Socialism and Communism in IndiaAllied Publishers, 1971 - 468 من الصفحات |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-3 من 73
الصفحة 296
... Indian Communist Party would forge and develop its organization to the point where it would be in a position , once ... communists should cooperate with the national liberal movement , they did not in fact do so . The Indian ...
... Indian Communist Party would forge and develop its organization to the point where it would be in a position , once ... communists should cooperate with the national liberal movement , they did not in fact do so . The Indian ...
الصفحة 311
... Indian com- munists to join the Congress Socialist Party and thereby to influence Congress policy . Dutt and Bradley suggested that the communists , leftists , Congressmen ... India Act , 1935 was a " slave " The Indian Communists 311.
... Indian com- munists to join the Congress Socialist Party and thereby to influence Congress policy . Dutt and Bradley suggested that the communists , leftists , Congressmen ... India Act , 1935 was a " slave " The Indian Communists 311.
الصفحة 313
... Communist Party was able to function semi - legally and in January 1938 it started its first all - India weekly journal , the National Front . The Indian communists , who joined the Congress Socialist Party after the policy of the ...
... Communist Party was able to function semi - legally and in January 1938 it started its first all - India weekly journal , the National Front . The Indian communists , who joined the Congress Socialist Party after the policy of the ...
Large industrial establishments in British India 1935 | 42 |
حقوق النشر | |
35 من الأقسام الأخرى غير ظاهرة
طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
AITUC Ajoy all-India Andhra anti-imperialist Bangla Congress believed Bombay Bose bourgeois bourgeoisie British Calcutta capitalist China Chinese Comintern communism communist movement Communist Party Congress Socialist Party Congress Working Committee Constitution CPI(M CPI(M-L criticized Dange declared democracy democratic front denounced Desai differences Dutt economic elections fascism forces Gandhian Gandhism gherao gress Ibid imperialism imperialist Indian communists Indian National Congress Indira Gandhi industrial inside the Congress Jana Sangh Jawaharlal Nehru Jayaprakash Narayan Kerala labour landlords leaders leadership leftist Lenin liberation M. N. Roy Marxist masses ment Minister movement in India national bourgeoisie nationalist Naxalites Nijalingappa nonviolence organization P. C. Joshi parliamentary Party of India peaceful peasants people's political programme proletariat radical Ranadive reactionary revisionist revolution revolutionary rightist Russia Sabha September 1969 socialism society Soviet split Statesman struggle Swatantra theory tion Trade Union United Front government village violence West Bengal workers wrote