THE DUBLIN REVIEW. VOL. XX. NEW SERIES. 72 JANUARY-APRIL, MDCCCLXXIII. LONDON: BURNS, OATES, & CO., 17 & 18, PORTMAN STREET, AND 63 PATERNOSTER ROW. DERBY: RICHARDSON & SONS. DUBLIN: JAMES DUFFY; W. B. KELLY; MCGLASHAN & GILL. MONTREAL, CANADA: SADLER & CO. 1873. Difficulties in the way of Irish historians Importance of the documents now published Misery of Ireland at the accession of James I. Cruelty of the Council to the poor Irish in London Ravages by the English soldiery. Confiscation of the lands of the native Irish. Off-handed proceedings of the English officials in Ireland Pathetic condition of the Church in Ireland. ART II.-THE LABOURERS AND POLITICAL ECONOMY. Division of Relation into Predicamental and Transcendental Metaphysical constitution of things by Act and Term. Example of Act and Term in the constitution of matter What a Transcendental Relation is the complement Man's Inchoative and precisive knowledge of the Absolute. 76 |