صور الصفحة
النشر الإلكتروني

ham, married Miss Wickham, fifter to the former. 4. Charles Drake • Gerrard, esq. chosen with his brother, at the last election, M. P. for Amersham. 5. A daughter, married to the Rev. Mr. Francke, of Suffolk. 6. A daughter, unmarried, Sept. 1. At Brighthelmstone, in the 68th year of his age, the Right Hon. David Murray, earl of Mansfield, prefident of the council, juftice-general of Scotland, keeper of Scone, chancellor of Marefchalcollege, Aberdeen, joint clerk of the court of king's bench, LL. D. and K. T. and formerly a member of the univerfity of Oxford. His lordthip was the only fon of lord vifcount Stormont (elder brother to that diftinguished character the first earl of Mansfield), and bore that title till his late uncle's death, when he fucceeded to his fortune and the earldom. He had refigned the office of lord justice general of Scotland, on being appointed lord prefident of the council. His eftates in Scotland do not exceed 6ocol. a year; but the property he inherited from the great earl, and the accumulations arifing from rigid economy in his own expences, are immenfe. A green ribband becomes vacant by his death; who was, except the duke of Queenfberry, the oldest knight of the most antient order of the thifile. He was educated at Westminster school, and from the college there was elected, in 1744, ftudent of Christ Church, Oxford. His proficiency in claffical knowledge at both those seminaries of learning, and his diftinguished reputation as a scholar, are well known to his contemporaries. Many of his Latin compofitions ftill remain, and prove his taste and VOL. XXXVIII.

mastery in that language. He continued through life, notwithstanding his constant employment in business, to cultivate at his leifure hours the learned languages, and with fuch diligence, that it is thought he has left few better, or more critical, Greek scholars behind him. Upon the death of his father, in 1748, which happened not very long after he had finished his studies at Oxford, he travelled abroad for feveral years; and, foon after his return, was elected one of the fixteen peers for Scotland. In 1756, he was appointed envoy to the court of Dresden, and remained at that court during its refidence at Wartaw, and till he was named one of the three ambaffadors for the intended congrefs of Augsbourg. He returned to England in 1762, and the next year was appointed ambatfador to the court of Vienna, where he continued till 1772. In 1772, he was appointed ambaffador to the court of France, where he continued till the war. In 1779, his majetty was gracioufly pleated to name him fecretary of ftate for the Northern department. He held the seals till the change of adminiftration in 1782; and in 1783 returned into office, with a part of the administration he had acted with before, as prefident of the council. He quitted, with his friends, at the end of the fame year, and again returned with them into power in 1784, in his former fituation of prefident of the council.

His remains were brought in funeral ftate, and, on the 9th, according to his own express defire, privately interred in the same vault with his uncle and aunt, the late earl and countess of Mansfield, in the


of Swithland, in the county of Leicester, bart. He has bequeathed his immenfe landed estates and perfonal property to his only child, the Hon. Mrs. Butler, wife of the Hon. Augustus Butler (fecond fon of the countess of Lanesborough) who has taken the name of Danvers. Sir John's real eftates in Leicestershire and other counties, amount in old rents to near 10,000l. per ann. in which the property of timber is immenfe: the perfonal eftate confists of near 200,cool. in funded money, cath, and bank bills. By a former will, the family of the male branch of the Danvers were made fole heirs; but this was lately revoked foon after the birth of his daughter's fon.

the north aifle of Westminster-
abbey. His heart is carried to
Kumlington, the family feat of
his lordship, in the county of Dum-
fries. On the arrival of the caval-
cade at the church, two of the
bearers having got the coffin on
their shoulders, the horses of the
hearse took fright by the preffure
of the multitude; by which means,
the other men not being prepared,
the weight became too preponde-
rant for those in front, and the
coffin fell with great violence on
the ground; the foot part of which
bilged, part fell out with a number
of the nails and embellishments,
and the concutfion was fo great
that the leaded receptacle was much
shattered, and a quantity of water
iffued from it. - His lordthip was
twice married; first to a Saxon
lady, Henrietta, counters of Bunan,
at Warsaw, in 1759, by whom
there is now no issue living but lady
Elizabeth, married to Geo. Finch
Hatton, efq. in 1785; secondly,
to Louita, third daughter to the late, Glencairn.
ford Cathcart, in 1776, by whom
he has left four fons and a daugh-
ter. fle is fucceeded in his ho-
nours and estates by his eldest fon,
David-William, born March 7,
1777, the pretent earl, who but
lately let out on his travels, and is
now at the univerfity of Leipfic.

17. Mr. J. W. Dodd, of Drurylane theatre, an excellent actor. He began his theatrical career in the North of England, afterwards was the principal performer on the Norwich flage, and on 3d October, 1765, appeared the first time at Drury-lane, in the character of Faddle, in The Foundling. Since that period he had uniformly been engaged at the fame theatre.

21. At Bath, Sir John Danvers,

22. At Fareham, the Right Hon. James Lord Cranston. His Lordthip was lately appointed governor of Grenada, and was preparing to take his departure for his government.

Rev. and right hon. John, earl of

27. At Edinburgh, in his 76th year, Mr. John Medina, limner, grandfon to fir John Medina, an eminent historical and portrait painter of Scotland, in the last and beginning of this century. His peculiar talent was the refcuing from decay and ruin fome of the best collections of pictures in Scotland; a recent inftance of which was afforded in the collection of kings in the palace of Holyrood-houfe, the renovation of which will long appear a monument of his merit, if it be meritorious to restore fictitious likenesses. Oft. 6. After a long and fevere illness, lady Dashwood, the lady of: fir Henry Dathwood, bart. of Kirtlington park, co. Oxford, lady of



the bed-chamber to the princesses, and governess of the royal nursery, Carlton-house. She was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. Graham, formerly a member of the council in Bengal, and niece to the late lord Newhaven; and married at Gatton-park, July 17, 1780, Sir Henry Dashwood, by whom the had feveral children, of whom the eldest was appointed a page at


10. Juliana Maria, dowager queen of Denmark.

14. In a very advanced age, fir John Hopkins, knt. alderman of the ward of Cattle-Baynard. Having formerly been in the common council, he was the father of the corporation. He was elected alderman in 1782; sheriff in 1784; lord mayor in 1792.

20. At Edinburgh, John, 5th lord Ballenden, heritable uther of the court of Exchequer in Scotland. He was prefumptive heir to the dukedom of Roxburgh, and the extenfive poffeffions belonging to his grace the present duke, who has no issue. Lord Ballenden married a mulatto woman, Mrs. Sarah Cuming, from Montego-bay, Ja. maica; but by her, who died about a twelvemonth ago, had no children.

31. Archibald earl of Egling


Nov. 7. At Goodwood, Suffex, Mary, dutchess of Richmond; a woman whom neither titles could dazzle nor pains depress; who bore her honours fo modestly upon her, that, while her dignity enforced respect, her gentleness inspired love. She was only datughter of Charles Bruce, 3d earl of Aylesbury, by his wife Caroline, daughter of gen. John Campbell,

afterwards duke of Argyll. She was married 1747, but had no issue. She was interred in the family vauit in the cathedral at Chichester.

16. At Castle ditch, co. Hereford, at the seat of his brother, lord Sommers, Thomas Sommers Cocks, esq. of Downing-ftreet. He was 9th son of John Cocks, esq. of Castle-ditch, born 1737, partner with his brother James in a capital banking-house at Charingcross, with Biddulph and Co. and married, 1768, Anne, daughter of Alexander Thistlethwayte, esq of Southwich, Hants, by whom he had iffue.

19. Mrs. North, lady of the bishop of Winchester.

The most noble Thos. Thynne, marquis of Bath, knight of the garter, groom of the stole to his majesty. He was born Sept. 24, 1734, and married in 1759, to the lady Elizabeth Cavendish Bentinck, sister to the duke of Port


21. Sir William Dick, bart.
Sir Edmund Head, bart.

Dec. 12. After a tedious indifposition, heightened by fevere domestic afflictions, which terminated in the dropsy in the chest, the right rev. Dr. William Buller, lord bishop of Exeter. Besides the gallant col. Buller, who was flain on the continent, he loft two fons by confumption. He was of Oriel college, Oxford, where he proceeded A. M. 1759; thence removed to Christ-church, where he took the degrees of B. and D. D. 1781; was appointed dean of Exeter, and, on the promotion of Dr. Horne, dean of Canterbury, in which he was installed June 22, 1790. On the death of Dr. John Ross, 1793,


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he was advanced to the bishoprick Berks, Michael Anthony, of

of Exeter, and was confecrated Dec. 2, that year. His remains were privately interred on the 17th in Exeter cathedral.

17. In Weymouth-ftreet, Portland-place, William Pickett, efq. formerly partner with Mr. Theed, afterwards with Mr. Rundell, filversmith, on Ludgate-hill, which business he carried on alone in Bond-ftreet. He was elected alderman of Cornhill ward in May, 1783; and filled the office of theriff in 1784, and lord-mayor in 1789.

At Dublin, aged 60, the right hon. baron Trimelstown. His lordthip was fecond baron of the kingdom of Ireland. - He was, we be lieve, the 14th who held that title in lineal defcent from Robert Barnewall, created baron Trimelttown, 1461, by Edward IV. for his good and faithful fervices in Ireland; and whose grandfon John was chancellor of Ireland in 1534. Mr. Archdall's peerage, published 1789, does not mention the late lord, ending with his predeceffor Thomas, 23th lord, who enrolled hintelf in the Irith volunteer army on the aJarm of invation 1779 and 1760. A younger trinch of the Barnewall family had the title of vifcount Kingtland 1646.

Sir Rob. Hesketh Jaxon, bart. of Rufford-hall, Lancashire.

28. Prince Lewis, fecond fon of the king of Prusia.

31. At his apartments in New, gate, the right hon, lord William Murray, 2d brother of his grace the duke of Athol.

SHERIFFS apprinted for the Year 1796.


Bedfordshire, George Brooks, of Flitwick.

Bucks, Thomas Hibbert, of Chalfont-house.

Cumberland, James Graham, of Barrock-lodge, efqrs.

Cheshire, the hon. Booth Grey, of Wineham.

Cambridge and Huntingdon, J. Gardener, of Chatteris.

Cornwall, John Enys, of Enys, efqrs.

Devonshire, fir Bourchier Wray, of Tawfłock, bart.

Dorfotthire, Thomas Bowyer Bowyer, of Iwern-minster, esq. Derbyshire, fir Robert Wilmot, of Ofmafton, bart.

Effex, Jackfon Barwis, of Marfhalls. Gloucestershire, Samuel Peach Peach, of Upper Torkington. Hertfordshire, John Sowerby, of Lilley.

Herefordshire, Abraham Whitaker, of Lifton.

Kent, John Mumford, of Sutton at Hone.

Leicestershire, James Richards, of Athby de la Zouch.

Lincolnshire, William Earl Welby, of Denton.

Monmouththire, Henry Barnes, of Monmouth.

Northumberland, Adam Mansfield Lawson Decardonnell, of Chirton.

Northamptonshire, Allen Edward Young the younger, of Orlingbury.

Norfolk, Thomas Brown Evans, of Kirby Bedon.

Nottinghamshire, J. Wright, of


Oxfordshire, William Lowndes

Stone, of Brightwell,

Rutlandshire, Rutlandshire, R. Tomlin, of

Edith Weston.

Shropshire, Ralph Leake, of Longford.

Somersetshire, John Tyndale Warre, of Heftercombe.

Staffordshire, Henry Vernon, of


Suffolk, John Clayton, of Sibton. Southampton, H. Maxwell, of Ewfhot-house.

Surry, Thomas Sutton, of Moulfey.

Suffex, John Fuller, of Rosehill. Warwickshire, Edward Croxall, of Shuftock.

Worcestershire, T. Hill the younger, of Broom.

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Wilts, Gilbert Trowe Beckett of Mainan. Turner, of Penleigh.

Yorkshire, Godfrey Wentworth Wentworth, of Hickleton, esqrs.


Caermarthen, J. William Hughes, of Tregyth.

Montgomery, John Dickin, of Welch Pool.

Denbighshire, J. Hughes of Horseley-hall, efqrs. Flint, Sir E. Pryce Lloyd, of Pengwern-place, bart.

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