No. 514. An Act to revive and continue an Act, intituled, An Act supplementary to an Act, intituled, An Act for dividing the Island into Parishes, and Maintenance of Ministers and Poor, and erecting and repairing Churches, made and passed the fourth Day of July, in the Year of our Lord one thousand six hundred and ninety-two.... 266 No. 515. An Act to ascertain the Number of Acres of Land in this Island, and the Islands adjacent and thereto belonging, and the Quantities of Sugar and Rum annually produced therefrom; and for making a public Record thereof; and for laying a small Tax thereon, and applying the same 1797. No. 516. An Act to continue an Act, intituled, An Act for establishing Courts of Common Pleas, Error, King's Bench and Grand Sessions; and for the better regulating and settling due Methods for the Administration of Justice; and also to continue an Act, intituled, An Act supplementary to an Act, intituled, An Act for establishing Courts of Common Pleas, Error, King's Bench and Grand Sessions; and for the better regulating and settling due Methods for the Administration of Justice No. 518. An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for reviving, amending, and further continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for laying a Duty of Powder on all Vessels trading to and from this Island, for the Protection of the Trade of the same; and for confirming certain Proceedings by the Recommendation of a joint Resotution of the Council and Assembly of this Island, relative to the Commutation-in-part of the Powder Duty, not provided for by the said Act; and for appropriating the Monies arising from the said Commutation, now in the Hands of the Collector of the Powder, and any Money which may hereafter come into his Hands No. 519. An Act for raising a Fund, to defray the extraordinary Expenses of this Island, occasioned by the present War, and not yet provided for No. 523. An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for reviving, amending, and further continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for laying a Duty of Powder on all Vessels trading to and from this Island, for the Protection of the Trade of the same; and for confirming VOL. II. d 268 268 271 275 firming certain Proceedings by the Recommendation of a joint Resolution of the Council and Assembly of this Island, relative to the Commutation-in-part of the Powder Duty, not provided for by the said Act; and for appropriating the Monies arising from the said Commutation, now in the Hands of the Collector of the Powder Duty, and any Monies which may hereafter come into his Hands. 1798. No. 526. An Act to revive and continue an Act, intituled, An Act for repealing certain Clauses in an Act of this Island, intituled, An Act for regulating Towns and Harbours, settling of Markets, and encouraging Wharfs in this Island; and to prevent Abuses in the Fishery about the same; and for amending the said Act......... No. 529. An Act to raise a Fund for defraying the Expenses incurred, by this Island, by the Meeting of the General Council and Assembly of the Leeward Islands, lately held at Saint Christopher's; and for discharging other Public Debts, occasioned by the present War.... No. 530. An Act for reviving and continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for the Prevention of Damages to the Harbour of Saint John in this Island; for appointing an Harbour Master thereto; and for regulating his Duty.... 1799. No. 534. An Act for further continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same No. 535. An Act raising a Tax for paying Public Debts and Charges; and particularly applying the same 1800. No. 543. An Act for further continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as 288 295 303 303 316 318 Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, No. 544. An Act to ascertain the total Number of Negro Slaves in this 1801. .. 358 No. 549. An Act for valuing and appraising a certain Tract or Parcel of Land situate in the Parish of Saint Paul, and Division of Falmouth, in this Island Antigua; and for vesting the same in His Majesty, His Heirs, and Successors, upon Payment of the appraised Value thereof.. No. 553. An Act for reviving and continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same 1802. No. 559. An Act to revive and continue an Act, intituled, An Act for increasing and regulating the Fees of sworn Pilots 376 386 411 No. 562. An Act for continuing an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wines, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters, and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the same.... 417 PRIVATE PRIVATE ACT. 1791. No. 480. An Act for vesting the Houses, Messuages, and Slaves of Jacob Shepherd, a Lunatic, situate and being in the Parish of St. John, in the said Island of Antigua, in Trustees to be sold; and for laying out the Monies arising by such Sale as is therein directed.... Page 128 31st GEORGE III. A. D. 1791. REVIVED tive Acts, by with correla An Act for reviving, and continuing, and amending an Act, No. 474. intituled, An Act for continuing and amending an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties th on Licenses, to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Re-Se original tailers of Wine, Rum, or other Liquors; and im- p. 1360 VOL. II. B posing March, 1803, (No. 456, |