صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


No. 483. An Act for altering and amending the second Clause of an Act, intituled, An Act for increasing the Number of White Inhabitants on this Island, made and passed on the eleventh Day of February, one thousand seven hundred and forty-one; and for altering and amending the tenth Clause of an Act, intituled, An Act supplementary to an Act, intituled, An Act for encouraging the Importation of White Servants to this Island, dated the cleventh Day of July, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and sixteen, and in the second Year of the Reign of our late Sovereign Lord George, by the Grace of God of Great Britain, France, and Ireland, King, Defender of the Faith, and so forth; and also, to another Act, intituled, An Act for increasing the Number of White Inhabitants in this Island, dated the eleventh Day of February, in the fourteenth Year of the Reign of His present Majesty, and in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty; made and passed on the twenty-fifth Day of April, one thousand seven hundred and fifty-five

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No. 484. An Act for repealing certain Clauses in an Act of this Island, intituled, An Act for regulating the Towns and Harbours, settling of Markets, and encouraging Wharfs in this Island, and to prevent Abuses in the Fishery about the same; and for amending the said Act.


No. 485. An Act to alter, revive, and amend an Act, intituled, An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for regulating the Militia of this Island, and for the further Regulation of the said Militia, and fixing and appointing the Times when Martial Law shall be in force in this Island, and declaring and establishing Rules and Articles of War for the better Government of the said Militia at those Times....

No. 486. An Act to revive and continue an Act, intituled, An Act for the better regulating of small Vessels; and preventing Escapes of Debtors from this Island; and also to extend the same, to prevent more effectually the Escapes of fugitive Slaves from the said Island, and other Mischiefs likely to ensue








No. 488. An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for cleansing and amending the Highways in this Island; and to repeal an Act for cleansing and repairing common Paths and Highways within this Island; and for building an Arch of Stone, or of Brick, from the Abutments on each Side of the Gut between Bermudian Valley and New Division, instead of the present Arch of Stone much decayed; and for paying the Expenses thereof; and for appointing a Committee to contract for the same ...

No. 489. An Act to revive and make perpetual an Act, intituled, An Act for the more easy Recovery of Rent


No. 493. An Act to revive and continue An Act for establishing Courts of Common Pleas, Error, King's Bench and Grand Sessions; and for the better regulating and settling due Methods for the Administration of Justice; and to confirm certain Proceedings entered into, under the Authority of the said Act, since the Expiration thereof; and to indemnify Persons who have acted therein

No. 494. An Act for more effectually preventing the Purchase of stolen
Iron, Copper, Lead, and Brass in this Island...

No. 495. An Act supplementary to an Act, intituled, An Act to alter, revive, and amend an Act, intituled, An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for regulating the Militia of this Island; and for the further Regulation of the said Militia; and fixing and appointing the Times when Martial Law shall be in force in this Island, and declaring and establishing Rules and Articles of War for the better Government of the said Militia at those Times

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No. 498. An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act. for dividing the Island into Parishes; and Maintenance of Ministers, and the Poor; and erecting and repairing Churches; and also to alter and amend, in part, a certain Clause of another Act, intituled, An Act for more easily recovering Parish Taxes and Arrears of Parish Taxes, being supplementary to the Act for dividing the Island into


No. 499. An Act to oblige the Churchwardens of the Parish of Saint John, to enter into Security for the faithful Performance of their b2









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Duty; to restrain them from taking to themselves great and uncertain Gains, out of the parochial Funds of the said Parish; and for settling some fixed and moderate Recompense, for their Labour, or Expense, in discharge of their Trust..



No. 500. An Act for reviving, amending, and further continuing an Act,
intituled, An Act for laying a Duty of Powder on all Vessels
trading to and from this Island, for the Protection of the Trade of
the same; and for indemnifying the Collector of the said Duty 236

No. 502. An Act for granting an Annuity or yearly Sum of six hundred
Pounds, unto the Honourable Edward Byam, President of His
Majesty's Council of this Island Antigua


No. 507. An Act for granting a suitable Provision, to such of the Inhabitants of this Island, as may be disabled by Wounds, received in the Discharge of their Military Duty; and to provide a suitable Maintenance, for the Wives and Families of such as may be slain in similar Circumstances ..

No. 508. An Act for reviving, continuing, and amending an Act, intituled, An Act for continuing and amending an Act, intituled, An Act for laying certain Duties on Licenses to be taken out by all Persons acting as Tavern Keepers, Punch-house Keepers, or Retailers of Wine, Rum, or other Liquors; and imposing Duties on Rum, Cordial Waters and other Strong Waters sold by Retail; and for applying the


No. 509. An Act supplementary to an Act, intituled, An Act for establish-
ing Courts of Common Pleas, Error, King's Bench and Grand
Sessions; and for the better regulating and settling due Methods for
the Administration of Justice

No. 510. An Act for providing additional Subsistence for the Gunners and
Matrosses employed upon the Forts and Batteries of this
Island Antigua; and for the better Regulation of the said







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No. 511. An Act to continue, alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act to alter, revive, and amend an Act, intituled, An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for regulating the Militia of this Island; and for the further Regulation of the said Militia; and fixing and appointing the Times when Martial Law shall be in force in this Island; and declaring and establishing Rules and Articles of War for the better Government of the Militia at those Times...... 258


No. 517. An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for making, cleaning, and repairing common Ponds; and making and mending Bridges on the high Roads of this Island..

No. 520. An Act for confirming, establishing, and executing a certain Contract or Agreement, made by a Committee of the Council and Assembly of this Island Antigua, with John Pew, of the said Island of Antigua, Carpenter, for repairing certain Public Buildings in the said Island, and keeping the said Buildings in repair for the Term of ten Years, and for indemnifying the said Committee

No. 521. An Act for increasing and regulating the Fees of sworn Pilots




No. 522. An Act to repeal the fortieth and forty-first Clauses of an Act of this Island, intituled, An Act for attainting several Slaves now run-away from their Masters' Services; and for the better Government of Slaves, dated the ninth Day of December, in the Year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty-three; and to make Persons charged with and found guilty of the Murder of Slaves, liable and subject to the same Pains and Penalties, as are inflicted for the Murder of Free Persons.... 285


No. 524. An Act for laying a Tax on all Sugar Plantations, in this Island, not having one or more Cisterns thereon, and on all Houses, in either of the Towns of this Island; and applying the Money arising therefrom

No. 525. An Act supplementary to an Act, intituled, An Act for providing additional Subsistence for the Gunners and Matrosses employed upon



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the Forts and Batteries of this Island Antigua, and for the better
regulating the said Matrosses

No. 527. An Act for settling and regulating the Trial of criminal Slaves by

No. 528. An Act declaring Military Commissions, granted by His Excel-
lency the Chief Governor of the Leeward Islands, or any other
Commander-in-Chief of the said Islands, to be legal and valid;
although not included in the Establishment of Officers, made
and fixed by the Militia Law of this Island

No. 581. An Act to prevent the Stealing or Destroying of Sheep or other





No. 532. An Act for ascertaining the Freights of Goods and Merchandizes, and of Sugar, Rum, and other Produce of this Island, which shall be carried and transported, from one Part of the said Island to another Part of the said Island, in any Sloops, Shallops, Boats or Vessels, commonly called Sugar Droughers 305

No. 533. An Act to alter and amend an Act, intituled, An Act for cleaning and amending the Highways in this Island; and to repeal an Act for cleaning and enlarging common Paths and Highways in this Island..

No. 536. An Act to alter and amend certain Parts of certain Clauses of an Act, intituled, An Act for more easily recovering Parish Taxes, and the Arrears of Parish Taxes, being supplementary to an Act, intituled, An Act for dividing the Island into Parishes, as far as the same may relate to the Recovery of Parish Taxes; and for rendering all Arrears of Parish Taxes of more permanent Security; and to alter and amend a certain Clause in the Act commonly called "THE TRANSIENT TAX ACT."

No. 537. An Act to extend the Provisions of an Act, made in General Council and Assembly of the Leeward Caribbee Islands, and passed in the Reign of Queen Anne, intituled, An Act for supplying the want of Fines and Recoveries in these Islands; and for making any Deed or Deeds, duty executed and acknowledged before




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