GUADALUPE HIDALGO, Treaty of. Art. XXI. February 2, 1848.. HAY memorandum concerning Panama Canal...
HONDURAS-UNITED STATES. Convention concerning loan. January 10, 1911. 274 INDUSTRIAL drawings and models and patents of invention, Convention of
Fourth International American Conference for protection of. August 20, 1910....
INTERNATIONAL American Conference, Fourth. General Record of Proceed- ings. July 12-August 20, 1910...
INTERNATIONAL arrangement relative to the repression of the circulation of obscene publications. May 4, 1910...... INTERNATIONAL convention for protection of fur seals in North Pacific Ocean. July 7, 1911
INTERNATIONAL law office, French decree establishing. July 21, 1910...... INTERNATIONAL Marine Conference, Final Act of. October 16-December 31, 1889.
INTERNATIONAL Prize Court Convention, Additional protocol to. September 19, 1910.
INTERNATIONAL Prize Court Convention. Resolution of United States Senate consenting to ratification of. February 15, 1911. . . . . . ITALY-ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. General arbitration treaty. September 18, 1907 ...
JAPAN. Law relating to land ownership by foreigners. April 13, 1910. JAPAN-GREAT BRITAIN. Agreement of alliance. July 13, 1911.. Treaty of commerce and navigation. April 3, 1911.
JAPAN-UNITED STATES. Treaty of commerce and navigation. February 21,
Convention for protection
of fur seals in North Pacific Ocean. July 7, 1911...... LAND Ownership by foreigners in Japan, Law relating to. April 13, 1910.. 175 LANSDOWNE memorandum concerning Panama Canal. August 3, 1901. LIBERIA-GREAT BRITAIN. Boundary convention. January 21, 1911... LITERARY and artistic property, Convention concerning rights of, adopted by Fourth International American Conference. August 11, 1910.. LOAN convention. Honduras-United States. January 10, 1911. Nicaragua-United States. June 6, 1911.....
MEXICO-GREAT BRITAIN. Convention respecting telegraphic communication with British Honduras. May 27, 1910....
MEXICO-UNITED STATES. Art. XXI of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Feb- ruary 2, 1848.
Boundary convention. March 1, 1889..
Treaty for arbitration of Chamizal case. June 24, 1910. Supplementary protocol. December 5, 1910...
MARINE Conference, International, Final Act of. October 16-December 31,
MARITIME Conference. See International Marine Conference.
NETHERLANDS-GREAT BRITAIN. Arbitration convention. February 15, 1905. 126 Treaty renewing. December 16, 1909...
NICARAGUA-UNITED STATES. Loan convention. June 6, 1911...
NORTH Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration. Minutes of conferences between Great Britain and United States as to objections of United States to laws and fishery regulations of Canada. January 14, 1911 . . . . . .
Minutes of conferences as to application of award in,. to regulations of Canada and Newfoundland. January 12, 1911...... NOTE from the members of the arbitral tribunal in the Pious Fund case mak- ing some suggestions as to the conduct of future arbitrations. October 14, 1902 ...
OBSCENE publications, international arrangement relative to the repression of the circulation of. May 4, 1910...
OLNEY-PAUNCEFOTE treaty of arbitration. January 11, 1897.. OPIUM. Agreement relating to. Great Britain-China. May 8, 1911. OTTER. See Sea Otter.
PAN-AMERICAN Conference. See International American Conference. PAN-AMERICAN Products Exhibition, Resolution of Fourth International American Conference concerning. August 4, 1910..... PAN-AMERICAN Railroad, Resolutions of Fourth International American Con- ference concerning. August 11, 1910.......
PAN-AMERICAN Union, Resolution of Fourth International American Confer- ence providing for reorganization of. August 11, 1910... Proposed convention. August 11, 1910..
PANAMA Canal. Hay memorandum concerning negotiations..
Lansdowne memorandum. August 3, 1901.....
PARAGUAY-GREAT BRITAIN. Extradition treaty. September 12, 1908...... PATENTS of invention and industrial drawings and models, Convention of Fourth International American Conference concerning. August 20, 1910. PAUNCEFOTE-OLNEY arbitration treaty. January 11, 1897.. PEACE, international, Pontifical brief on. June 11, 1911.. PECUNIARY claims, Treaty for arbitration of. United States-Great Britain. August 18, 1910.....
PECUNIARY claims, arbitration convention adopted at Fourth International American Conference. August 11, 1910..... PERMANENT Court of Arbitration, suggestions concerning procedure for, made by members of the tribunal in the Pious Fund case. October 14, 1902.. PONTIFICAL brief on international peace. June 11, 1911... PRIZE Court Convention, International, Additional protocol to. September 19, 1910. ...
PRIZE Court Convention, International, Resolution of United States Senate consenting to ratification of. February 15, 1911.... PROCEDURE before Permanent Court of Arbitration at The Hague, suggestions made by members of arbitral tribunal in Pious Fund case concerning. October 14, 1902 ....
PRODUCTS Exhibition, Pan-American, Resolution of Fourth International American Conference concerning. August 4, 1910..
REORGANIZATION of the Union of American Republics, Resolution of the Fourth International American Conference relative to the. August 11, 1910 ..
Proposed convention. August 11, 1910.. RESOLUTIONS of the Fourth International American Conference, Buenos Aires. July 12-August 20, 1910......
RUSSIA SPAIN. Convention of obligatory arbitration. August 2/15, 1910.. 217 RUSSIA-UNITED STATES-JAPAN-GREAT BRITAIN. Convention for protection of
fur seals in North Pacific Ocean. July 7, 1911.... SALVADOR-UNITED STATES. Extradition treaty. April 18, 1911.. SANITARY Convention, international, Resolution of Fourth International American Conference concerning. August 18, 1910.... SAVARKAR case, Agreement between Great Britain and France to arbitrate. October 25, 1910.....
SEA otter. International convention for protection of in North Pacific Ocean. July 7, 1911
SPAIN-GREECE. Extradition treaty. May 7/20, 1910..
SPAIN-RUSSIA, Convention of obligatory arbitration. August 2/15, 1910.. 217 STATISTICS, Commerce and custom-house, Resolution of Fourth International American Conference recommending establishment of section of, by Pan- American Union. August 20, 1910....
STATISTICS, Commercial, Resolution of Fourth International American Confer- ence concerning the gathering of. August 20, 1910.. STEAMSHIP communication, Resolution of Fourth International American Conference concerning. August 12, 1910......
SWEDEN-UNITED STATES. Consular convention. June 1, 1910.. TELEGRAPHIC convention between Great Britain and Mexico. May 27, 1910. 281 TRADE and commercial marks, Convention adopted by Fourth International American Conference for protection of. August 20, 1910.... UNION of American Republics, Resolution of Fourth International American Conference concerning reorganization of. August 11, 1910.. Proposed convention. August 11, 1910..
UNITED STATES. Act for purchase of embassy, etc., buildings. February 17, 1911.
List of consular officers of. March 20, 1911..
List of officers in diplomatic service of. March 20, 1911... Resolution of Senate consenting to ratification of International Prize Court Convention and Additional Protocol. February 15, 1911.. UNITED STATES-BRAZIL. Arbitration convention. January 23, 1909. UNITED STATES-FRANCE. Extradition treaty. January 6, 1909.
UNITED STATES-GREAT BRITAIN. Arbitration of pecuniary claims. August 18, 1910
Declarations concerning commercial travelers' samples. December 3-8, 1910. . . .
General arbitration treaty. August 3, 1911.
UNITED STATES-GREAT BRITAIN. Minutes of conferences as to application of award in North Atlantic Coast Fisheries Arbitration to regulations of Canada and Newfoundland. January 12, 1911...
Minutes of conferences as to objections of United States to laws and fishery regulations of Canada. January 14, 1911 ..........
Unratified arbitration treaty. January 11, 1897. UNITED STATES-HONDURAS. Convention concerning loan. January 10, 1911. 274 UNITED STATES-JAPAN. Treaty of commerce and navigation. February 21, 1911 ..
UNITED STATES-MEXICO. Arbitration of Chamizal case. June 24, 1910.. Supplementary protocol. December 5, 1910...
Art. XXI of treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. February 2, 1848...... 125 Boundary convention. March 1, 1889..
UNITED STATES-NICARAGUA. Loan convention. June 6, 1911. UNITED STATES-RUSSIA-GREAT BRITAIN-JAPAN. Convention for preservation of fur seals in North Pacific Ocean. July 7, 1911.... UNITED STATES-SALVADOR. Extradition treaty. April 18, 1911. UNITED STATES-SWEDEN. Consular convention. June 1, 1910.... VOCABULARY of expressions and synonyms used in customs service of America, Resolution of Fourth International American Conference recommending preparation of, by Pan-American Union. August 20, 1910..... WORKMEN'S Compensation for accidents. Convention between France-Great Britain. July 3, 1909....
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