on that which might be held out by the bank of England. He therefore earnestly hoped that the court of directors of the governor and company of the bank of England, and the proprietors, impressed with that zeal which they had always manifefted for the public good, 1 and convinced of the importance of the present crifis, would be induced to take the lead in a meafure so highly conducive to the maintenance of public credit, and which would strongly tend to the acceleration of a permanent and honourable peace. Account of the total net produce of all the permanent taxes for one year, ending October 10th, 1796. 4 1 In order to shew a comparative state of the above duties, with those of the year ending on the 10th of October 1795, we fubjoin the totals of that year. A comparative View of certain public Circumftances in the respective Periods of 1783-4 and 1795-6. [96 Sug For Bil Ge = = 17544 200 1,000,000 None. Τα Accent womanent "axes, 24 1 bree years Alisay, ter the the of dannary, ma And if the same wees, after making il allenanien fere the intermediate changes anik arrangements of the revenue, on a Hwa shame ameaga, to the sth of Ja
Andy Aint, mittanding and unprovided, 1783. 6.11,132,000 12,331,000 45-510,767 2,300,000 61,279,000 6,102,000 Amount |