صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني


VEN in the history of the present war, fo novel in

EVEN in the hiftory

both its origin and conduct, the year 1796 is particularly interesting to every subject of the British empire. The spirit of innovation, imported into this country, from France, became strong, rampant, and daring. The established order of affairs was loudly threatened. Outrage, in a quarter that ought to be held the most sacred from violence, was actually begun: multitudes of men appeared ready to precipitate themselves into anarchy and rebellion.


In such circumstances, the British government deemed it necessary to take strong measures of prevention. On the conduct of administration the nation was divided, according as they were, more or less, forcibly struck with the dangers to be apprehended from popular encroachments on the one hand, or those of the executive VOL. XXXVIII,



government on the other. The apprehenfions of both parties were abundantly justified by experience.

It was scarcely possible, that, in such a shock, the balance of our constitution should not, in some degree, be shaken, and bent a little, for a time, towards one fide or other. The candour and indulgence with which we have treated the opposite opinions on this important, delicate, and tender subject, we wish to be confidered, by our readers, as a pledge of that perfect impartiality and freedom from all party spirit, by which we wish this work to be diftinguished. As it extends to many years back, so we hope it will be continued, and find acceptation in the world, for many years to come. It is not for any party, or temporary humour, or paffion, that we felect and record the transactions and events of the passing years, but for our country. men, and all men, in all times and circumstances,

Though we are rather inclined to be of opinion with those who think the measures of administration, to which we have now alluded, were compelled by the dangers and exigencies of the times, we are neither unconcerned, nor unalarmed, at whatever seems to impose restraint on civil or political freedom.




On a due balance between prerogative and liberty has the British constitution been supported. When either of these has preponderated many evils have been fuffered. But there is something in the genius, manners, habits, and character of the English nation, different from, and paramount to, laws and forms, that, amidst all the deviations of the constitution, has constantly brought it back to its true spirit. The fame principles which have enabled England, by the immenfity of its resources, to stand unshaken in the midst of the disasters that befel the coalition, and to display greater and greater energy, in proportion to increasing difficulties, will, we doubt not, save the state from the difastrous consequences which too often flow even from precedents founded in temporary expediency.

In tracing the movements of armies, the revolutions of states, the political intrigues, diffentions, and contests, which mark the year 1796, we have exerted our usual industry, not only in delineating objects, according to their respective magnitude and importance, but in reducing them within the wonted limits of our Annual History of Europe.


Anna Nanoats of fo many of our readers on honda dish will perceive, we have not been in

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It is not a minute and circumstantial detail nomastans and events that we understand to be wuhed tor and expected in our historical sketches; bat a narrative brief and rapid, yet clear and comprchenfive: one that may give a just view of what is pafling in the world, without too much time or trouble of reading. The curiofity of such of our readers as may have a taste and turn for more particular information, respecting various occurrences, will be gratified in the fecond part of the volume.



For the YEAR 1796.






Situation of the French Nation and Government, and Views of the Directory. -Difficulties to be encountered by France at the Clofe of 1795.-State of Parties in England. Temper of the British Nation. - Affemblies for the Purpose of a Parliamentary Reform, and Peace with France. A great and dangerous Scarcity of Provisions. -Meeting of Parliament. Insults and Outrages of an immenfe Mob against the King, on his Way to the House of Lords. The regret of all People of Sense at this Treatment of the King.Speech from the Throne.-Debates thereon. In the House of Commons.And in that of the Lords.

AFTER the death of Robef

pierre, the convention were more at liberty than they had been to declare the voice of the people; and the fentiments of nature, with an inclination to peace, began to appear in the public councils, as well as among the generality of the French nation: but it too often, nay, most commonly happens, in all governments, that the real interests of the many are sacrificed to those of the few: the dictates of humanity VOL. XXXVIII.

personal aggrandize

to the views of
ment and ambition.

Uniformity and steadiness of government may proceed from different and even opposite causes; the predominant habits and passions of abfolute monarchs on the one hand; and the virtues of nascent and juvenile republics on the other: when the external relations of the state are neither many nor complicated; when its interests are easily dif cerned and constantly pursued, the [B] integrity



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