1 40th GEO. III. No. 542. A. D. 1800. Gauger's Fee ered and required to pay four Shillings and Sixpence, current Gold and Silver Money, to the Gauger, for every Cask that, it shall appear from the Certificate, he has gauged. 4s. 6d. per Cask. Importer to pay 20s. for every Gallon short of Stand ard in S. 1. Wines un III. And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That for every Gallon deficient, either in Pipe, Hogshead, or Quarter-cask, of the said Wines imported and gauged, according to the Standard hereinbefore described and required, the Importer shall forfeit and pay twenty Shillings, current Money of this Island. Importer wil- IV. And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That if the fully having Importer of any of the Wines aforesaid, shall wilfully neglect to gauged forty- have his Wines gauged, within forty-eight Hours after landing, he after landing, shall forfeit and pay ten Pounds, for each Cask landed and not to forfeit 107. gauged, within the Time aforesaid. eight Hours per Cask. Commander Leeward Islands and V. And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That a Gauger in-Chief of shall from time to time be nominated by the Captain-General, or Commander-in-Chief, of the Leeward Caribbee Islands for the time Legislature of being, and the Council and Assembly of this Island; and such Gauger, before he shall enter upon the Execution of his Office, shall take the following Oath, before the Treasurer or his lawful Deputy. Antigua, to appoint Gauger. GAUGERS If Gauger Chief Commander may [A. B. do swear, that I will to the best of my Skill, without any wilful Neglect or Delay, gauge all Pipes, Hogsheads, and Quartercasks of Wines, either the Growth of Madeira, or the Western Islands, that I may be called upon to gauge by any Importer of such Wines, allowing one hundred and ten Gallons, to be admeasured by the common gauging Rod now used in this Island, to be a Pipe; and fifty-five such Gallons to be a Hogshead; and twenty-seven such Gallons to be a Quartercask in this Island; and a true Certificate of the Mark, Number, and Contents of each Cask, to make and swear-to, before the Treasurer of this Island. SO HELP ME GOD. VI. And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That, in case sick or absent, of the Sickness or Absence from this Island of such sworn Gauger, it shall and may be lawful for the Commander-in-Chief of this appoint tem- Island for the time being, to appoint another Gauger in the room of such sick or absent Gauger, who shall act in his stead during the Sickness or Absence of such sworn Gauger and no longer; and such Person, so appointed, shall not presume to act until he takes the Oath aforesaid. porary Gauger; to be also sworn. 40th GEO. III. No. 542. Agents, In Cause for Sus with Consta ble, Wines. A. D. 1800. VII. And be it further enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That, Collector of from and after the Publication hereof, it shall and may be lawful for lector's the Receiver or Collector of the Impost in this Island-his Agents formant, (ha-the Informer or Discoverer-(by virtue of a Warrant from any of ving Warrant, obtained by His Majesty's Justices of the Peace, for that purpose first obtained; Oath, before which Justice is hereby empowered to issue such Warrant, upon a Justice, of, proper Oath being made, before him, that there is probable Cause picion,) may to suspect that such Wines are secreted)-with one Constable, or search more in the daytime to search all manner of Houses, Cellars, any Premises Warehouses and Shops, or any other suspected Places, for such for concealed Wines as they, or any of them, shall be informed were carried thither to be concealed, contrary to the true Intent and Meaning of this Act: and such Wines, so found, which were imported under the Wines, found Gauge before-mentioned, shall be forfeited, the two-third Parts imported unthereof to His Majesty, His Heirs and Successors; and the other be forfeited. third Part thereof to the Informer or Seizer, to his own proper Application of Use and Behoof: and all manner of Persons are hereby required, to be aiding and assisting to the Receiver-his Agents-the Informer or Discoverer-and Seizers of such Wines: and such Seizures shall be prosecuted in any Court of Admiralty, or any Court of Record, in this Island. VIII. And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all the Fines and Forfeitures aforesaid, incurred for any Breach or Breaches of this Act, either by the Importer of the Wines aforesaid, or by the sworn Gauger, shall and may be recovered before any two Justices of the Peace in this Island, upon Complaint made to them by the Treasurer, or Information given them by any other Person; which Justices are hereby authorized and required, to summon and call before them, any Person or Persons against whom such Complaint shall be made; and to hear and determine, by Examination on Oath, the Merit of such Complaint or Information: and if the Party offending shall refuse or neglect to pay, within forty-eight Hours after the Determination of such Complaint or Information, the Fine or Forfeiture imposed by this Act, it shall and may be lawful for such Justices of the Peace, to issue their Warrant, in the nature of an Execution, and direct it to the Provost Marshal of this Island, or his lawful Deputy, to seize upon the Goods and Chattels of all such Person or Persons, who shall so refuse or neglect, and them to sell as in case of an Execution at Common Law and in case no Goods or Chattels shall be shewn by such Person or Persons complained against, then to take and commit him, her, or them to the Zz2 der Gauge, to Forfeiture. Fines under Act to be refore Justices, on Complaint by Treasurer, covered be tion by any or Informaother Person. Justices to examine on Oath Party against. complained fine not paid in forty-eight Hours, Warant to issue for Levy on Goods, &c. summon and Application of Nis. 542, 543. 40th GEO. III. IX. And be it enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That all Fines and Forfeitures incurred by this Act, and not herein-before applied, shall be paid into the Hands of the Treasurer, or his lawful Deputy, to be applied to the Use of the Forts and Fortifications of this Island. Dated in Antigua, the eighth Day of March, one thousand eight hundred. ABSORBED in Published, this tenth Day of March, one thousand eight hundred. JOHN ROBERTS, Dep. Pro. Marshal, No. 543. An Act for further continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same. later Act of of Alterations. WHEREAS an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch house No. 543. 40th GEO. III. A. D. 1800. house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same; dated at Antigua, the sixth Day of September, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight; and continued and amended by an Act, intituled, An Act for continuing and amending an Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punchhouse Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same, dated at Antigua, the twenty-third Day of October, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and eighty-nine; and revived, continued, and amended by an Act, intituled, An Act for reviving, continuing, and amending an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying_the same, dated at Antigua, the fourteenth Day of January, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-one; and revived, amended, and further continued, by an Act, intituled, An Act for reviving, continuing, and amending an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same, dated at Saint Christopher's, the twenty-second Day of April, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-six; and further continued by an Act, intituled, An Act for continuing an Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same, dated at Saint Christopher's, the fifth Day of April, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety-nine; will expire at the Meeting of the Council and Assembly of this Island, next after the fifth Day of the Month of April, in the present Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, unless further continued; We, therefore, Your Majesty's loyal and obedient Subjects, the Commander-in-Chief for the time being, in and over all Your Majesty's Leeward Caribbee Islands in America, and the Council and Assembly of this Your Majesty's Island Antigua, do humbly pray Your Most Excellent Majesty, No. 456. No. 462. No. 474. No. 508. No. 534. No. 456. OBSOLETE. Nis. 543, 544. 40th GEO. III. Dated at Antigua, the eighth Day of March, in the Year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred, and of His Majesty's Reign the fortieth. Published this tenth Day of March, one thousand eight hundred. JOHN ROBERTS, Dep. Pro. Marshal. No. 544. An Act to ascertain the total Number of Negro Slaves in this Island, and the total Number of Births and Deaths, (on an Average of the last three Years,) distinguishing what Proportion, of those that died, were born within this Island, or had been imported more than three Years before the Passing and Publication of this Act. Dated 12th April, 1800. An |