the defence of the fort, and was determined to maintain it, till he should be convinced that the Frenchman could perform what he had threatened. He added, that it was poor encouragement to surrender, if they were all - to be put to the sword for killing one man, when it was probable they had already killed more. "The Frenchman replied, 'Go and see if your men dare to fight any longer, and give me a quick answer.' Stevens returned, and asked his men whether they would fight or surrender. They unanimously determined to fight. This was immediately made known to the enemy, who renewed their shouting and fighting all that day and night. On the morning of the third day, they requested another cessation for two hours. "Two Indians came with a flag, and proposed, that if Stevens would sell them provisions they would withdraw. He answered, that to sell them provisions for money was contrary to the law of nations; but that he would pay them five bushels of corn for every captive, for whom they would give an hostage, till the captive could be brought from Canada. After this answer, a few guns were fired, and the enemy were seen no more. "In this furious attack from a starving enemy, no lives were lost in the fort, and two men only were wounded. No men could have behaved with more intrepidity in the midst of such threatening danger. An express was immediately despatched to Boston, and the news was there received with great joy. Commodore Sir Charles Knowles, was so highly pleased with the conduct of Captain Stevens, that he presented him with a valuable and elegant sword, as a reward for his bravery. From this circumstance, the township, when it was incorporated, took the name of Charlestown." In 1741, New-Hampshire had a governor distinct from that of Massachusetts. This was Benning Wentworth. During his administration was undertaken the expedition to Cape Breton, of which an account is elsewhere given. In the year 1745, was settled the claim of the heirs of Mason, which had been in agitation and had caused great contention for about a century. 1769. Dr. Eleazer Wheelock, of Lebanon, Connecticut, after having solicited funds in England, Scotland, and America, was principally instrumental in the establishment of Dartmouth College. The object was at first, chiefly, the education of Indian young men. This plan but partially succeeded. A College was founded at Hanover, which, from its principal benefactor, the Earl of Dartmouth, was called Dartmouth College. Wheelock was appointed President; a board of trustees was constituted with perpetual succession; and the College was endowed with a large landed estate. At the commencement of the revolution, 1775, the Governor, Wentworth, quitted the Province. Information being received of the battle of Lexington, the NewHampshire Provincial Congress, then sitting at Exeter, immediately raised three regiments, to be commanded by John Stark, (afterwards the famous General Stark,) James Reed, and Enoch Poor. A temporary constitution was formed in 1776, consisting of a President, Council, and House of Representatives, &c. In 1778, sixteen towns, bordering on Connecticut river, from Cornish to Franconia, north, petitioned to be received into the new State of Vermont, and their delegates were actually admitted to a seat in her assembly. This act created much altercation for several years, by the conflicting claims for jurisdiction; but in 1782, "the people returned to their connexion with New-Hampshire." In 1784 a new constitution was formed, consisting of a Governor, Senate, and House of Representatives. The Senate consisting of twelve members. The number of Representatives not limited: each town, consisting of 150 rateable polls, to elect one: each town having four hundred and fifty to elect two; the mean increasing number being three hundred polls to one representative. In 1786, such was the general pressure, that a clamour for paper money was universal. The Assembly, then sitting at Exeter, was surrounded by an armed mob. By the firmness of the President, however, and a little artifice, the multitude was scattered for the night, and the next day the whole body was effectually dispersed, by the neighbouring militia, and several of the leaders secured. In 1815, President John Wheelock, son and successor of the first President of Dartmouth College, came to an open rupture with a majority of the Trustees, and appealed to the legislature. Difficulties had existed for several years. The legislature appointed a committee to repair to Hanover, hear the parties, and make report at the next session. Soon after the examination had closed, the Trustees removed President Wheelock, and appointed Rev. Francis Brown in his stead. At the next session of the legislature, (1816) an act was passed, entitled, "An act to amend the Charter, and enlarge and improve the corporation of Dartmouth College." By this act the number of Trustees was increased to twenty-one, and a board of overseers appointed, consisting of twenty-five persons, fifteen of whom to constitute a quorum for doing business. The College was changed to a University. The old Trustees resisted the act, declaring it unconstitutional; and although deprived of the College building, philosophical apparatus, &c. continued instruction as usual, in private buildings, and appealed to the Judiciary. In 1817, the cause was decided in favour of the University, and the constitutionality of the laws, by the Superior Court of New Hampshire. The cause was then carried to the Supreme Court of the United States, at Washington, and in February 1819, the whole proceedings were reversed, and the act of the State establishing an University, declared unconstitutional and void. The old President, Wheelock, was appointed by the Trustees of the University, to preside in the new Institution. At his decease, in 1817, Rev. William Allen succeeded. During the revolutionary war, the courage and pariotism of no state exceeded that of New Hampshire. As long as the battle of Bennington and the surren. der of Burgoyne are remembered, the enterprize, activity and valor of the soldiers of New-Hampshire will be subjects of just eulogy. Of the inhabitants of this state, its able and accurate Historian, the late Dr. Belknap, with great justice observes: "Firmness of nerve, patience in fatigue, intrepedity in danger, and alertness in action, are to be numbered among their native and essential characteristics.-New-Hampshire may be considered as a nursery of stern heroism, producing men of firmness and valour; who can traverse mountains and deserts, encounter hardships, and can face an enemy without terror." The same may be said, we trust, of all New-England. MASSACHUSETTS. A sketch of the political history of Plymouth and Massachusetts, has been given till the year 1640. Three years after, those colonies, with New-Haven and Connecticut, entered into articles of union and amity, of ofsence and defence. One cause assigned for this coalition was, the encroachments of the Dutch settled at New-York: but the principal was the necessity of concentrating their strength against the Indians, who appeared to be combining their forces for the purpose of totally extirpating the English. The savages obtaining a knowledge of this confederacy, fearful of the issue of their intended onset sent many of their principal sachems to offer terms of submission. 1 In the year 1675, began the distressing and memorable war with the Indians, commonly denominated king Philip's war; Philip being the principal sachem engaged against the English. This celebrated warrior, whose principal residence was at Mount Hope, in Rhode Island, had been for some time concerting, with the chiefs of his own and other tribes, a plan for totally destroying the English. Perceiving them extending their settlements in every direc tion, and apprehending eventually the loss of all their hunting grounds, their liberties, rights and dominion; it is not surprising that their jealousy and resentment were roused. The war commenced between Philip and the Plymouth and Massachusetts colonies. Nine of the English were murdered in Swanzey, a frontier town bordering on the territory of Philip. The alarm was spread immediately; a considerable force raised, and the savages pursued to their retreats : but they had fled from their dwellings. The Narraganset tribe was known to favour the cause of Philip; for to that tribe, for safety, Philip had sent all his women and children. To strike a terror, and to prevent a junction with Philip, the troops raised against him immediately marched against the Naragansets; who thus taken by surprise, and without the power of resistance, were compelled to agree to a treaty of alliance; and were to receive "forty coats of cloth for Philip, delivered to them alive, and twenty for his head." Information having been obtained of the retreat of Philip, another attack was made upon him, in a swamp, where the advantage was mostly on the side of the savages; the assault was without success. The Indians had so long lived on friendly terms with the English, that they were well acquainted with all their towns, and with the situation of each house, as well as with the places and times of public worship, their roads and their fields, excepting the thickest settlements; the country being a vast wilderness. They hence had the power to approach a town in a large body, and put the inhabitants to death; or waylay and despatch them in small parties. With these advantages, and seemingly in concert, in the autumn of this year, there was a general rising of the savages throughout New-England; and no efforts of the colonists could cause a discontinuance of their murders, their plundering, burning, and bearing away captives. |