صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني
[blocks in formation]

Aim of teaching, 3; social aim, | Child factor in method, 69

[blocks in formation]

Application of principles to arith- Classes of standards, 219

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Diagnostic value of objective stand-Function of organization, 149

ards, 269

Diagrams, 168

Direct perception, 100

Direct questions, 175

Diversity in aims, 15

Dramatization, two phases of, 194
Drawing scales, 257
Drill, 203

Drudgery, 141; examples of, 142
Dynamic aspect of aim, 15

Earmarks of responsibility, 146
Elliptical question, 175
Emotional factor in teaching, 134
Enthusiasm, 6; for teaching, II
Ethical need, 26

Evolution of responsibility, 147
Examination of data, 109
Exhibits, 156

Function of subject-matter, 8, 60

Fundamental basis of responsi-
bility, 150

Fundamentals reduced to habit, 22

Gathering data, 113

Generic and specific values, 139
Geography scales, 259

Gettysburg edition of Ayres's hand-
writing scale, 237

Goal of instruction, 14

Graph of writing abilities, 236, 237
Gray's oral reading test, 240
Gray's silent reading test, 240
Group teaching, 44

Habit formation, 117

Habits conserve energy, 119

Habits make for uniformity and
consistency, 120

Expert knowledge in primary read- Habits of reasoning, 89

Experimental work, 154

ing, 191

Habits release energy, 119

Expert knowledge in the industries, Habits which should be established,

Explanation, 168


Hahn-Lackey geography scale, 259

Harvard-Newton composition scale, | Legal aspects of standards, 218

[blocks in formation]

Organization of Paul Revere's Ride, | School's use of expert knowledge, 189

[blocks in formation]

Schoolroom requirements, 160
Second step in teaching habit, 125
Sense differences, 90
Short-circuiting, 106
Simplified spelling, 214

Skill, 21; in controlling stimuli, 5

Phonograms, 193; cause short-cir- Social approval a means of respon-

cuiting, 194

Pictures, 197

Play, 140

Prejudices, 27, 142

sibility, 154

Social efficiency, 17

Socializing need, 23, 17

Social sympathy, 25

Price's scale for teaching and test- Speed, 203

ing elementary reading, 241
Problematic assignments, 151
Problems, 80, 203

Project defined, 82; examples of,
81; relation to problem, 81;
value of, 82

Psychic principles of writing, 207
Pupil organizations, 162
Pupils' desire to win, 155
Purpose determines structure, 50
Purposive thinking, 78

Questions, 174

Reactive attitude of child, 8, 74
Reading, application of principles,
192; materials, 198; present
status of, 191; standards, 240
Reasoning a method of control, 96
Relative values, 44

Reports to parents, 160

Research ideal, 19

Spelling problem analyzed, 211

Spelling reforms, 211

Spelling standards, 229
Spontaneous thinking, 76
Standardized tests, 163; in first-
year algebra, 260

Standard of classroom technique, 222
Standard, grades, and promotions,



[blocks in formation]

titude, 220

Standard, reactive

attitude of

child, 223

Standards for measuring results in
teaching, 217

Standards in algebra, 250
Starch's handwriting standard, 238
Starch's silent reading test, 241
Starch's spelling scale, 231

Steps in induction, 108

Stimuli, value and character of, 166
Structure of subject-matter, 8

Results of spelling investigations, Structure reveals function, 53

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Twofold aspect of worth-whileness, Word lists, 232


Two theories of evolution, 70

Writing habit, 207

Writing standards, 232



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