the circumstances of the Indian massacre? What limited it?

How did this war terminate ?

When was the company dissolved, and the colony taken into the hands of the king?

Who was appointed Governor? What is said of him ?
What is observed of his successor, Sir Wm. Berkely?



Relate the circumstances of the first attempt to form a settlement in Maine.

Why did they determine to leave the country?

When did the Plymouth colonists obtain a patent for Kennebeck?

What charter was granted to Sir F. Gorges, in 1639?
When and where was the first general court held ?

When was the province taken under the government of Massachusetts ?

Were the settlers of this province long distressed by the Indians? When was a treaty made with them?

When was Maine incorporated with Massachusetts ? When were attempts made to separate? When were a majority in favour of separation ?

When did Maine become an Independent State?


When was a settlement begun at Piscataqua?

What grant was made by the Plymouth Company to Mason (in 1629?) What was this tract called? What towns were laid out in 1633? What did the patent holders agree to, soon after?

How long did New-Hampshire continue under the jurisdiction of Massachusetts? What government was then formed? When and where did the first assembly meet?

What commission was issued to Joseph Dudley, in 16859 Who succeeded him?

When commenced a war with the Indians; and how long did it continue ?

What was the character of the war on the part of the Indians?

Relate the circumstances of the attack on, and defence of the Fort at Number Four.

What was undertaken during the administration of Benning Wentworth

When and where was Dartmouth College founded ?

When did Governor Wentworth quit the Province?-What did the Provincial Congress of N. IH. do, on receiving information of the battle of Lexington ?

What is observed of the courage and patriotism of the state during the revolutionary war?

What Constitution was formed in 1784?

When was President Wheelock removed from Dartmouth College? Who succeeded him?

What does Dr. Belknap observe of the inhabitants of this State.


What distressing war commenced in 1675?

What plan had this warrior concerted?

What treaty was concluded with the Narraganset tribe? When was there a general rising of the Indians in New


What towns suffered most severely?

Were New-Hampshire and Maine attacked at the same time?

Relate the circumstances and result of the attack on the principle town of the Narragansets.

How did the war continue during the winter?

How did the war finally terminate?

When and why was the charter of the governor and company declared forfeited? Who was appointed to the government of New-England?

What powers was he invested with?

What new charter arrived in 1692?

How long did this charter continue ?

Relate the circumstances of the Salem Witchcraft.'

What was the first newspaper established in America?


What plan did Governor Shirley lay before the general

court in 1745?

What states raised the troops ?

Relate the circumstances attending the seige and surrender

of Louisburg.

What has the success, by many, been attributed to ?

What did the French court resolve on? What measures

were taken for this purpose?

Why were these intentions relinquished?

When was the present constitution of the state formed ? What occasioned an insurrection in this state, in 1780?

How was this insurrection quelled ?


When and by whom was Fort Dummer built? Who built the fort at Crown Point?

What was the consequence of the territory west of Connecficut River's being annexed to New-York?

What law was passed by New-York, in 1774?

When was Vermont declared independent? From what did the state receive its name?

When was Vermont admitted into the Union? When was the present constitution established ?


What has been the increase of population in Vermont?


When was Connecticut settled?

What important events in 1635?

Relate the circumstances of the war with the Pequod In


When and by whom was New-Haven settled ?

What did the colonists determine, on finding themselves out of the jurisdiction of Massachusetts ?

What was the constitution of New-Haven ?

What charter did Charles the Second grant to Connecticut,

in 1662?

Who attempted to wrest it from them?

How was the charter preserved ?

Who assumed the government, on the seizure of Andros ? How did his government begin? What is observed of it? When and where was Yale College founded ?

What is said of the government of Connecticut from its earliest settlement ?


When and why was Mr. Williams banished from Massa


Where did he begin a plantation!

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