but the dinner is swallowed, And digested, I trust ; for 'tis now nine and more : So being relieved from that duty, I followed Inclination, which led me, you see, to your door. And now will your Ladyship so condescend As just to inform me if you intend... The Onward reciter ed. by W. Darrah - الصفحة 49المحررون: - 1876عرض كامل - لمحة عن هذا الكتاب
| Mme. Charlotte Fiske (Bates) Rogé - 1832 - عدد الصفحات: 1022
...turned as I entered — "Why Harry, you sinner, 1 thought that you went to tUe Flashers' to dinner!" " So I did," I replied, " but the dinner is swallowed, And digested, 1 trust, for 't is now nine and more, So, being relieved from that duty, I followed Inclination, which... | |
| William Evans Burton - 1857 - عدد الصفحات: 328
...as I entered — " Why, Harry, you sinner, I thought that you went to the Flasher's to dinner !" " So I did," I replied, " but the dinner is swallowed,...As just to inform me if you intend Your beauty, and graces, and presence to lend (All which, when I own, I hope no one will borrow), To the Stuckups',... | |
| William Allen Butler - 1857 - عدد الصفحات: 80
...as I entered — "Why, Harry, you sinner, I thought that you went to the Flashers' to dinner!" „ "So I did," I replied, "but the dinner is swallowed,...to your door. • • And now will your ladyship so conde scend As just to inform me if you intend Your beauty, and graces, and presence to lend (All which,... | |
| William Allen Butler - 1857 - عدد الصفحات: 70
...turned as I entered — "Why, Harry, you sinner, I thought that you went to the Flashers' to dinner !" "So I did," I replied, "but the dinner is swallowed,...more, So being relieved from that duty, I followed And now will your ladyship so condescend As just to inform me if you intend Your beauty, and graces,... | |
| 1858 - عدد الصفحات: 786
...turned as I entered— ' Why, Harry, you sinner, I thought that you went to the Flashers' to dinner !' ' So I did,' I replied, ' but the dinner is swallowed,...As just to inform me if you intend Your beauty, and graces, and presence to lend (All which, when I own, I hope no one will borrow), To the STUUKUPS',... | |
| Robert Aris Willmott, Evert Augustus Duyckinck - 1858 - عدد الصفحات: 644
...turned as I entered — "Why, Harry, you sinner, I thought that you went to the Flashers' to dinner !" "So I did," I replied, "but the dinner is swallowed,...As just to inform me if you intend Your beauty, and graces, and presence to lend, (All which, when I own, I hope no one will borrow) To the STUCKUP'S,... | |
| 1858 - عدد الصفحات: 546
...diuner is swallowed, And digested, I trust, for 'tis now nine or moro ; So being relieved from that day duty, I followed Inclination, which led me, you see,...condescend As just to inform me if you intend Your beanty, and grace, and presence to lend (All which, when I own, I hope no one will borrow), To the... | |
| William Evans Burton - 1859 - عدد الصفحات: 690
...sinner, I thought that you went to the Flasher's to dinner !" " So I did," I replied, " but the dinner in swallowed, And digested, I trust, for 'tis now nine...As just to inform me if you intend Your beauty, and graces, and presence to lend (All which, when I own, I hope no one will borrow), To the Stuckups',... | |
| William Allen Butler - 1862 - عدد الصفحات: 76
...turned as I entered — "Why, Harry, you sinner, I thought that you went to the Flashers' to dinner !" "So I did," I replied, "but the dinner is swallowed,...Inclination, which led me, you see, to your door. 30 Nothing to Wear. t And now will your ladyship so condescend As just to inform me if you intend Your... | |
| Wayne E. Burton - 1867 - عدد الصفحات: 674
...as I entered — " Why, Harry, you Dinner, I thought that you went to the Flasher's to dinner !" " So I did," I replied, " but the dinner is swallowed,...As just to inform me if you intend Your beauty, and graces, and presence to lend (All which, when I own, I hope no one will borrow), To the Stuckups',... | |
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