Annual Register, المجلد 38Edmund Burke 1800 |
من داخل الكتاب
النتائج 1-5 من 100
الصفحة 10
... French in their attempts in Ger- many , and the internal dificulties under which they continued to la- bour . Their ... republic . He was replied to by Mr. Jenkin- fon , with the many arguments , fo frequently repeated , in ...
... French in their attempts in Ger- many , and the internal dificulties under which they continued to la- bour . Their ... republic . He was replied to by Mr. Jenkin- fon , with the many arguments , fo frequently repeated , in ...
الصفحة 78
... republic . To this gentleman application was made , on the eighth of March , by Mr. Wickham , the British envoy to the Swiss Cantons , in order to found the real dispositions of the French government . The object in communicating the ...
... republic . To this gentleman application was made , on the eighth of March , by Mr. Wickham , the British envoy to the Swiss Cantons , in order to found the real dispositions of the French government . The object in communicating the ...
الصفحة 85
... French Republic . -Treaty of Peace between France and Sardinia ratified by the Legislative Bodies of France . Exultation and Confidence of the French . - Improved by Buonaparte , for the Purpose of leading on the Army to farther ...
... French Republic . -Treaty of Peace between France and Sardinia ratified by the Legislative Bodies of France . Exultation and Confidence of the French . - Improved by Buonaparte , for the Purpose of leading on the Army to farther ...
الصفحة 90
... French republic , which imposed fevere conditions on this unfortunate prince . He was conftrained to yield up Savoy , the patrimony of his ancestors for many ages , toge- ther with the city and territory of Nice , and a tract of land ...
... French republic , which imposed fevere conditions on this unfortunate prince . He was conftrained to yield up Savoy , the patrimony of his ancestors for many ages , toge- ther with the city and territory of Nice , and a tract of land ...
الصفحة 95
... French greater than that of the inferior Classes . -A general Infurrection , ready to break out , quashed by the ... Republic . Infurrection in Lugo . Quelled , and the City reduced by the French . The Blockade of Mantua converted ...
... French greater than that of the inferior Classes . -A general Infurrection , ready to break out , quashed by the ... Republic . Infurrection in Lugo . Quelled , and the City reduced by the French . The Blockade of Mantua converted ...
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طبعات أخرى - عرض جميع المقتطفات
عبارات ومصطلحات مألوفة
addreſs alfo almoſt alſo anſwer arms army Auſtrians Batavian republic beſt Britiſh Buonaparte cafe cauſe cloſe command confidence confideration conftitution conſequence courſe court defire deſigns enemies Engliſh eſtabliſhed executive directory exerciſe expence faid fame favour fent fide fince firſt fituation fome foon force France French republic fucceſs fuch fuffer fufficient fupply honour houſe increaſe intereſt iſſued Italy itſelf juſt king laſt leſs liberty lord majesty majesty's Mantua meaſures ment minifter miniſtry moſt muſt nation neceffary neceffity neceſſary neral neſs obſerved occafion oppoſe paſs paſſed peace perſons pleaſed pleaſure poffeffion poſed poſted preſent preſerve progreſs propoſed purpoſe raiſed reaſon repreſented reſolution reſpect ſaid ſame ſay ſecond ſecurity ſeemed ſervice ſeveral ſhall ſhew ſhips ſhould ſmall ſome ſpecies ſpirit ſtand ſtate ſtill ſtrength ſubject ſuch ſupport ſyſtem thall themſelves theſe thoſe tion treaty troops univerſal uſe veſſels whoſe
مقاطع مشهورة
الصفحة 351 - I could wish that they will control the usual current of the passions or prevent our nation from running the course which has hitherto marked the destiny of nations. But if I may even flatter myself that they may be productive of some partial benefit, some occasional good that they may now and then recur to moderate the fury of party spirit, to warn against the mischiefs of foreign intrigue, to guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism, this hope will be a full recompense for the solicitude...
الصفحة 343 - Citizens, by birth or choice, of a common country, that country has a right to concentrate your affections. The name of AMERICAN, which belongs to you in your national capacity, must always exalt the just pride of patriotism, more than any appellation derived from local discriminations.
الصفحة 345 - They serve to organize faction, to give it an artificial and extraordinary force — to put in the place of the delegated will of the nation, the will of a party, often a small but artful and enterprising minority of the community, and, according to the alternate triumphs of different parties, to make the public administration the mirror of the ill-concerted and incongruous projects of faction, rather than the organ of consistent and wholesome plans digested by common councils, and modified by mutual...
الصفحة 345 - The basis of our political systems is the right of the people to make and to alter their constitutions of government. But the constitution which at any time exists till changed by an explicit and authentic act of the whole people is sacredly obligatory upon all.
الصفحة 347 - THERE is an opinion that parties in free countries are useful checks upon the administration of the government, and serve to keep alive the spirit of liberty. This within...
الصفحة 2 - In looking forward to the moment which is intended to terminate the career of my public life, my feelings do not permit me to suspend the deep acknowledgment of that debt of gratitude which I owe to my beloved country for the many honors it has conferred upon me...
الصفحة 341 - ... consistently with motives which I was not at liberty to disregard, to return to that retirement from which I had been reluctantly drawn. The strength of my inclination to do this previous to the last election had even led to the preparation of an address to declare it to you ; but mature reflection on the then perplexed and critical posture of our affairs with foreign nations and the unanimous advice of persons entitled to my confidence impelled me to abandon the idea.
الصفحة 351 - How far in the discharge of my official duties, I have been guided by the principles which have been delineated, the public records and other evidences of my conduct must witness to you and to the world.
الصفحة 351 - In relation to the still subsisting war in Europe my proclamation of the 22d of April 1793 is the index to my plan. Sanctioned by your approving voice, and by that of your Representatives in both Houses of Congress, the spirit of that measure has continually governed me, uninfluenced by any attempts to deter or divert me from it. After deliberate examination, with the...
الصفحة 349 - Can it be that Providence has not connected the permanent felicity of a nation with its virtue?