Teaching and Researching TranslationRoutledge, 23/04/2014 - 344 من الصفحات Teaching & Researching Translation provides an authoritative and critical account of the main ideas and concepts, competing issues, and solved and unsolved questions involved in Translation Studies. This book provides an up-to-date, accessible account of the field, focusing on the main challenges encountered by translation practitioners and researchers. Basil Hatim also provides readers and users with the tools they need to carry out their own practice-related research in this burgeoning new field.
This second edition has been fully revised and updated through-out to include:
Armed with this expert guidance, students of translation, researchers and practitioners, or anyone with a general interest in this fast-developing field can explore for themselves a range of exemplary practical applications of research into key issues and questions.
Basil Hatim is Professor of Translation & Linguistics at the American University of Sharjah, UAE and theorist and practitioner in English/Arabic translation. He has worked and lectured widely at universities throughout the world, and has published extensively on Applied Linguistics, Text Linguistics, Translation/Interpreting and TESOL. |
من داخل الكتاب
... context and history 62 235 63 67 Translation as metatext 6 Literary and cultural constraints 6.1 Polysystem theory and translation 6.2 The Manipulationists 6.3 Translation purpose 6.4 The circle closes : Linkages to other disciplines ...
... context of medical gate-keeping encounters, and identified three interactionally grounded modes of talk: professional, institutional and personal experience. These theoretical, discourse analytic categories were then discussed with the ...
... contexts and situations , and eventually to give rise to newer and more effective strategies . In implementing a ... context , rather than absolute , then I believe that practitioners , rather than being consumers of other people's ...
... context that motivates the enquiry in the first place. The basic premise underlying this new research focus on 'reflective practice' is that the practitioner may now be seen as someone with a portfolio of skills which includes, most ...
... context and considered the implications which this orientation might have for the study of translation ( e.g. Hatim and Mason , 1990 ) . Regarding the specific issue of ideological meaning in discourse , two complementary trends have ...
Research models | 93 |
Developing practitioner research | 197 |
Links and resources | 265 |
References | 298 |
Index | 312 |