صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

What tended greatly to produce the distinction of parties in the United States?

When did the first Congress close its last session ?

What is observed of the parties into which the two houses, as well as the people, were divided ?

Give an account of General Harmer's expedition against the Indians. Relate the circumstances of General St. Clair's battle with the Indians.

What did the President do, in consequence of this defeat? What bill was introduced? On what grounds was it opposed? What was said on the other side?

What resolutions were entered into, by the opposers of the tax on distilled spirits? What was the government charged with?

What motion was made soon after the opening of the next Congress? By what terms were parties now divided ? What information was received in April?

What were the determinations of the cabinet? What was advised? What proclamation issued ?

How was Mr. Genet, the minister of the French republic, received?

What societies were formed in Philadelphia and other places?

What did Genet at length do? What order was issued by the British government in June, 1794? What was the consequence? What other causes of disaffection on the part of Congress towards Great Britain? How did England justify this neglect?

What resolutions were brought forward by Mr. Madison, in the House of Representatives? What had the defenders of these resolutions in view? What resolution was agreed to, in consequence of Algerine captures ?

Why was the bill for this purpose opposed?

What bills were passed in consequence of Great Britain's having issued new and injurious orders? What motions were made?

What advices were received from England?
What did the President do to preserve peace?

Give an account of a battle between General Wayne and the Indians, on the 20th of August.

Relate the circumstances of an insurrection of the western counties in Pennsylvania. To what was the insurrection attributed?


What did Mr. Jay succeed in? What did the Senate advise?

What treaties were this year made?

What had General Washington determined ?
What did he do previous to the time of election?
In his speech in December, what did he recommend?

1797. Who was elected President?

dent ?

Who Vice-Presi

Who had been appointed minister to France?

To prevent war, what did Mr. Adams do?

What was done by the French cruisers? What measures

were adopted by Congress, 1798?

What was General Washington appointed?

1799. What had the President declared? Were envoys sent to Paris? What was the consequence?

Give an account of the sickness and death of Gen. Washington. What did Congress do on receiving information of his death? What resolutions were adopted the next day?

What did the committee recommend? What are the remarks?

When was the seat of government transferred from Philadelphia to Washington?

1801. Relate the circumstances of the election of President and Vice-President. Who was at length elected? How did he commence his administration?

What important subjects occupied the attention of the first session of Congress, under Mr. Jefferson?

Give an account of the duel between General Hamilton and Aaron Burr. Who was chosen President? Who Vice-President?

Relate the circumstances of the war between the United States and Tripoli. Give an account of the expedition of William Eaton.

In what enterprise was Aaron Burr detected, in 1806? Relate the circumstances of an attack on the Chesapeake by the British ship Leopard. What did this affair occasion. What did the British government express ?

On what pretexts were American merchantmen captured? What decree was issued by Bonaparte in November, 1806? What orders in Council were issued by the British, November,


What was done by Bonaparte?

1809. Who was chosen President? Who Vice-President? What was the consequence of an engagement with Mr. Ers

kine, the British minister? What did the British government declare?

Who succeeded Mr. Erskine? Why was the correspondence between him, and the Secretary of State, closed ?

What decree was issued at Rambouillet by Bonaparte, in 1810?

What did the French minister at Paris inform the American minister? What did the President do in consequence? What unhappy engagement took place in May, 1811? When did Congress meet? What did the message of the President indicate? What resolutions were brought forward ? What information was received ?

What distressing calamity befell the city of Richmond, December 26th?

What did most of the states?

What resolution was offered, Feb. 18th, 1812?
Of what was the Chairman confident?

What did the President communicate to Congress, March


What act was passed April 3d?

What message did the President send to Congress, June 1st? What were the principal grounds for war, as stated in the message?

What was done by the minority in the House of Representatives? What did they declare?

Relate the circumstances of the several mobs at Baltimore. Give an account of the capture of the British frigate Guerriere.

To whom did General Hull surrender, August 15th? Relate the circumstances of an attack on the British at Queenstown, By General Van Rensselaer.

Give the particulars of the capture of the British sloop of war, Frolic. Of the capture of the frigate Macedonian. Of the Java.

What action was fought at the River Raisin, 1813? How were the prisoners treated?

Give an account of the capture of the British sloop of war, Peacock.

For what purpose were commissioners sent to Russia? Relate the circumstances of the capture of York. What important transactions, May 5th ?

What was the result of an attack on Sackett's Harbour ? Relate the circumstances of the action between the Chesapeake and British frigate Shannon.

By whom, and when was fort George taken? Give the particulars of the engagement on Lake Erie, September 10th.

How was information of this victory given to Gen. Harrison?

How did the northern campaign for this season, end? What was the plan for taking Montreal? Why was the design relinquished?

What took place on the Niagara frontier? By whom were the Creek Indians subdued? Where and when, did the commissioners appointed by the American and British governments, meet?

Give the particulars of the capture of the Essex.

When was fort Erie taken? Give an account of the battles of Chippewa and Bridgewater.

Relate the circumstances of the invasion and capture of Washington; and of the plunder of Alexandria.

Give an account of an attack on fort Erie, by the British. Relate the particulars of an attack on Baltimore, and fort McHenry. By whom, and when was an attack made on Plattsburg?

How did the naval engagement on Lake Champlain end? Give an account of the attack on the forts at Plattsburg. What was the result of a sortie from fort Erie?

Was there any general engagement on Lake Ontario ? What did the report of the committee of the legislature of Massachusetts recommend? What was done in consequence of these resolutions? What was the report made by the convention?

Relate the circumstances of the capture of the frigate President. Of the Cyane and Levant.

What force entered Lake Ponchartrain, near New-Orleans, in December? What was the result of an engagement, January 8th ?

What intelligence was brought by the English sloop of war,

Favourite, at New-York, February 11th?
How was the news of peace received?

What did the treaty provide for?





WHAT is believed to be the oldest writing in existence? What account have we from Moses? Where did these de* scendants settle? Who laid the foundation of Babylon? Who of Nineveh? What was Abraham directed by the Almighty, B. C. 1931? What did the selling of Joseph into Egypt occasion? What did the Israelites do, B. С. 1500? Who subdued the country? How long did they continue here, and by what were they governed? Who was their first king? When? Who succeeded? What became of the different tribes? What did they do on the appearing of Jesus Christ? By whom, and when was the city of Jerusalem destroyed? What is said of the Jews, from this period to the present moment ?

ASSYRIA AND SYRIA.-What has Syria been more generally used for? What Assyria: How long is this empire supposed to have flourished? What is said of Babylon, the capital? When and by what means did Cyrus conquer this city? Where died Alexander the Great? What was done by Seleucus? How did it continue?

EGYPT. By whom was Egypt settled? What is still a subject of dispute, among some learned writers? What was its extent of territory? What is said of the Nile? What is observed of the antiquity of this country? How many cities is it said once to have contained? What were the chief? By whom and when, was Egypt conquered? When and by whom, was it made a Roman Province? What do the ancient boundaries of Egypt contain? What is the country under?

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