kel's Fees. No Meat, Fish, or Flesh, to be sold in, or of Saint John's where than in some Dwel Plantation. No. 484. 33d GEO. III. say, For every Ox, Cow, or Heifer, brought to the said Markethouse, and actually sold therein, the Sum of three Shillings, and so in Proportion, as near as may be, for a Quarter or other less Part thereof; for every Goat or Sheep brought to the said Market-house, and actually sold therein, the Sum of one Shilling, and so in Proportion for a lesser Part; for every six Pounds of Turtle, or Fish, the Sum of one Penny and one Halfpenny, and no more. IV. And be it also enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That no Meat, Flesh, or Fish, shall be sold or offered for Sale, in any Part of the said Town of Saint John, or in any Place within one Mile within a Mile thereof, except such Place be the Dwelling-house of the Proprietor, Town, else Manager, or Overseer of a Plantation, or some Inhabitant thereon, MARKET- -but only in the said MARKET-HOUSE; and any White or Free HOUSE, or in Person or Persons, offending against this Act, shall, upon Conviction ling-house on thereof, before any one of His Majesty's Justices of the Peace for this Island, for every such Offence, forfeit and pay the Sum of Five Pounds, to be levied, by Distress and Sale of such Offender' or Offender's Goods and Chattels, by virtue of a Warrant under the Hand and Seal of the Justice before whom he, she, or they was or were convicted, directed to any Constable of the said Town of Saint John, together with the reasonable Costs and Charges of such Levy In Default of and Sale to be allowed by the said Justice; and in Default of a Distress, Im- sufficient Distress and Sale, such Offender or Offenders shall be comven Daysmar. mitted, by such Justice, to the common Jail of this Island, for any two Days min. Time not exceeding seven Days nor less than two Days. White Person offending to forfeit 5. prisonment se Slave offending against Act, to be whipped. V. And be it also enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That if any Slave shall be convicted of any Offence against this Act, such Offender shall be whipped, by the Order of any Justice of the See Act of 28. Peace for this Island, so as such Whipping or Punishment be not less than twenty, nor exceed thirty-nine Lashes. Feb. 1798, (No. 527.) By Act of sth Oct. 1803, (No. 577) VI. And be it also enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That it shall and may be lawful to and for the Justices of any Court of King's Bench and Grand Sessions of the Peace, to be holden S. 1. mari for this Island, from time to time to regulate and settle the Price or mum Prices Prices, at which any Kind of [Fish or] Flesh shall be sold, in any Part for Fish; so of this Island, and from time to time to alter, amend, or totally disconthat the Au- tinue such Rates or. Prices, as the said Justices in their Discretion Clause can ex- shall think proper; such Rates or Prices to be published in one or Flesh. more of the public Newspapers of this Island: and if any Person are appointed thority in tend only to or 33d GEO. III. No. 484. A. D. 1792. ; or Persons shall, at any Time after the Expiration of twenty Days next after the Day upon which such Order, Rates, or Prices shall have been made or settled, demand any greater Price or Rate than allowed by the said Court of King's Bench and Grand Sessions such Offender or Offenders shall be subject and liable, to the same Forfeiture or Punishment as is herein-before provided for Persons selling Meat, Flesh, or Fish in any other Place than the Market House in the Town of Saint John; such Forfeiture or Punishment to be recovered or inflicted in the same Manner as is herein-before mentioned. prevent Sales VII. Provided always, That Nothing herein-before contained shall Act not to extend, or be construed to extend, to prevent any free Inhabitant of the said Town of Saint John, from selling or exposing to Sale, in their Dwelling-Houses, Yards, or Shambles, any Oxen, Cows, or Calves slaughtered by such Inhabitants, or for their Account, or to prevent any Person from agreeing with any other Person, for the immediate Sale of any Meat, Flesh, or other Victuals directly, without first hawking or exposing the same for public Sale, nor to prevent any Meat, Fish, or other Victuals which have not been sold in the said Market-house, before the Hour of eleven of the Clock in the Forenoon, from being afterwards exposed to Sale, as if this Act had not been made. No. 526. VIII. And be it also enacted and ordained by the Authority afore- Revived by said, That this Act shall continue in Force twelve Calendar Months, from and after the Publication thereof, and, from thence, to the next Meeting of the Council and Assembly of this Island. Dated at Antigua, this fourteenth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two, and in the thirty-third Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord GEORGE the Third, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth. PHILIP HICKS, Speaker, pro tempore. Passed the Assembly, this thir-) teenth Day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. ANTHONY BROWN, Clerk of the Assembly. Passed the Council, this thir- 33d GEO. III. Nis. 484, 485. A. D. 1792. Published this fourteenth Day of December, one thousand seven hundred and ninety-two. ROBERT CLOGSTOUN, Dep. Pro. Marshal. No. 485. An Act to alter, revive, and amend an Act, intituled, An ENLARGED, to include Offi Batteries, by Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for regulating the Militia of this Island, and for the further Regulation of the said Militia, and fixing and appointing the Times when Martial Law shall be in force in this Island, and declaring and establishing Rules and Articles of War for the better Government of the said Militia at those Times. WHEREAS an Act now in force, dated the twenty-eighth Day of June, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and two, and intituled, An Act for regulating the Militia of this Island, is in many respects so defective and in some others so inconvenient, that without a Law to alter and amend the same, and to supply the Defects thereof, an exact and regular Discipline of our Militia cannot be introduced and kept up, or transient Persons, when amongst us, be rendered so serviceable as they might be, in the Preservation and Defence of this Island: And whereas from our Vicinity to the French Islands, we are obliged from Motives of Honour and Interest to put ourselves in the best State of Defence of which we are capable, and in Order thereto, it is absolutely necessary that our Militia should be kept under the best Discipline our Circumstances will admit of; as Nothing, next under the Providence of God, can so, effectually, contribute to our Safety as constant and regular Discipline; We, Your Majesty's most loyal and obedient Subjects, the Governor in Chief of Your Majesty's Leeward Caribbee Islands in America, and the Council and Assembly of this Your Majesty's Island Antigua, pray Your Most Excellent Majesty, that it may be enacted and ordained; one Squadron and be it, and it is hereby enacted and ordained by the Authority of Militia to be formed into of the 33d GEO. III. No. 485. Dragoons; ments and one A. D. 1793. the same, That our Militia henceforward shall be under the following of Rege Regulations, that is to say, Our Troops shall be entirely formed into one Squadron of Light Dragoons, who may serve both on Foot and Horseback; two Regiments, and one Independent Company of Foot; and one Battalion of Artillery; and into no other Species of Troops whatever; every Man from the Age of fourteen to sixty-five (except as herein-after excepted) shall serve in one or the other, unless Matrosses and such others who are employed on the Forts. Every Man from 14 to 65, to serve, ex cept as in S. Every Man belongs to FOOT MILI where resi otherwise ap to be named der-in-Chief of Antigua and Council. Not more than one Dra goon from one Plantation. 5.1, the maximum Strength is fixed at 100, II. And be it enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That every Man residing on this Island, or the Islands adjacent and thereto belonging, at the Publication of this Law, or who theremay after arrive hereon, shall, and is hereby declared, unless otherwise appointed, to belong to that Corps of Fooт MILITIA within the Verge of which he shall then happen to reside: And as it is intended that none shall serve in the DRAGOONS but such as are entirely to be DRAGOONS depended upon, they shall, from time to time, be named by the by Comman Commander-in-Chief of the Island for the time being, by and with the Consent and Advice of the Council. Provided always, that not more than one Dragoon be appointed from any one Plantation, and that the whole Squadron on the Island be never less than sixty, or more than one hundred and eight effective Non-commissioned-officers and Private-men, both included; and whenever it shall so happen either by Death, Absence from the Island, or otherwise, that the Squadron on the Island be less than one hundred and eight effective Non-commissioned-officers and Private-men as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the Commanding or other Officer of the Squadron, to recommend to the Commander-in-Chief and Council as aforesaid, such Men as may be proper to do Duty in that Corps. Provided always, That such Officer shall give Notice to the Colonel or Commandingofficer of the Corps to which the Men so recommended shall belong, ten Days before the Meeting of the Council to which they shall be recommended, that such Colonel or Commanding-officer may attend to make any Objections he may have to such Recommendation. And provided also, That no Man whatever shall be appointed to the Dragoons without his own Consent,—and, after being once appointed to the Dragoons, shall, without the Consent of the Colonel or other Commanding-officer thereof, be at Liberty to remove himself (UNLESS promoted to be a Commissioned-officer, and having received other Corps: a Commission, or Order in Writing from the Commander-in-Chief Exception: - VOL. II. T of and Limitation as to the minimum removed. Mode of fill ing Vacancies No Dragoon to be appoint ed without his when appointed, not at Liberty to remove to an own Consent; .. 33d GEO. III. and may be fined under S. 9. though another Corps. But if unequal to Ex to do Duty in without, be discharged, or (Majority of Commanding 'Officer. of the Leeward Islands for the time being, to act as a Commissionedofficer) to any other Corps of Militia, under Pain of being fined as doing Duty in directed by Law for each Non-attendance in the Squadron of Dragoons, although such Man may do Duty in any other Corps. Provided always, and it is hereby declared, That if any Person or pense of Dra- Persons who may have been before, or shall hereafter be appointed goon, and able to do Duty in the Dragoons as aforesaid, shall be unable from AcFoot, cident, Misfortunes, or otherwise, to do Duty on Horseback, or to support the Expense of appearing properly mounted, cloathed, and accoutred for that Corps,-and, at the same Time, shall be able to may, on Ap- appear and do Duty in the Foot Militia; such Person or Persons, on plication, his or their Application to the Commanding-officer of the Dragoons, shall be, by a proper Discharge, under the Hand and Seal of such Officers con- Commanding-officer, forthwith discharged from that Corps. And every Person so disabled as aforesaid, who shall by reason thereof, avoid doing Duty in the Dragoons, and who being able to do Duty in the Foot Militia, shall neglect to apply within a reasonable Time, for his Discharge from the Dragoons as aforesaid, it shall and may be lawful for the Commanding-officer of that Corps, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Majority of the other Officers thereof, being on the Island, to discharge every such disabled Person in in order to do manner aforesaid; and every Person so disharged shall, from the Duty in Foot. Date of such Discharge, belong to and do Duty in that Corps of Foot Militia, in the Verge of which he shall at that Time reside: Adjutant of and the Adjutant of Dragoons is hereby required to give immediate Dragoons to give Notice of Notice in Writing, of every such Discharge, to the Adjutants of the Adjutants of respective Corps of Foot Militia, in the Verges of which such disDischarge to charged Persons shall reside at the Time of their Discharge, that their Names may be inserted forthwith in the Rolls of those Corps, and any Adjutant of Dragoons, who shall neglect to give Notice of the Discharges to the other Adjutants as above-mentioned, shall be tried for such Neglect by a Court Martial, and being thereof convicted by the Opinion of the Court, shall be fined according to the Nature of his Offence. Foot. Penalty on III. And be it enacted and ordained by the Authority aforesaid, That the Battalion of ARTILLERY, which shall consist of seventytwo Men, shall be formed and kept up by Draughts out of the Corps of Foot Militia, from time to time, as may be necessary, which Draughts shall always be such Men as are fittest for that Service, and shall never be made but by a Warrant or Order in Writing |