1 or clause, in a late grant to the governor and company of Connecticut colony in America, to the contrary thereof in any wife notwithstanding; the aforesaid Pawcatuek river having been yielded after much debate, for the fixed and certain bounds between these out faid colonies, by the agents thereof, who have alfo agreed, that the faid Pawcatuck river shall also be called alias Narrogancett or Narrogansett river, and to prevent future disputes that otherwise might arise thereby, for ever hereafter shall be construed, deemed and taken to be the Narrogancett river, in our late grant to Connecticut colony, mentioned as the easterly bounds of that colony. And further, our will and pleafure is, that in all matters of public controverfies, which may fall out between our colony of Providence plantation, to make their appeal therein to us, our heirs and fucceffors, for redress in such cafes, within this our realm of England; and that it shall be lawful to and for the inhabitants of the said colony of Providence plantations, without lett or moleftation, to pass and repass with freedom into and through the rest of the English colonies, upon their lawful and civil occafions, and to converse, and hold commerce, and trade with fuch of the inhabitants of our other English colonies, as shall be willing to admit them thereunto, they behaving themselves peaceably among them; any act, clause, or sentence, in any of the faid colonies provided, or that shall be provided, to the contrary in any wife notwithstanding. And lastly, we do for us, our heirs and fuccessors, ordain and grant unto the faid governor and company, and their fucceflors, by these presents, that these our letters patents shall be firm, good, effectual, and available, in all things in the law, to all intents, constructions and purposes whatsoever, according to our true intent and meaning herein before declared; and shall be construed, reputed and adjudged in all cases, most favourably on the behalf, and for the best benefit and behoof of the faid governor and company, and their successors, although exprefs mention, &c. In witness, &. witness, &c. Per Ipfum Regem. [Since the commencement of hoftilities by Great Britain, the ftate of Rhode-Island and Providence plantations has not assumed a form of government different from that contained in the foregoing charter. For in that, the king ceded to the governor and company, all powers, legislative, executive, and judicial, referving to himself, as an acknowledgement of his fovereignty, a render of the fifth part of the gold and silver ore that should be found within the territory. The governor, chief magistrates, and legiflators are chosen by the freemen as usual, and all judicial and executive officers are annually elected by the governor and company, or upper and lower house of assembly. All procetses original and judicial, formerly issued in the king's name, but they now issue in the name of the governor and company. The *H The oaths of allegiance and of office are made conformable to the principles of the Revolution. The governor, in his legiflative capacity, cannot give a negative to any act of the two houses; but, in common with the other magiftrates, has one voice only. The state is divided into five counties, in each of which there is a court of common pleas and general sessions of the peace, held twice every year, for the trial of all causes not capital, that arise within their limits ; from which an appeal lies to the fuperior court of judicature, court of affsize and general jail delivery, whose jurifdiction extends over the whole state, and who also sit twice a year in each county. The constitution admits not of religious establishments, any farther than depends upon the voJuntary choice of individuals. All men profeffing one Supreme Being, are equally protected by the laws, and no particular sect can claim pre-eminence.] 4 CONNECTICUT. ACCOUNT of the CONSTITUTION of CONNECTICUT. ONNECTICUT is divided into fix counties, and each a right to send two representatives to the general court or assembly. The general court consists of two branches called the upper and lower house. The upper house is composed of the governor, deputy-governor, and twelve assistants or counsellors; and the lower house of the representatives of the several towns. This court has the sole power to make and repeal laws, grant levies, dispose of lands belonging to the state, to particular towns and perfons: to erect and stile judicatories and officers, as they shall see necessary for the good government of the people; and also to call to account any court, magistrate, or other officer, for any misdemeanor or mal-administration, and for just cause may fine, displace, or remove them, or deal otherwise, as the nature of the case shall require; and deal or act in any other matter that concerns the good of the state, except the election of governor, deputy-governor, affiftants, treasurer, and secretary, which shall be done by the freemen at the yearly court of election, unless there be any vacancy by reason of death or otherwise, after the election, which may be filled up by the general court. This court has power also, for reasons satisfactory to them, to grant suspension, release, and jail delivery upon reprieve, in capital and criminal cafes. The general court has two stated sessions annually, on the fecond Thursdays of May and October. The governor, or in his abfence the deputy governor, may call the affembly, on special emergencies, to meet at any other time. The The governor, deputy-governor, assistants, and secretary, are annually elected on the second Thursday in May. The representatives are newly chosen for each stated session. The judges and justices are annually appointed by the general court; the same persons are commonly re-appointed from time to time during their capacity to serve, unless guilty of misbehaviour. The sheriffs are appointed by the governor and council, without limitation of time, but may be superseded by the authority that appoints them. The governor for the time being is captain-general of the militia; the deputy-governor, lieutenant-general; the other general officers, and the field officers, are appointed by the general court, and commiffioned by the governor. The captains and fubalterns are chosen by the vote of the company and housholders living within the limits of the company; the perfon so chosen must be approved by the general court, and commiffioned by the governor, before they have power to execute their offices. All the military officers hold their offices during the pleasure of the assembly, nor can they resign their commissions without leave of the captain-general, under penalty of doing duty in the ranks as private foldiers. The mode of electing the governor, deputy-governor, assistants, treasurer, and secretary is, that the freemen in the several towns meet on the Monday' next after the first Tuesday in April annually (being the day appointed by law for that purpose, and choosing representatives), and give in their votes for the perfons they choose for faid offices respectively, with their names written on a piece of paper, which votes are received and sealed up by a constable in the freemen's meeting; the votes for each of faid officers in a different paper, writing on the outside the name of the town, and the office for which the votes are given in, which are fent by the representatives to the general court, to be held on the second Thursday of May next ensuing; at which time, after the house of representatives have chosen a speaker and clerk, a committee is chosen of members of both houses, to fort and count the votes, and declare the names of the persons chosen to said offices. Any freemen qualified to vote for representatives, &c. may be elected to any office in the government. In choofing assistants twenty persons are nominated by the votes of the freemen, given in at their meeting for choosing representatives in September annually, and fealed up and fent to the general court in October then next, which are counted by a committee of both houses, and the twenty persons who have the greatest number of votes ftand in nomination, out of which number twelve are to be chosen assistants by the freemen, the next April, in manner afore described. The qualifications requisite to entitle a person to vote in election of the officers of government are, maturity in years, quiet and peaceable behaviour, a civil conversation, and forty shillings freehold, or forty pounds perfonal estate; if the selectmen of the town certify 3 1 certify a person qualified in those respects, he is admitted a freeman, on his taking an oath of fidelity to the ftate. The names of all that are thus admitted, are inrolled in the town-clerk's office, and continue freemen during life, unless disfranchised by a fentence of the fuperior court on conviction of a misdemeanour. The governor or in his absence the deputy governor in the upper house, and the speaker in the lower house of assembly, have a cafting voice when the members of the respective houses, including the governor and speaker, are equally divided in opinion on any question. There is in this state a fuperior court, confifting of one chief judge and four other judges, which have authority in all criminal cafes, extending to life, limb, and banishment, and to hear and determine all civil actions brought by appeal from the county courts, or on writs of error. This court also hath authority in all matters of divorce. There are two stated sessions of the superior court in each county annually. There are alfo county courts held in the several counties, confifting of one judge and four justices of the quorum, who have jurisdiction in all criminal cafes arifing within their respective counties, where the punishment does not extend to life, limb, or banishment. The county courts also have original jurisdiction in all civil actions wherein the demand exceeds forty shillings. The fuperior and county courts try matters of fact by a jury, according to the course of the common law. Juftices of the peace have authority to hear and determine civil actions where the demand does not exceed forty shillings. They also have authority in some cases of a criminal nature, punishable by fine not exceeding forty shillings, or whipping not exceeding ten stripes, or fitting in the stocks. This state is also divided into a number of probate districts, less than counties; in each of which is appointed a judge for the probate of wills, granting administration on intestate estates, appointing guardians for minors, ordering distribution of inteftate eftates, &c. An appeal lies from any decree of this court to the superior court. The fuperior, county, and probate courts appoint their respective clerks. The general court has till very lately been the only court of chancery in this state. But by a late law, the county courts determine matters of equity from five pounds to two hundred pounds value; the fuperior court from two hundred to eight hundred pounds value; and the general assembly all cases exceeding the last mentioned sum. All attornies at law are admitted and sworn by the county courts; there is no attorney general, but there used to be one king's attorney in each county, but fince the king has abdicated the government, they are now attornies to the governor and company. NEW-YORK. The CONSTITUTION of the State of New-York. I. Established by the CONVENTION, authorised and empowered for that Purpose, April 20, 1777. THIS. convention, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this state, doth ordain, determine, and declare, that no authority shall, on any pretence whatever, be exercised over the people or members of this state, but such as shall be derived from and granted by them. 2. This convention doth further, in the name and by the authority of the good people of this state, ordain, determine, and declare, that the supreme legislative power, within this state, shall be vested in two separate and distinct bodies of men; the one to be called The Affembly of the State of New-York; the other to be called, The Senate of the State of New-York; who together shall form the legislature, and meet once, at least, in every year for the dispatch of business. 3. And whereas, laws inconsistent with the spirit of this constitution, or with the public good, may be hastily and unadvisedly passed; be it ordained that the governor, for the time being, the chancellor, and the judges of the supreme court, or any two of them, together with the governor, shall be, and hereby are, constituted a council to revise all bills about to be passed into laws by the legislature, and for that purpose shall assemble themselves, from time to time, when the legislature shall be convened; for which nevertheless, they shall not receive any falary or confideration, under any pretence whatever. And that all bills, which have passed the senate and assembly, shall, before they become laws, be presented to the said council for their revisal and confideration; and if upon such revision and confideration, it should appear improper to the said council, or a majority of them, that the said bill should become a law of this state, that they return the same, together with their objections thereto in writing, to the senate or house of assembly, in which foever the same shall have originated, who shall enter the objections sent down by the council, at large, in their minutes, and proceed to reconsider the said bill. But if after such reconfideration, two thirds of the said fenate or house of assembly, shall, notwithstanding the said objections, agree to pass the |