MARCH 31, 1830.] Pay of Members. [H. oF R. sessions of Congress had averaged one hundred and sixty- with this resolution, let it become the law of the land that seven days; and all experience proved that one hundred the first session of each Congress shall be limited to four and seventy days per session, were necessary. It should be months, and beyond which the pay of members shall not considered that the business of Congress was continually exceed two dollars per day; and, sir, my impression is, there increasing, on account of the great national questions would not be many days consumed after the four months arising before them-the pension system, the internal im provement system, &c. Mr. S. said, he did not believe it was the wish of the people that their representatives should legislate for them without pay after they have been in session one hundred expired. Considerable pains [said Mr. S.] have been taken by the gentlemen opposed to this resolution, to show that the present session will not exceed those heretofore, on account of time and expense. We have been told that every long session has lasted five months; and, as a matter and twenty days, should they find it necessary to remain of course, this must do so too. This, sir, is the very realonger. He also contended that, should this proposition son why I am for the new order of things. Sir, "old be adopted, the members in ordinary circumstances, who things are to be done away, and all things are to become represented the true interests of the people, would be com- new." These are the hallowed days of "retrenchment and pelled, in justice to their own interest, to go home as soon reform;" and, for the very reason which gentlemen oppose as their pay was reduced; and there would consequently the resolution, he would support it. The people expect be none but the aristocracy left to do the business of legis- at our hands a correction of all those abuses which have lation. He held it bad policy to render the representatives crept into the Government; and he could assure the House of the people at all dependent by a curtailment of their that there was none which they were more disposed to pay. It drove them to seek relief in Executive patronage; and he could refer to hundreds who had gone into postoffices, Indian agencies, &c.; and he deemed this an evidence that they were insufficiently provided for. Mr. S. said, if the pay of other officers of Government were reduced in the same ratio, he would consent to reduce the pay of members to six dollars a day; but not otherwise. Mr. S. then went into an examination of the business which has been done this session, in comparison with that transacted during former sessions. He concluded by remarking that he believed the only remedy for the evil complained of, was to be found in short speeches and long days' sessions; and he moved an amendment to the amend work at, than the one now complained of, Sir, if this abuse of trust this profligate waste of publie money, has existed coeval with the formation of this Government, it is high time the evil was arrested; "now is the accepted time, and day of salvation." It is high time, indeed, that the laborer should be made to render an equivalent for his hire. He did not mean to impugn the members of Congress who had preceded him, but he would say, if he were to judge of the past by the present, abuses had existed. We sir, commenced our session on the 7th day of December; almost four months have elapsed and what have we done? If there is a bill which has been passed of a public nature, save a few appropriations, they have escaped my me These ment, providing that, during the remainder of the session, mory. And, sir, how many private ones have we passed? a motion to adjourn should not be in order until half past Some forty or fifty; and here, sir, is our indefatigable exfour o'clock. ertion which gentlemen boast of. Sir, I will state one This proposition, involving an amendment of the rules fact which, in my opinion, carries condemnation with it. of the House, and consequently requiring to be laid one day During the first month, and until after the Christmas holion the table, was decided by the Speaker not to be in order. days, we met at twelve, and adjourned between two and Mr. SPEIGHT said, he had hoped that, when this three o'clock, and, every week, adjourn over from Thurssubject first brought forward was by the by gentlemen from day till Monday. Two months, sir, of the first of this South Carolina, [Mr. McDUFFIE] i it would have met with session were spent without doing any thing but undergoing little or no objection. He thought the evil complained of the mere formalities of meeting and adjourning. was one obviously plain to the view of any person; and, are some of the evils which the gentleman from South he would venture to say, if gentleman in this House were Carolina proposes to remedy. And yet we are gravely disposed to shut them up, and refuse to apply the remedy, told by gentlemen, that to pass this resolution would the people of the country would not long submit to the imply censure on our own conduct. Sir, for one, I am impositions that were practised on them. Mr. S. said, he willing to risk it. If public servants fail to do their mashad scarcely heard a single gentleman open his mouth in ter's will, they deserve punishment. He wondered that this debate, who had not conceded the point that much gentlemen, in the scope of their extraordinary imaginatime was unnecessarily consumed here in legislation. Yet, tions, had not thought of another censure, the fatal and when a remedy is proposed, there is such an apparent pernicious consequences of which, in his opinion, were as sensitiveness manifested, as almost to preclude the possibi- much to be dreaded as the one before mentioned. It is lity of even acting on the subject, much more of effecting this, there is an old adage, which said, "touch a galled any thing like a remedy. Sir, the further this debate has horse, and he will flinch." Now, sir, [said he] what will progressed, the more I have been convinced there is not be the imaginations of our constituents, when they come the least shadow of hope of effecting any thing like re- to hear that there is so much sensitiveness exercised about trenehment in this House. We hear it reasoned from all reducing the pay of members? Why, sir, they will supsides, that the effect of this resolution will be to cast an pose, that, indeed, with us, the public good is a matter but imputation on our own conduct. That it is implicitly say- of secondary consideration; and the opinion will at least ing, we do not render an equivalent for the time we con- be as rational to suppose that we came here for pecuniary sume here in legislation. Sir, I care not what the impu- considerations, as that the adoption of this resolution imtation might be, I am convinced something ought to be plies a censure on our conduct. Sir, it is true as gospel, done to stop the progress of an evil which, in its tendency, that none under heaven are so apt to feel the lash of centhreatens evils of no ordinary magnitude. sure as those who are guilty. Sir, far be it from me to He would repeat again, that he cared not what might impute dishonorable motives to any member of this House, be the effect it might have on public opinion; he asserted I am only speaking of the effect the course of gentlemuch unnecessary time was consumed here. Our sessions men will have on public opinion. Sir, I am truly sorry are too long; and, sir, without intending to enst imputation that gentlemen have thought proper to oppose this resoluon the character of any gentleman, my own opinion is, if tion with such violence. The opinions of Mr. Jefferson our wages were curtailed, it would shorten the sessions. have been quoted by the gentleman from Virginia, [Mr. Sir, do you confine Congress within its legitimate sphere, SMYTH.] It is said tha the recommended long sessions and and three months in each year is more than sufficient for short speeches. Mr. S. said he thought the gentleman the legislation of this country. Pass a law commensurate from Virginia was amongst the last who should complain H. OF R.] Pay of Members. - Topographical Surveys. [MARCH 31, 1830. of long speeches. When the Register of Debates for this | order on its discussion. This, too, [said Mr. S.] is the session shall be published, the gentleman will not be be- day on which the gentleman from Tennessee (Mr. BELL] hind in size or number. The fact was, this session, it had was to have introduced his bill upon the subject of our been long speeches and short session, and so it would con- Indian relations. Mr. S. concluded by expressnig his con tinue to be, unless something was done to check the evil; for if we are to judge from the former conduct evinced in the debates, this is to be a speaking session. On account of some strange fatality or other, we are doomed to do nothing this session. Sir, my honest opinion is, that un less some such measure as the one proposed by the resolution or amendment is adopted, we shall always labor under the difficulty we do now. Gentlemen had railed out against the original resolution, because it would deprive them of a month to stay here. Why, sir, if the viction that, if gentlemen would come to the resolution to cut short these interminable debates, lop off the first month of the session, assemble on the first Monday in January, and look forward to the first of May as the desirable period to return to their domestic affairs, the public business would be more faithfully performed, and the deprecated evil corrected. Mr. CAMBRELENG said, he agreed with his colleague [Mr. STORRs] that the proper mode of shortening the session was to take from the first part of it; but he could not amendment of the gentleman from Massachusetts, [Mr. join in the charge which had so frequently been made EVERETT] should be adopted, in the two years we should against this House, particularly of a want of energy and stay as long as we do now. The amendment proposes to industry. He would defy any member, no matter how limit the long session to four months, and that the short long he might have held a seat on that floor, to point to session shall commence the 1st of November; thus allow any former session when twenty and thirty bills had been ing, in the two years, eight months for legislation-one-passed in a day in the middle of a session, as was the case third of our time; and I have no hesitation in saying that on Friday and Saturday last. It seemed to be the partithat is two months more than we should, in justice to the cular desire of some members most unjustifiably to find country, appropriate. Sir, my own opinion is, that three fault with this Congress in distinction of all others. While months is long enough for each session, and will afford he was up, he would ask the gentleman frorn Massachuample time for the legislation of this country. Considera- setts [Mr. EVERETT] to modify his amendment so as to fix ble had been said during this debate about the compensa- the termination of the first session, hereafter, at the 15th tion of members. Sir, I am of the same opinion now of April; which was accepted. that I was when this subject was before the House in the Mr. EVERETT accepted the modification. The previous question was then demanded and the House ordered the main question to be put. The main question, being on the passage of the resolution, was then put, and decided in the negative as follows: fore part of the session. Six dollars per day is enough for any man to receive for his services. But he had not understood that this was the object of the gentleman from South Carolina, but to shorten the session; and, if we staid longer than the time presented in the resolution, to reduce it to two dollars per day. Now, sir, suppose the long session to last six months; why, by the alteration proposed, each member would receive six dollars per day on an average, which, in his opinion, would be sufficient to compensate any man for his services. He continued, he was sorry to hear one objection which was raised to the King, Lamar, Lewis, Loyall, Lumpkin, Lyon, Magee, passage of the resolution. It was this, that its effect would strike at the root of the great plans of internal improvement and the protection of home industry. In conclusion, he would answer that by saying, that recent demonstrations of sentiment in this House had evinced that whatever was left undone, the tariff and appropriations would be attended to any proposition which takes money out of the treasury will be attended to. Mr. STORRS, of New York, understood the object of the resolution to be the correction of a moral evil, the existence of which was evident. He thought it would be a reflection on the House to contend that it could not transact all the essential business which came before it in four months. The number of bills which were passed at the YEAS. Messrs. Alston, Angel, Bailey, P. P. Barbour, Martin, McCoy, McDuffie, Mitchell, Nuckolls, Powers, NAYS.-Messrs. Anderson, Arnold, Barber, J. S. Barbour, Barringer, Bates, Beekman, Bell, Bockee, Borst, Bouldin, Brodhead, Buchanan, Burges, Butman, Cambreleng, Chandler, Clark, Coke, Coleman, Condict, Cooper, Coulter, Cowles, Craig, of Virginia, Crane, Crockett, Creighton, Crocheron, Crowninshield, Davenport, Davis, of Massachusetts, Deberry, Denny, De Witt, Dickinson, Duncan, Evans, of Maine, Everett, of Vermont, Findlay, Finch, Ford, Forward, Fry, Gaither, Goodenow, Gorham, Green, Grennell, Hemphill, Hinds, Hodges, Howard, Hughes, long sessions, he believed, did not exceed those passed at Hunt, Huntington, Ingersoll, T. Irwin, W. W. Irwin, Isacks, the short sessions. He referred to the haste with which Johns, Johnson, of Tennessee, Kendall, Kincaid, King, of bills were urged through on the last ten or twelve days New York, Lea, Lecompte, Leiper, Lent, Letcher, Malof the session. Of this system of legislation he contended lary, Martindale, Thomas Maxwell, Lewis Maxwell, there was no necessity, as bills could as well be passed McCreery, McIntire, Monell, Muhlenberg, Norton, Overexpeditiously in the middle of the session as at its close. ton, Pearce, Pettis, Pierson, Polk, Potter, Ramsay, He warned new members that they would witness the Randolph, Reed, Rencher, Rose, Russel, Scott, Shepsame scene that old ones had become accustomed to. He perd, Shields, Semmes, Sill, S. A. Smith, A. Smyth, believed that the first month of the session, on account of Spencer, of New York, Sprigg, Stanbery, Sterigere, the holidays, was rendered nearly or quite useless; and if Stephens, Storrs, of New York, Storrs, of Connecticut, the session was to be shortened, it should be by meeting Strong, Sutherland, Swift, Taliaferro, Taylor, Test, Thomon the first Monday in January, instead of the first Monday in December. The rules of the House did not properly regulate its proceedings. They continued to make the bills the order of the day for to-morrow, while that to-morrow never came. The resolution which they were now discussing, for instance, still occupied the hour devoted to resolutions, to the exclusion of all other business. The judiciary bill had been thrown aside for so long a period, that he really had forgotten what question was in son, of Ohio, Vance, Varnum, Vinton, Washington, Wayne, Whittlesey. White, of Louisiana, Wilson, Yancey, Young.-122. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEYS. The bill making appropriations for certain surveys, &c., was then taken up for a third reading. Mr. WICKLIFFE moved to amend the bill in the clause appropriating money for surveys, by adding a proviso, that the sum appropriated should be expended on works heretofore directed, or which may be directed, by either House of Congress. Mr. CLAY expressed a hope that the limitation would not be adopted, and asked for the yeas and nays on the question. At the suggestion of Mr. McDUFFIE, Mr. CLAY withdrew his call for the yeas and nays, which was immediately renewed by Mr. WICKLIFFE. The yeas and nays were then ordered. Mr. ELLSWORTH expressed his hope that the amendment would not be adopted. He reminded the House that it had been customary to pass an appropriation of this kind annually; and he desired that it be applied on the usual principle-that the same discretion which had been hitherto given to the proper department in the disbursement of this money, should still be given to them. He argued against the proposed change as inexpedient, unjust, and unreasonable. Mr. TREZVANT said a few words in explanation. Mr. TUCKER moved to strike out the enacting words, and called for the yeas and nays, which were ordered. At the suggestion of Mr. McDUFFIE, Mr. TUCKER withdrew his motion to amend. The amendment moved by Mr. MARTIN to the amendment was then negatived. Mr. P. P. BARBOUR suggested a modification of the amendment so as to strike out the words "either House of," so as to read-shall be directed by Congress. Mr. WICKLIFFE declined to accept the modification. Mr. P. P. BARBOUR then moved his proposition as an amendment. Mr. DRAYTON stated that his opinion had always been that the act of 1824, authorizing this expenditure for surveys, was unconstitutional. He consequently was opposed to all appropriations for these objects; but he was in favor of the amendment for reasons he stated-the chief Mr. McDUFFIE repeated the objections he had urged of which was, that it would tend to prevent abuses in the against this limitation at the last session, when a similar execution of the act, and contending that works beginning proposition was negatived by a vote of four to one. If and ending in the same State could not be deemed nationthis limitation should be adopted, every member will have al, but many such under the present system had been un his own peculiar project carried through, or no proposi- dertaken. tions will pass. Complaint had been made that the works begun were not national, yet it was proposed to compel the Government to complete them instead of taking up others which might be national. It was therefore an unreasonable proposition, and he hoped it would not be adopted. Mr. WICKLIFFE defended his amendment, on the ground generally of the abuse which the present mode led to, the unimportant nature of the works which it enabled members to be procured to be undertaken, &c. Mr. P. P. BARBOUR enforced the propriety of the amendment he had offered. The vote of this House is the vote of the representatives of the people, while that of the Senate is the vote of the representatives of the States; and he wished to unite both. He declared himself utterly opposed to the whole system, and every scheme, survey, and appropriation under it. Mr. MERCER advocated the power of the Government to make these surveys, and the practice which had prevailed under that power, denying peremptorily that it had led to any abuses, although the allegation was so often repeated, and arg arguing ing that a work commencing and ending in a State might be, and often was, strictly national; many cases of which he cited: amongst others, he maintained that if a line of canals from Maine to Georgia was a na Mr. MARTIN stated, that, although opposed to the system, he was still more opposed to the amendment, in its present form. If the system was to be continued, he was for leaving its exercise where it was now, to the Executive, and to keep this House as clear as possible of the contention and the agitation which it was calculated to tional work, any part of that line, however small, is naproduce here. He then moved to amend the amendment, tional. The whole work cannot be completed at once; it by striking out " or such as may hereafter be directed by must be constructed in detail, and in parts. The Buffalo either House of Congress." and New Orleans road he considered as national, whether it was cut up in decimal parts, or viewed as a whole. He said he had carefully investigated the practice of the department, and he believed it to be free from abuse. Even Mr. ELLSWORTH thought this proposition was exceptionable. It seemed to contemplate that whenever a proposition for any appropriation for any particular work is made, the subject is to undergo a discussion in this in a case which he had four years ago considered the most House; and members are to be called on to decide, with doubtful, he had subsequently satisfied himself that there the superficial knowledge they must be supposed to pos- was no ground for doubt. To objections on the score of sess, on the preference of making a survey for a route local interests being too influential, he replied that in time here, over that for a route there. He hoped, therefore, that the amendment would not prevail. Mr. TREZVANT' made some remarks against the com mitment of a discretion to the departments as to the direction of any surveys. He wished to confine the appropriation to such surveys as have been commenced, and that the House should afterwards decide on the propriety of new ones. He argued at some length in explanation of his views, and hoped the amendment of the gentleman from South Carolina would not be adopted. Mr. TEST here called for the previous question, but the call was not seconded. Mr. MARTIN explained his own views, so as to remove a misconception which he thought seemed to prevail as to his course. Mr. HALL opposed the whole system, the amendment, as well as the bill itself. If he took the amendment of Mr. MARTIN, the remainder of Mr. WICKLIFFE'S amend ment would contain enough to involve all his principles. He could vote for none of the questions proposed. Mr. MERCER suggested that many surveys had been ordered by Congress, which have not yet been commenced; and the effect of the amendment would be to relieve the Executive of all responsibility whatever. hem VOL. VI.-91. of war it was as important a power which regulated the direction of an army, as that which gives the direction of a road. The western part of the State of New York had entirely sprung up under the fostering influence of the late war, as millions had been expended there in consequence of the march of troops there. Yet no one contended that, in that case, the Government should be controlled, lest the local interests of one section should be preferred to those of another. Mr. AMBROSE SPENCER stated that the question an to the power of the Government to make these surveys was settled by the act of 1824, and that it was useless now to make it a subject of discussion. He was opposed to imposing upon the present administration a limitation which had not been imposed on their predecessors. He declared himself adverse to the amendment to the amendment, as well as to the amendment. He expressed his concurrence in the views which had fallen from the last speaker, and controverted the idea that works confined entirely to particular States were necessarily not national, cases of which he cited. Mr. IRWIN, of Pennsylvania, expressed his hope that both the amendment of the gentleman ntleman from Kentucky, and that of the gentleman from Virginia, would be rejected. H. or R.] Fortifications, Barracks, &c.-District of Columbia. Mr. MALLARY contended that it was due to the President, who is at the head of the military force, to give to him an entire command over those works which are connected with the military defence of the country. He could, in the exercise of that power, lead to more full and more satisfactory results than we can ever be brought to by listening to the contending claims of conflicting interests in the House. There was no reason for imposing this limitation on the present Executive. Mr. BARRINGER said, the adoption of the amendment could only lead to a multiplication of surveys; and he argued briefly to show the inexpediency of the amendments. Deeming it useless, however, to consume more time in debate, he demanded the previous question-yeas, 66. The number was insufficient. Mr. TUCKER asked for the yeas and nays on the amendment of Mr. BARBOUR, but they were refused. The amendment to the amendment was then negatived: yeas, 72-nays, 96. The question was then taken on the amendment of Mr. WICKLIFFE, and decided in the negative: yeas, 75nays, 111. So the amendment was rejected. Mr. WILLIAMS asked for the yeas and nays on the third reading of the bill, which were ordered, and were as follows: yeas, 121-nays, 64. FORTIFICATIONS, BARRACKS, &c. The House then went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. WICKLIFFE in the chair, on the bill making appropriations for expenditures in the Engineer, Ordnance, and Quartermaster's Departments. plained by Mr. D., and was agreed to. [APRIL 1, 1830. the purchase of one-quarter of an acre of the land. The motion was negatived. There was a discussion also on a motion by Mr. McCOY to strike out the appropriation for arming fortifications, which adds one hundred and fifty thousand dollars per arinum to the usual sum of one hundred thousand dollars which is annually appropriated for that purpose. Mr. DRAYTON explained the necessity for this appropriation. Mr. MERCER also made some observations on the necessity for the adoption of the original item in the bill. He argued to show the necessity of accelerating the preparations for arming the fortifications now rapidly approaching to completion. It would be better to blow them up than leave them unarmed, to the possibility of their being seized by an enemy, armed, and turned against us. Mr. BUCHANAN opposed the original motion, and supported the amendment, on the ground that it was an unusual mode of legislation to introduce a new and important appropriation into a bill embracing appropriations only for carrying into effect the settled policy and authorized objects of the Government; and that this rapid arming of our fortifications must render necessary an increase of our standing army. After an explanation from Mr. DRAYTON, the amendment was agreed to: yeas, 58-nays, 56. Mr. DRAYTON then moved to insert an appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars. This motion was opposed by Mr. McCOY and Mr. BUCHANAN, and was supported by Mr. DRAYTON and Mr. MERCER, and was finally negatived: yeas, 63-nays, 67. Mr. DRAYTON then moved to fill the blank with sixty thousand dollars; which motion was also negatived. Mr. CROCKETT moved to strike out the item of ap Mr. DRAYTON moved to insert an appropriation of forty-seven thousand dollars, for the completion of the military road in the State of Maine; which motion was ex-propriation for erecting workshops at West Point, two thousand five hundred dollars, which was rejected-yeas, 51. Mr. SEVIER moved to amend the bill by adding an apill by adding propriation for a military road from Arkansas to Missouri; which motion was negatived. On motion of Mr. DRAYTON, also, (made as well as the preceding by direction of the Military Committee,) an appropriation of ten thousand two hundred dollars was inserted, for the erection of barracks at Fortress Monroe. Mr. VERPLANCK moved to strike out the appropriation of twenty thousand two hundred dollars, for the purchase of five and a half acres of land, adjoining the armory at Spring field, in Massachusetts, deeming the price extravagant. The motion was opposed by Mr. DRAYTON and Mr. BATES, the latter of whom stated facts to show that the price was moderate, considering the general prices and value of land in that village; and the motion was negatived. Mr. MARTIN made an ineffectual motion to strike out the appropriation of sixteen thousand dollars for a fireproof armory at Springfield. A motion was made by Mr. MeDUFFIE to strike out an appropriation of five thousand dollars for an acre of land adjoining the armory at Harper's ferry, deeming the price an imposition, which he, for one, would not submit to. That he would rather, if the land was indispensable, resort to the power of the Government to have the land valued and condemned, but he would do without it sooner than submit to such an imposition. Mr. McDUFFIE moved an amendment, appropriating six hundred dollars for a lithographic press, &c., for the use of the topographical bureau in the War Department; which was likewise negatived. The committee then rose, and reported the bill and amendments.. THURSDAY, APRIL 1, 1830. The resolution for setting apart one day in each alternative week for the consideration of business concerning the District of Columbia, moved some days ago, was taken up for consideration. Mr. POWERS, chairman of the Committee on the District of Columbia, rose, and rapidly sketched off the reforms wanted in the legislation of Congress for this District. He stated, in few words, the object of each of the bills which have been reported by the Committee on the District of Columbia, reviewing them in succession, viz.: Mr. DRAYTON explained, that the land had on it vari- the bill providing for the appointment of commissioners ous wooden buildings, which rented for above three hun- to revise the laws generally; the bill for putting the penidred dollars a year, were occupied as grog-shops, and tentiary principle in operation in our criminal laws; the were resorted to by negroes by day and night. These bill authorizing the election, by the people of the District, were the reasons which induced a majority of the Commit- of a Delegate to Congress; and the bill for such reorganitee on Military Affairs to withdraw their original objection zation of the courts of justice, as the committee think to to the appropriation. Mr. MERCER also opposed the motion, and stated, in addition, the value of property at Harper's ferry, from its peculiar situation, to show that the price was not extravagant. The amendment was agreed to-yeas, 100. Mr. DRAYTON then moved to insert a clause, making an appropriation of twelve hundred and fifty dollars for be immediately necessary. All these seemed to him to be matters of pressing necessity, and such as Congress were bound to attend to at the present session. Under these circumstances, as this separate Government of this District, having no government but Congress, had not, so far, at this session, occupied one moment of the time of the House, the committee did not think it unreasonable that two days in each month should be devoted to the concerns of the District. : 1 If the House should adjourn at the time now proposed, it would, under such a rule, have given but three days of its time to these important concerns. Three days, it was believed, would be sufficient, in this session, if properly used, for the transaction of all its important concerns. Unless some portion of the time of the House was thus set apart. it was doubtful whether a single measure, out of the important ones proposed, would be acted upon at all during the session. He concluded by expressing the hope that, under these views of the subject, the House would consent to the proposition. Mr. PETTIS said, he was as well disposed towards the people of this District as any member in the House, but he was opposed to this partial legislation. One-twelfth part of the time of the House was asked, at this pressing part of the session, and to the exclusion of all other busi ness, to act on bills introduced by the committee for the benefit of the District of Columbia alone. This Mr. P. could not consent to. He was [he said] somewhat peculiarly situated. For several years there had been no legis [H. or R. Mr. INGERSOLL demanded the yeas and nays. They were taken accordingly, and were, yeas, 47-nays, 120. Here the hour elapsed, and Mr. MALLARY moved to suspend the rule, but the House refused. The House then went into Committee of the Whole, Mr. HAYNES in the chair, and took up the bill for the construction of the BUFFALO AND NEW ORLEANS ROAD. Mr. COKE, of Virginia, delivered his views in oрровіtion to the bill. Mr. IRWIN, of Pennsylvania, said, that the remarks which had been made by several gentlemen who had taken part in the debate, had induced him to depart from a resolution he had formed, of merely giving a silent vote in favor of the bill. But [said Mr. I.] as I am not willing that any portion of the people of my native State shall remain under the imputation of being influenced solely by local considerations, regardless of principle and the true interests of the country, in the support which they or lation here for Missouri at all; the business of that State their representatives give to the bill, I will ask the indulhad been overlocked, and he had hoped to get something gence of the committee while I submit some of the views done this session; but the manner in which the business which have been impressed on my mind in relation to it. of the House was performed weakened his hopes, and, if The constitutional question, which has been so frequently the proposition to give a twelfth of its time to District discussed in this House on former occasions, it is not my concerns prevailed, the chance would be still more dimi- intention to notice. I consider it deliberately established nished. We go on, [said Mr. P.] day after day, ploughing by successive acts of legislation for a series of years, and with the buffalo, to the neglect of all other business; and if the bills introduced by the gentleman [Mr. POWERS] were to have the preference he required, each of which would take much time, little else would be done. He moved to lay the resolution on the table, but withdrew his motion at the request of Mr. INGERSOLL, who said he was formerly a member of the District Committee, and, when the affairs of that District were before the House, he could not keep his seat without attempting to show its condition and the necessity of some legislation for it. This spot [he said] over which Congress possessed exclusive legislation, had had by public opinion, by which I do not wish to be understood to mean the opinion of a single congressional distriet, nor of a State, but that great and abiding opinion of a majority of the people of most of the States of the Union, repeatedly expressed after long deliberation, resulting in a settled conviction that the constitution has given to Congress full and complete control over the subject, limited only by their discretion, in legislating for the public welfare. Here it should be suffered to rest, for the mind of man cannot give it any additional light, It has been said, sir, that, at a former session of Congress, it was only designed to make a national road from this city to New Or no legislation for twenty-five years There was no leans, but that the friends of the measure, despairing of spot within the whole Union, within which legislation was so necessary as these ten miles square. The penal laws remained the same as they were thirty years ago, and the report which had just been read at the clerk's table, showed that, like the laws of Draco, they were written in blood. So crying was this neglect, and so great the necessity of reform, that four years ago, Congress ordered the erection of a penitentiary, which had been completed at a cost of one hundred thousand dollars, but as yet it was useless-no law had been passed to give it effect. The Committee on the District had labored diligently to remedy this and the other evils under which the people labored, and they deserved the thanks of Congress and of the country, for their assiduity. At the last session, he, being able to pass the bill in that shape, determined to enlist other interests, and that the sectional feelings of the people of the interior of Pennsylvania could be brought into action, by extending the road through that State to Buffalo. It was not left merely to inference, but it was broadly asserted that the approbation of the people of Pennsylvania to the measure could be obtained in no other way, and that the national interests would be the least part of their concern. The assertion is unfounded; I trust I may be excused for saying that no part of this Union is less affected by sectional considerations, more patriotic, or more truly devoted to the welfare of their country, than are the people of Pennsylvania. They were among the first to maintain the true doctrine of our republican as a member of that committee, had labored with his col- institutions; they cherish them as the means of individual leagues in maturing a system for ameliorating the penal happiness and national prosperity, and they will struggle laws here, but, though a bill was reported, they were never long before they will suffer them to be impaired by refined able to get it up. Mr. I. dwelt on the anomalous and and narrow constructions. The power to make roads cruel nature of the laws which prevail in the District- and canals for national purposes, they have asserted to beremaining destitute of those improvements which have long to this Government in their assemblies to discuss the been made in those of the States around, because there question, by legislative enactments, and by the votes of has been no legislation for the District. They are just as their representatives on this floor. For no selfish purthey were thirty years ago at the time of the cession. pose, sir, but because they believed, and still believe, that One fact he cited as an instance: Kidnapping is not an the prosperity of the country, if not its very existence, offence in the District; stealing a slave is, under the old depends upon the exercise of this power. That State law; but stealing a free man is not punishable. He also has never asked from Congress any thing for works of referred to the evils of the slave trade as carried on internal improvement, although she was the first to emthrough the district. A bill was once reported to abate bark extensively in them; she relied on her own resources, this evil, but Congress could never be got to take it up. and has expended more money on roads, bridges, and He hoped the time asked for the affairs of the District would be granted, and this mass of corruption be swept off. Mr. PETTIS then renewed his motion to lay the reso lution on the table. canals, than any other State in this Union. When it is recollected that she has been second only to another State in her contributions to the national revenue; and she has asked for nothing, and got nothing, for works of a 1 |