proclaiming, to suffer death. Per- 17. Forfeitures to be recovered fons affembled, to whom procla- by action of debt in any of his mamation ought to have been made jesty's courts of record at Westminif the same had not been hindered, ster, or in the courts of justiciary continuing together to the number of 12 or more, for an hour after such hindrance, to fuffer death. Persons at fuch assemblies oppofing the taking offenders into custody to fuffer death. 11. Sheriff's depute, &c. in Scotland, to have the fame power as juftices, in England. Persons convicted of felonies in Scotland, to incur the pain of death and confif cation of moveables 12. Places for lectures or debates concerning supposed public grievances, where money is paid for admiffion, unless previously licensed, to be deemed disorderly places; and the persons opening or using them, to forfeit 1001. &c. And the persons managing the proceedings, and the persons paying or receiving money for admiffion, or deli vering or receiving tickets, to for feit 1001. 13. Persons appearing as master, &c. of such places liable to profecution. 14. Magistrates who, by information on oath, have reason to fufpect that any place is open for delivering lectures, &c. may demand to be admitted; and, in case of refusal, the place to be deemed diforderly, and the person refusing admittance to forfeit 1001. 15. Magiftrates may demand admittance to any licensed place at the time of delivering lectures, &c. and, if refused, it shall be deemed disorderly, and the person refusing admittance shall forfeit rool. 16. Justices may license places for delivering lectures; and may revoke them. or exchequer in Scotland; provided that, if any action or fuit shall be brought against any person for any thing done in pursuance and in execution of this act, the defendant may plead the general issue; and if a verdict pass for the defendant, or the plaintiff discontinue his or her action, on, or be nonsuited, or judgment be given against the plaintiff, then such defendant shall have treble costs. 18. Nothing in this act to ex tend to any lectures or discourses to be delivered in any of the univerfities of these kingdoms, by any member thereof, or any person authorized by the chancellor, vicechancellor, or other proper officers of such universities respectively. 19. No payment made to any school mafter or other person by law allowed to teach and instruct youth, in respect of any lectures or discourses delivered by such schoolmafter or other person, for the instruction only of such youths as shall be committed to his inftruction, shall be deemed a payment of money for admiffion to fuch lectures or difcourses within the intent and meaning of this act. 20. Act not to abridge any law for the fuppreffion of punishment of offences herein described. 21. Act to be openly read at every epiphany quarter-session of the peace, and every leet or law day. 22. No person to be prosecuted by virtue of this act, unless the prosecution shall be commenced within fix calender months after the offence committed; and no, H4 action 1795. STATE of the BAROMETER, THERMOMETER, and HYGROMETER, for the Year 1796. THERMOMETER without. THERMOMETER within. BAROMETER. HYGROMETER. RAIN. Greatest Leaft Mean height. height. height. Greatest Leaf Mean height. height height. height. Greatest Leaft Mean Greatest Leaft Mean height, height. height. height. height. General and staff officers, Staff officers, &c. on general Clarke's expedition, Full pay to fupernumerary officers, Allowance to the paymatter-general, &c. Reduced officers of the land forces and marines, Reduced horse guards, Officers late in the fervice of the states-general, s. d. 1 8 624,152 708,400 0 500,000 £7,552,552 1 8 s. d. 1,358,624 2 9 1,606,900 3 6 40,195 4 9 8,345 16 360,000 0 0 2 120,000 103,642 1 3 9,259 18 6 Fencible cavalry, Allowances for ditto DEC. 4. APRIL 26, 1796. Scotch military roads and bridges, MAY 2. MAY 3. Subfidy to the king of Sardinia, 108,538 17 1 470,636 19 8 115,000 00 2,646,990 19 10. 885,673 19 10 APRIL 26, 1796. Services previous to Dec. 31, 1795, not provided for, 210,194 15 11 To fatisfy navy, victualling, and transport bills, His majesty's fervice abroad, 4,331,141 14 10 233.485 4 10 Printing journals of the house of peers, 129,350 Ο Ο 28,500 2,966 4 6 1,858 12 5 00 Publishing weekly returns of the average price of fugar, 1,334 7 Mr. Whittam for attendance on a committee, |