HELENA (S.), or the Finding of the Holy Cross, noticed, 278.
Hope (Mrs.), Sequel to Conversion of the Teutonic Race, S. Boniface and the Conversion of the Germans, reviewed, 326.
Hutton (R. H.), Essays, Theological and Literary, reviewed, 281.
Howley (E.), Competition, Endowment, and Trinity College, Dublin, reviewed, 77.
Hübner (Baron), Life and Times of Sixtus V., noticed, 258.
IRELAND IN THE REIGN OF JAMES I., 1-48: two methods of writing history in vogue, 1; difficulties in the way of earlier Irish historians, 2; State help facilitating the acquisition of a correct knowledge of Irish history, 2; the editorial labour required in making the present collection, 3; importance of the documents now published, 4; accession of James I., 5; despotic acts of the English Lords Deputy, 6; misery of Ireland at the time, 8; grievous famine and pestilence in Ireland, 9; cruelty of the Council to the poor Irish in London, 10; Sir Arthur Chichester's policy, 12; ravages of the English soldiery, 13; rapacity of the com- manders, 14; advice of Queen Elizabeth to her Irish officials, 15; extortions of Sir G. Carey, 18; depreciation of the currency in Ireland, 20; mingled prodigality and parsimony of James, 22; straitened con- dition of the Treasury, 22; confiscation of the lands of the native Irish, 25; off-handed proceedings of the English officials, 28; trial of Downing for murder, and his acquittal, 28; the case of Mead, the Recorder of Cork, 30; pathetic condition of the Church in Ireland, 31; religious persecu- tion by James, 32; course intimated for the suppression of the Catholic religion, 33; Sir John Davys on the absence of religious instruction, 34; unfitness of the new Protestant hierarchy for their position, 34; the "Undertakers" of Elizabeth, 37; James's views for the plantation of Ireland, 38; the disfavour with which they were received, 39; bad character of the immigrants whom King James introduced, 40; the mistaken policy of Elizabeth and James in regard to Ireland, 41; two courses to pacify Ireland open to James, 42; failure of the royal policy, 44; fears of a Spanish invasion, 45; results which might have occurred from a change in the English policy, 46; verdict of posterity on King James I., 48.
IRISH PRIESTS AND LANDLORDS, 119-137: attempted defence by "C" in the Tablet of the Galway landlords, 120; weakness of his arguments, 120; the intervention of the priests was simply to enable the farmers to vote according to their convictions, 120; the Galway tenant farmers unanimously favoured Nolan on public grounds, 121; their political servitude, 122; extenuating circumstances in the landlords' case, 122; their unjust treatment by the Constitution, 123; want of true liberality in "C," 124; reasons why every Galway priest should have worked heartily for Nolan, 125; admission of "C" that the priests legitimately take part in political agitation, 125; cheering prospects from the priests' political leadership in Ireland, 127; without doubt some evils result from such leadership, 128; "C's" assertion that bishops put spiritual
pressure upon priests denied, 128; the Spectator on our October article, 129; the priests desire to do full justice to the landlords, 130; Irish animosity towards England inevitably increased by the Keogh judgment, 131; remarks on "C's" Supplementary Letter, 133.
Irish (The) University Bill, 448-469: introduction of the Bill, 449; both Minister and House weary of their work, 449; successful reception of the Premier's introductory speech, 449; subsequent state of public opinion, 450; the Bill condemned by all parties, 451; resolutions of the Irish bishops, 451; debate on the Second Reading, 453; Mr. Card- well's speech fatal to the Bill, 454; Mr. Disraeli's speech, 454; his anticipations should the Bill be carried, 456; his reference to the policy of Concurrent Endowment, 457; speech of Mr. Gladstone, 458; defeat of the Government, and political crisis, 461; the Archbishop's speech at Liverpool, 462; previous negotiations of the Irish bishops on the subject of University Education, 463; propositions by their Lordships for a Catholic University, 464; rejection of the Supplemental Charter by the Queen's University, 465; correspondence of the Archbishop of Cashel and the Bishop of Clonfert with Lord Derby's Government, 466; prospects of the question, 469.
ITALIAN ARCHITECTURE, 104–119: introductory remarks upon a former article, 104; all styles of architecture suited to the requirements of Christian worship, 105; adaptation of the Pagan basilicas to Christian Churches, 106; the wise inspiration of the Pope in adopting the Italian style for St. Peter's, 107; harmony of that noble building with the living Church, 107; the symbolism of Gothic architecture, 109; its beauty, 109; chief characteristic of the Italian style, 110; its suitability for Christian worship, 110; comparisons of the two styles, 111; reasons for the adoption among the Northern nations of the Gothic instead of the Italian, 113; signs of a coming change, 114; question whether Gothic churches are really popular with the poor, 115; Italian churches better suited to them, 116; the greater expense of the Italian churches, 117; yet they can be built cheaply, 118; they are better suited for the ceremonies of the Church, 118; conclusion, 119.
JERVIS (Rev. W. H.), The Gallican Church, noticed, 259. Joseph (S.) His Life and Character, noticed, 525.
Jowett (B., D.D.), The Dialogues of Plato, reviewed, 281.
KLEUTGEN (F.), Die Philosophie der Vorzeit vertheidigt, reviewed, 281. LABOURERS (THE) AND POLITICAL ECONOMY, 48-59: deplorable condition of the agricultural labourers, 48; recent attempt to ameliorate that condi- tion, 49; political agitation amongst them, 49; sympathy of the Archbishop of Westminster for them, 50; objection to the agitation drawn from political economy, 50; true province of that science, 51; opinions on the duty of the Legislature, 53; Mr. Greg's exposure of Malthus's doctrine on population, 53; discredit thrown upon political economy by the acceptance of that doctrine, 54; the long period which would elapse before the world could arrive at the condition predicted by
Malthus, 55; his conclusion purely hypothetical, 57; opinions of Mr. Nassau Senior in opposition to Malthus, 57; the duty of all true Catholics to submit to the Church's teaching throughout the whole sphere of moral action, 59.
Lecky (W. H.), Criticism of Mr. Froude's " English in Ireland," noticed, 259. Lee (Miss M. M.), The Heart of Myrrha Lake, noticed, 280.
Letters from Rome on the Council, reviewed, 159.
Letters signed "C" in the Tablet of Nov. 30, Dec. 7, and Dec. 14, reviewed,
LITERATURE AND DOGMA, 357-380: the history of Protestantism one of variations, 357; the demise of Protestantism, 357; assertion by Dr. Strauss that no educated person is a Christian, 358; such a result inevitable when the right of private judgment was proclaimed, 358; Dr. Strauss and Mr. Matthew Arnold are the latest expounders of the new system, 359; Mr. Arnold's new work "Literature and Dogma," 360; his impious description of the Holy Trinity, 361; his views of the Bible, 362; his notion of religion, 363; according to him there is only one proper exponent of the Bible, and his name is Matthew Arnold, 364; no one good quality to be found in his work, 365; his doctrine confuted by himself, 366; he is difficult to understand when he is speaking of our Lord, 368; whatever he has verified or seen is accepted, all beside is denied, 370; his denial of miracles, 371; his remarks on the raising of Lazarus, 373; modern Men of Science, 374 ; question whether many of our modern "scientific men" are deserving of the title, 375; ignorance of Catholicity displayed by many of our literary men, 376; Mr. Leslie Stephen on the religious state of England, 377; the amount of mischief which Mr. Arnold's book will cause, 378; a word of advice to Mr. Arnold, 379; a proper Catholic education the best antidote to such works as "Literature and Dogma," 380.
MARTINEAU (Rev. J.), Essays, Philosophical and Theological, reviewed, 281. Maxims of the Kingdom of Heaven, noticed, 280.
McCosh (J., D.D.) Christianity and Positivism, noticed, 503.
Meadows (A.) Biological Science in relation to Religious Belief, noticed, 506. Melia (P., D.D.) Hints and Facts on the Origin, Condition, and Destiny of Man, noticed, 249.
Meline (J. F.), Mary, Queen of Scots, and her latest English Historians, noticed, 264.
MISSION (THE TRUE) of the Teutonic Race, 326-356: the division of the Japhetian family, 326; the great Eastern migration into India, 327; the Western into Europe, 327; a further division into five races, 327 ; the Germanic race, 328; its system of Government, 329; chivalrous respect of women, 329; completion of the mission of the Roman empire, 330; second influx of the barbarians, 331; miseries they inflicted upon the Empire, 331; influence of the Church upon the leaders, 332; massacre of S. Ursula and the Virgins, 333; S. Severin, 333; his prophetic farewell to Odoacer, 334; his unwearied well-doing, 334; relapse of the barbarians after his death, 335; baptism of Clovis, 335;
birth of S. Benedict, 336; he founds his monastery at Monte Cassino, 337; characteristics of his Rule, 337; S. Columban arrives in Burgundy, 338; severity of his Rule, 339; spread of the Faith through France and Burgundy, 340; S. Gregory and S. Augustine, 340; the latter lands in England, and baptizes King Ethelbert, 341; he dies, and is succeeded by Laurentius, 341; continuous conversion of Britain, 342; difference between Britain and the other provinces of the Roman Empire, 343; the Saxon royal Saints, 345; enthusiasm for learning throughout Eng- land, 346; conversion of the Frisians and the Franks commenced by S. Willibrord, the Northumbrian, 347; it is continued by S. Winfrid, 348; who is consecrated by S. Gregory as Bishop of Germany, under the name of Boniface, 349; religious assistance given by England to S. Boniface, 350; great success of his labours, 352; he is allowed to foresee his death, 353; he visits Dockinga, and there receives his martyrdom, 354; the Christian greatness of the Teutonic race owing to its faithfulness to the Roman Pontiff, 355; its falling away, 356; neces- sity for its return to its former obedience, 356.
Mivart (St. George), Lessons in Elementary Anatomy, noticed, 508. Molloy (G., D.D.), A Visit to Louise Lateau, with a Short Account of her Life, noticed, 486.
My Clerical Friends, and their Relation to Modern Thoughts, noticed, 213.
NEWMAN (J. H., D.D.), Difficulties felt by Anglicans in Catholic Teaching, noticed, 220.
Historical Sketches, Part II., noticed, 220.
Note to the Third Article of our October Number, 208.
Norwich Cathedral Argumentative Discourses in Defence and Confirmation of the Faith. "Pleadings for Christ," noticed, 230.
OAKELEY (Canon), Catholic Worship, noticed, 222. The Athanasian Creed, noticed, 221.
PARSONS (Mrs.), Life of S. Ignatius of Loyola, noticed, 518. Passion Flower, noticed, 272.
Pichou (M. L'Abbé), Life of Monsig. Berneux, noticed, 275.
QUEEN'S COLLEGES (THE) IN IRELAND, 77–103: intention of Parliament in founding the Queen's Colleges, 77; general opinion on the necessity for their establishment, 78; indications of the realization of the project, 78; necessity for a thorough Matriculation Examination, 78; the proper business of a University, 79; proposed Curriculum of the Queen's University, 81; objections to it, and reasons for a four-session Curri- culum, 82; proposed prizes for competition of the new Graduates, 82; failure of the scheme of the founders, 83; Mr. Thompson's appointment as Professor at the Queen's University, 84; his opinion upon the three years' Curriculum, 85; his evidence upon the failure of the whole scheme, 86; Mr. Killeen's evidence on the decline of the number of pupils, 87; accordance of his opinions with those of Mr. Thompson, 88;
deplorable condition of the competition at the various Queen's Colleges, 89; divergence from the original ideas of the founders, 90; introduction of Professional Education into the Colleges, 91; deficiency of Graduates, 92; "Honour" Graduates and "Pass" Graduates, 93; subjects for which a "Pass" degree might be obtained, 94; the examinations, 95; what the Queen's University meant for Ireland, 96; its failure, 98; want of rudimentary knowledge in the pupils, 99; intra-collegiate examina- tions, 102; necessity for a revision of the whole scheme, 103.
REGULATIONS of the Queen's University in Ireland, 1850-1872, reviewed, 77. RELATION (THE) OF SCHOLASTIC TO MODERN PHILOSOPHY, 281–325: Philo- sophy must have a place in future Catholic teaching, 281; how far the connection of Scholastic Philosophy with Theology extends, 282; Mr. Hutton and Mr. Martineau's Essays, 283; Dr. Jowett's Plato the type of Oxford teaching, 284; the charm of Dr. Jowett's work, 285; Philosophy at Oxford thirty years ago, 286; alteration in the system of instruction at the present day, 287; Aristotle and the Schoolmen, 288; his influence upon Christian Schools, 289; why his philosophy was selected instead of that of Plato, 290; its high character, 291; his doctrine of Form, 292; his application of it to the Soul of man, 297; his view of the relation between body and soul, 298; the theory of Cognition, 299; summary of the discussion, 303; Mr. Martineau on Force, 304; general agreement between him and Aristotle, 305; difference in doctrine between the writer of the present article and Mr. Martineau, 305; the work of Kant, 307; its effect upon the philosophical world, 309; his philosophy consisted of two parts, one of which has been adopted by England, and the other by Germany, 310; credit due to Messrs. Martineau and Hutton for their stand for Ontology, 312; Mr. Hutton on the existence of God, 314; the belief of such existence present in most men without its being proved scientifically, 315; though in the main friendly to the Church, had Mr. Hutton been somewhat better acquainted with its early history he would not have written some of the Essays, 317; the difficulty of understanding invincible ignorance of primary truths, 320; Mr. Hutton's Essay on the Fourth Gospel, 323; objection to some remarks in the present article, and reply to such objection, 325.
Renty (Life of Baron de), noticed, 519.
REPLY TO MR. RENOUF BY F. BOTTALLA, 137-160: Mr. Renouf undertook to prove that Pope Honorius was condemned for heresy, 137; but he has failed in his charge, 138; his misunderstanding of our views in this discussion, 139; Pope Agatho's Letter, 140; Mr. Renouf does not un- derstand the Catholic view of an Ecumenical Council, 140; the three professions of faith contained in the Liber Diurnus, 141; doctrinal decisions of a Council are of value so far only as they receive the approbation of the Holy Pontiff, 141; Mr. Renouf's misrepresentation of Leo II. with regard to the decision of the Sixth Council, 142; Honorius cannot be convicted of heresy merely by letters signed with his name, but written by some one else, 144; the charge of negligence,
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