such moneys to the colony Treasurer; and that an order should be drawn by the county clerk, on the Treasurer, for the payment of the same. An embargo was laid by the Assembly, not to export out of the colony, by water, the following articles, viz.: wheat, rye, Indian corn, pork, beef, live cattle, peas, beans, butter, cheese, bread, flour, and every kind of meal; and that no pork should be exported by land or water, except necessary stores for vessels bound to sea, And the Governor was requested to issue his proclama. tion, laying such embargo, and prohibiting such exportations; which embargo was ordered to be continued in force until the rising of the Assembly, in Octo. ber, 1776. Provided that the Governor should be authorized to grant permits for the exportation of live cattle and provisions, as he should judge necessary for the public service; provided further, that the Governor, with the advice of the Council, should be empowered to discontinue the embargo, in whole or part, at any time. An act to raise two battalions to join the continental army, in Canada, was passed. The Assembly received a requisition from the Continental Congress, for troops to reinforce the continental army in different departments. It was therefore enacted, that two battalions of the inhabitants of the colony should be immediately raised, by voluntary enlistment, to join the continental army in the northern department; each battalion to consist of 1 colonel, 1 lieutenant colonel, 1 major, and eight companies, with 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, and 1 ensign, 4 sargeants, 4 corporals, 1 drummer, 1 fifer, and 79 privates to each company; and a staff to consist of 1 chaplain to said two battalions, and 1 adjutant, 1 quarter master, 1 surgeon, and 1 surgeon's mate, to each battalion; to be holden in said service until the 1st day of December, 1776. A premium of £6 lawful money was enacted to be paid to each able bodied man to enlist into said service, and sufficiently clothe himself therefor; and if he should supply himself with a good blanket, knapsack, gun, bayonet, and cartouch box to the acceptance of his captain, that he should receive a further premium of £1: 2 lawful money therefor-and at the same rate for such of said articles as he should provide himself with, as was allowed by the Assembly to the troops raised for the defence of the colony in April, 1775. While in service, to be under the same general command, laws, regulations, and entitled to the same pay, wages, privileges, and allowances as continental troops; and should receive one months pay in advance before he should march out of the colony. The Legislature having received a further requisition from Congress, for troops to reinforce the continental army, passed an act for raising seven battal. ions, to join the continental army in New York. In which it was provided, that seven battalions, inclusive of the regiment or battalion voted to be raised for the general service in May, 1776, should be raised by voluntary enlistment, to march direct to New York, and there join the continental army. That each battalion should consist of 1 colonel, 1 lieutenant colonel, 1 major, and eight companies, with 1 captain, 2 lieutenants, 1 ensign, 4 sargeants, 4 corporals, 1 drummer, 1 fifer, and 79 privates to each company. A staff of 1 chaplain, 1 adjutant, 1 quarter master, 1 surgeon, and 1 surgeon's mate, to each battalion, and to be holden in service until the 25th day of December, 1776, unless they should be sooner discharged. And that each able bodied enlisted soldier, for the term aforesaid, who should sufficiently clothe himself therefor, should receive a premium of £3 lawful money; and that every such man so enlisted, who should provide himself a good blanket, knapsack, gun, bayonet, and cartouch box, to the captain's acceptance, should receive a further premium of £1:2 money therefor, (and at the same rate as in the act aforesaid). And that those who had enlisted as minute men, and would lay claim to the 40 shillings given them as an encouragement to furnish themselves, and stand ready as minute men, and should enlist into the service established by this act, should be entitled to a further sum of £2: 2 if they furnished and equipped themselves, and should be on an equal footing with the other troops raised by this act, for the same service; that each sargeant should receive 48 shillings; each corporal, 44; each drum. mer and fifer, 44 shillings; and each private, 40 shillings per calendar month, for wages during said service. And if any guns, &c., by accident should be lost, the provider of said gun, &c., to be paid its just value. That an account should be taken of all arms, &c., appraised, &c.; that each man, upon enlist. ment, should receive 6 pence a day for billeting money, until he should march, and then should receive one penny per mile, in lieu of rations, for travelling expenses, and one days pay for every 20 miles between home and the general rendezvous, going and returning. It was further provided, that 40 shillings, as a further premium should be given to each who should so enlist into the continental regiment, voted to be raised in May, 1776, and destined to Boston, over and above all other encouragements offered. And all said troops, while in ser. vice, were to be subject to the same general command, law, and regulations, and entitled to the same pay, wages, privileges, and allowances as the continen. tal troops were. And it was further enacted, that the act entitled "an act for raising and equipping a body of minute men, to be held in readiness for the better defence of the colony, &c., made and passed in May, 1776," so far as it respected the raising of such minute men pursuant to said act, was repealed. As it became now necessary to provide the troops about to be raised by the two preceding acts, with fire arms, accoutrements, &c., for immediate actual service; the legislature appointed Capt. Jeremiah Wadsworth, and Col. Jona. than Fitch, and empowered them forthwith to furnish a sufficient number of tin kettles (if they could be procured in the colony,) for the use of the two bat. talions to be raised and destined to the northern department, and to be delivered to the care of the commissary, and forwarded with the baggage of said battal. ions to the north. And if tin could not be procured, they were directed to purchase suitable iron hollow ware, for the use of the battalions then raising and destined to New York, and forward the same to the commissary general at New York, by the cheapest and most convenient conveyance, and take a receipt of the carrier. The committee appointed to procure fire arms in the several counties, were directed to make a division of the whole of said arms procured amongst the several towns in the colony, according to their lists, and certify the number of guns and bayonets alloted to each, and where they were to be found, and give orders to receive them; and the selectmen as aforesaid were ordered to deliver such arms to the chief officers of the troops then about to be raised in such towns, and take their receipts therefor, and lodge with the treasurers of the towns. And said arms, when returned, also lodged with said treasurers, and by them kept in constant repair, at the cost of the towns, and fully to equip said troops. It was also provided, that the fire arms taken from persons belonging to the colony, who should be enemies to the country, and in the hands of the committee of inspection or others, should be marked with the initials of the owner's name, and appraised by two indifferent men, under oath, and an account taken by the committee, and lodged with the treasurers of said towns where said owners should reside, and be repaired at the expense of the colony; and when repaired, delivered to the chief officers of the companies then raising in said towns where said arms were owned, and take receipts therefor, which receipts, marks, prices of arms, names of owners, &c. were directed to be recorded in the towns where said owners lived, when said arms should be taken, and an account of the repairs of said arms to be laid before the committee of pay table for adjustment, and orders on the Treasurer for payment. And it was ordered, that when said guns were returned, they should be lodged with the clerk of the committee of inspection, and there kept until further orders from said committee, or the Assembly. And in case of loss of such arms of inimical persons, the facts were to be laid before said Assembly, for their orders thereon. It was further ordered, that the selectmen of the several towns, should purchase or hire arms to furnish such soldiers of any of the battalions aforesaid, as could not furnish themselves, or be furnished in any of the ways before provided; and allow the owner of each gun hired, six shillings, and the owner of each bayonet, belt, and cartouch box so hired, four shillings; and if by accident lost, the owner thereof to be paid for the same, according to the apprisal; a particular account of which arms, &c. were to be taken, and the account laid before the committee of pay table, who were directed to give orders on the Treasurer of the colony for payment, and costs thereof, and expense of purchasing and hiring said arms, and expense of repairs. And it was provided, that if a sufficient number of arms could not be obtained, in the manners before provided, snch as should be wanted to make up the deficiency, should be impressed from householders, and others not in the militia rolls, by warrants for that purpose from the civil authority; and such guns so impressed to be receipted, and appraised, and in case of loss, to be paid for as aforesaid. It was also provided, that the captain of each company should take a particular account of all arms used in his company, distinguishing colony arms from such as the soldiers should provide, such as were hired, such as were purchased, such as were impressed, and such as belonged to inimical persons; and with the prices and repairs, transmit said account to the Governor, that he might know the state of said arms. The Assembly appointed David Waterbury, Jr., Esq., brigadier general of the battalions of militia ordered raised to reinforce the continental army in Canada. James Wadsworth, Jr., Esq., brigadier general of the battalions of militia raised to reinforce the continental army at New York. Gold S. Silliman, John Douglass, Fisher Gay, John Chester, William Douglass, Comfort Sage, Heman Swift, and Samuel Selden, Esqr's., were appointed colonels of the battalions ordered to be raised in the colony. Solomon Wells, John Chandler, Selah Hart, Jonathan Lattimer, William Worthington, James Arnold, William Danielson, and Josiah Starr, Esq'rs., were appointed lieutenant colonels of the battalions of foot, to be raised in the colony. Matthew Mead, of Norwalk, John Ripley Buell, Stilworthy Waters, Phineas Porter, John Sumner, Giles Russell, and Benadam Gallop, Esq'rs., were appointed majors of the battalions of foot to be raised in the colony. Col. Erastus Wolcott was appointed colonel of the regiment ordered in May last, to be raised and stationed at or near New London, instead of Col. David Waterbury, Jr., promoted. Samuel Mott, Esq., was appointed lieutenant colonel of the regiment ordered to be raised in May last, and stationed at or near New London, instead of Com. fort Sage, Esq., promoted. The Assembly appointed the persons hereinafter named, to the respective offices annexed to each, to take the command of the two battalions ordered by the Assembly to be raised to join the continental army in the northern depart. ment; and the Governor was desired and empowered to give commissions according to the forms provided for each respective officer, and warrants for such as belonged to the staff, viz.: FIRST BATTALION. John Douglass, colonel; William Worthington, lieutenant colonel; John Sumner, major. 1st company-Aaron Stevens, captain; Isaac Turner, Ist licutenant; Moses Dudley, 2d lieutenant; Joseph Hilyard, ensign. 2d company-John Harman, Jr., captain; Benjamin Harman, Jr., 1st lieuten. ant; Nathaniel Pomeroy, 2d lieutenant; Joel Adams, ensign. 3d company Ichabod Norton, captain; Amos Barnes, 1st lieutenant; Jabez Brooks, Jr., 2d lieutenant; Jonathan Stoddard, ensign. 4th company-Ozias Pettibone, captain; George Griswold, 1st lieutenant; Uriel Holmes, 2d lieutenant; Simon Gaynes, ensign. 5th company-Elijah Robinson, captain; David McClure, Ist lieutenant; Eliphalet Curtiss, 2d lieutenant; Alexander King, ensign. 6th company-Josiah Baldwin, captain; Simeon Allen, 1st lieutenant; Wm. Caulkins, 2d lieutenant; Stephen Billings, Jr., ensign. 7th company-Vine Elderkin, captain; William Tressell, 1st lieutenant; Abner Robinson, 2d lieutenant; Lemuel Grosvenor, ensign. 8th company-Elijah Sharp, captain; Samuel Robinson, Jr., 1st lieutenant; Joseph Burgess, 2d lieutenant; Simeon House, ensign. SECOND BATTALION. Heman Swift, colonel; Joseph Starr, lieutenant colonel; Stilworthy Waters, major. 1st company-Abijah Rowley, captain; Samuel Tyler, Jr., 1st lieutenant; Samuel Hazard, 2d lieutenant; Phineas Grover, ensign. 2d company-Thaddeus Lacy, captain; James Reynolds, 1st lieutenant; Samuel Hurd, 2d lieutenant; Abraham Post, ensign. 3d company-Stephen Hall, captain; Jehiel Meigs, Jr., 1st lieutenant; Ebenezer Fowler, Jr., 2d lieutenant; David Dudley, 3d, ensign. 4th company-Stephen Matthews, captain; Edward Tiley, 1st lieutenant; Amos Hecock, Jr., 2d lieutenant; Gideon Tucker, ensign. 5th company-Elijah Beach, captain; Benjamin Nichols, Ist lieutenant; John Carter, 2d lieutenant; James Bebee, Jr., ensign. 6th company-Jonas Prentice, captain; Samuel Camp, 1st lieutenant; Devan Berry, 2d lieutenant; Ambrose Baldwin, ensign. 7th company-Jabez Botsford, captain; John Trowbridge, Jr., 1st lieutenant; Shadrack Hubbell, 2d lieutenant; Clement Botsford, ensign. 8th company-Ebenezer Couch, captain; John Ransom, Jr., 1st lieutenant; John Bliss, 2d lieutenant; Jedediah Durkee, ensign. The Assembly appointed the persons, hereafter named, to the respective offices herein mentioned, to take the command of the six battalions ordered by the Assembly to be raised and marched directly to New York, and there join the continental army; and the Governor was ordered to give commissions accord. ing to the (then) late form provided for each officer, and to give warrants to the staff. FIRST BATTALION. Gold Sellick Silliman, Esq., colonel; John Chandler, Esq., lieutenant colonel; Matthew Mead, Esq., major. 1st company-George Benjamin, captain; Wakeman Burr, 1st lieutenant; Josiah Lacy, 2d lieutenant; Daniel Duncan, ensign. 2d company-Zalmon Read, captain; Ezekiel Sanford, 1st lieutenant; Ebe. nezer Banks, Jr, 2d lieuienant; Joshua Adams, ensign. 3d company-William Gaylord Hubbel, captain; Peter Penfield, Ist lieuten. ant; Seth Abbott, 2d lieutenant; Benjamin Hecox, ensign. 4th company-Abraham Mead, captain; Simon Ingersoll, 1st lieutenant; Henry Warren, 2d lieutenant; Thomas Hobby, ensign. 5th company-Sylvanus Brown, captain; Joseph Webb, Jr., 1st lieutenant ; Thaddeus Weed, 2d lieutenant; Gideon Waterbury, ensign. 6th company-Gamaliel Northrup, Jr., captain; James Betts, 1st lieutenant; John St. John, 2d lieutenant; Ebenezer Olmsted, ensign. 7th company-Reuben Bostwick, captain; Isaac DeForest, Ist lieutenant; Israel Baldwin, 2d lieutenant; Lazarus Ruggles, ensign. 8th company-Nathan Hurd, captain; Elisha Brace, Ist lieutenant; Noah Judson, 2d lieutenant; Elisha Clark, ensign. SECOND BATTALION. Fisher Gay, Esq., colonel; Selah Hart, Esq., lieutenant colonel; Benadam Gallop, Esq., major. 1st company-Gad Stanly, captain; Ambrose Sloper, 1st lieutenant; John Allen, 2d lieutenant; Titus Bunnell, ensign. 2d company-Jonah Gillett, Jr., captain; Obed Holcomb, Ist lieutenant; Phineas Drake, 2d lieutenant; Samuel Wing, ensign. 3d company-Edward Rodgers, captain; Nathaniel Hamlin, 1st lieutenant; Hezekiah Andrews, 2d lieutenant; Joel Hinman, ensign. 1 4th company-Stephen Goodwin, captain; Giles Gaylord, 1st lieutenant; Stephen Scovil, 2d lieutenant; Jesse Judd, ensign. 5th company-Abraham Bradley, captain; Tilly Blakely, Ist lieutenant; Thomas Catlin, 2d lieutenant; James Morris, Jr., ensign. 6th company-Simon Wolcott, captain; John Charter, 1st lieutenant; Hez. ekiah Welles, 2d lieutenant; Aaron Eaton, ensign. |