STATE-PAPERS. Articles by which the British Troops took Possession of Porto Ferrajo 134 Proclamation by General Forbes to the Planters of the Spanish Part of St. Official Gorrefpondence published by the British Government, relating to the Proclamation by the Lord-Lieutenant in Council, Nov. 16 Decree of the National Affembly of the United Provinces, for the Abolition of a Note of the French Minister to the Genoese Secretary of State, July 10, Letter from the Commissary Director, Suez, to the Commandant of Fort la Letter of the Executive Directory, to the Helvetic Body Declaration of the Executive Directory to the Senate of Bafle 201 Note from Mr. Wickham to the Senate of Berne, June 26 205 Note from Citizen Grouvelle, the French Minister at Copenhagen, to Count Bernstorff 208 1 Manifesto of the Queen of Portugal, against the Batavian Republic Letter from the King of Naples to the Marquis del Vasto 212 Edict of the King of Naples, addreffed to his Subjets 214 Dispatch from Count Ofterman to the Ruffian Minister at Madrid 215 Answer of the Prince of Peace thereto, March 17 216 Note from the Russian Minister at Stockholm, to all the Foreign Ministers, 217 Letter of Convocation, addressed by the King of Prussia to the different States, Royal Pruffian Edict, July 16 . 219 Declaration of the King of Prussia, put against the Gates of Nuremburg 220 August 16 ibid. Declaration in Answer delivered to the Magistrates of Nuremberg Refcript of the King of Pruffia, respecting bis Territories on the left Bank of 221 Treaty of Peace between the Duke of Wurtemburg and Teck and the French Republic 222 Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the Margrave of Baden 224 Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and the King of the two Sicilies 227 Offensive and Defensive Treaty of Alliance between France and Spain, 228 Treaty between France and Prussia, August 5 232 Treaty of Peace between France and the Infant Duke of Parma 233 Address of the Deputies of Abbe to Buonaparte Buonaparte to the Republic of Venice Buonaparte to the People of the Milanese 244 Answer 245 Buonaparte, to the Grand Duke of Tuscany, June 29 ibid. Answer ibid. The Executive Directory to Citizen Buonaparte, July 31 246 Note from the Minister for Foreign Affairs to M. Barthelemi ibid. Proclamation by the General-in-Chief of the Army of Italy 249 Address of the French Ambassador to the Dutch Convention ibid. Meffage from the Executive Directory to the Council of Five Hundred, Proclamation of the Commissioner Salicetti, in Corsica 259 Treaty of Peace between the French Republic and Sardinia 262 Meffage of the Executive Directory to the Council of Five Hundred The Congress of Cispadana to the People of Bologna, Letter from the Pope to all the Catholics in France 277 Edict, published by the Pope, on the Reception which bis Subjects ought to give Particulars of the earlier Years of Mr. Gibbon's Life, and of the Course of Studies which laid the Foundation of his subsequent Celebrity, written of the late Sir William Chambers Interesting History of Don Pedro, and Dona Ignez de Castro Eminence in the Literary World. NATURAL HISTORY. Extracts from the Correspondence of Mr. Gibbon, with various Men of On : 403 On the Power of fixed Alkaline Salts, to preserve the Flesh of Animals from Putrefaction 406 Observations on the Nature of Honey, particularly on its Saccarine Parts, when obtained in a folid Form 408 USEFUL PROJECTS. First Report from the Select Committee appointed to take into Confideration Appendix to the Third Report 422 438 On the Use of Rice 443 Specification of the Patent granted to Mr. Jones, for bis Method of detecting A short Account of several Gardens, near London, with Remarks on fome December, 1691 450 Sketch of the History of Sugar in the early Times, and through the middle Ages 456 • Account of Poetry, in Scotland, during the Sixteenth Century 459 Extract from an Account of the Collegiate Chapel of St. Stephen, West- Letter from King Charles II. to the Duke of Ormand, upon his taking the Seals from Chancellor Clarendon 471 MISCELLANEOUS ESSAYS. On the Influence of Cold upon the Health of the Inhabitants of London On the Injustice of the Charges brought against the genuine Philosophers, 4.86 Of the Causes of the Increase of Crimes 488 POETRY. |