صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

general knowledge may be obtained of the story of our fathers: yet how many are there almost entirely ignorant of the "tales of other times," as they relate to our own country, whose ignorance would be removed by the introduction, into our more humble seminaries, of a correct, succinct account, of the principal events which have marked the footsteps of our prosperity, from the lowly and desponding vale of struggle and obscurity, to the already lofty and brilliant heights of wealth, of happiness, and of power.

I have added a very compendious account of some of the principal empires of ancient and modern times. To have noticed the minor states of former or recent days would have been to swell this performance beyond the size intended; nor should I have known where with propriety to pause. The Chronological Table cannot fail to attract the attention of youthful minds. The Constitution of the United States ought not only to be studied in our schools, but should find a place on every family shelf, with the Bible and the catechism.


From the President of Harvard University, and Dr. Holmes of Cam


The design of your work we entirely approve. Our children and youth want a brief history of our own country within the limits of a school book. Your History supplies this deficiency; and, with a few exceptions-which may be corrected in this or a future edition-appears justly entitled to commendation and encouragement.


Cambridge, Sept. 4, 1820.

From the Preceptor of Monson, (Mass.) Academy.

MONSON, AUG. 26, 1820.

SIR-I have perused with attention your "HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES," and am free to say that I consider it a compilation of distinguished merit-a judicious selection of interesting facts. The plan you have pursued and the manner in which it is executed cannot fail of meeting the approbation of every candid mind.

A work of this kind has been very much wanted in our academies and common schools; and by publishing this treatise you will render an important and acceptable service to our country. This work, I doubt not, will be gratefully received by an enlightened community, and meet that patronage which it merits.


From the Rev. F. Foster, late Minister of Petersham, Mass.


SIR-I have examined your "HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES," which you was pleased to submit to my inspection, and am happy to say that, in my opinion, you have selected such facts as are most profitable to be known by the rising generation, and related them with that simplicity and perspicuity of style which ought to characterize a work designed for the use of schools. I cannot, therefore, doubt that your labours for the benefit of our youth will be duly appreciated by the public, and that your book will not only find a welcome reception into our schools and academies, but be extensively circulated among our citizens.

With the assurance of my best wishes for the success of this and every attempt to facilitate the acquisition of useful knowledge,

1 am, sir, your humble servant,


From Dr. Daniel Adams, Author of the "Scholar's Arithmetic," " Thorough Scholar," " Geography, or a description of the World," &c.

History has been defined "a record of facts for the instruction of mankind." Its utility, therefore, must be obvious. The study of geography, which is now pretty generally introduced into our schools, will prepare the way for that of history; and I doubt not but the time is fast approaching when no scholar will be considered as having completed a good common school education, who is left ignorant of the history of his country. With these impressions on my mind, I apprehend, that the "HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, designed for the use of schools," which you propose publishing, will be found to be both seasonable and useful.

Mount-Vernon, N. H. August, 1820.


From the New-York Evening Post.

Literary Intelligence. A book has been put into our hands, with a request that we would examine it and speak of it according as in our judgment its merits would warrant. It is entitled, "The History of the United States, &c. for the use of Schools and families," second edition. Published by John Prentiss, pp. 279.

We have not been able to examine with critical minuteness, the contents of this little work, but we have cursorily perused it. The subject itself, the main purpose for which it is intended, and the character and circumstances of its late author, who was personally known to us as a man of genius, a scholar, a poet, and a wit, are calculated to create much interest and expectation. We have found it what it professes to be, a very useful work for the use of schools, and a convenient manual, to which occasional recurrence may be had by any gentleman.

Among the many authoritative recommendations which follow the preface, we observe one from the President of Harvard University, Mr. Kirkland, and Dr. Holmes of Cambridge; and several from the Preceptor of Monson Academy, and other distinguished scholars in Massachusetts. A letter to the author from the Rev. F. Foster, says, "] have examined your "History of the United States," and am happy to say that in my opinion, you have selected such facts as are most profitable to be known by the rising generation, and related them with that simplicity and perspicuity of style which ought to characterize a work designed for the use of schools."

The book closes with interesting questions adapted to the history of the United States, peculiarly suitable to the work. In time, I doubt not this interesting work, will make its way into our schools by the side of Whelpley and Sampson.

From the N. Y. Evening Journal.

We have read with attention, the HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, spoken of in the foregoing extract from the Evening Post, and can bear testimony to its value, as containing a greater mass of facts relative to the history of our country, than any other book, calculated for the use of schools, which has yet appeared.



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