the consent of a council of war, to send an officer of adequate talents and courage into the British camp, to examine their force, and discover their designs. This preposition was submitted by Gen. Washington to the young officers of the army, but not a single individual was found willing to undertake the hazardous enterprise, except Hale. Washington gave the parting blessing the cause of liberty. His principles, connexions, abilities, and address, have rendered him a dangerous enemy in New Jersey; he therefore is removed under a strong guard to Connecticut. He is the son of Dr. Benjamin Franklin, the genius of the day, and the great patron of American liberty. On Friday last, forty-nine dirty tory prisoners, taken at Johnstown, N. Y., * were brought under guard from Albany to Hartford, and others were on their way. The several regiments of foot which were ordered to be raised in this colony, with three regiments of the troop of light horse marched for New York, to defend the invaded province. It was reported that it was proposed, after three months, that all copper coin inade of base metal or light in weight, should be suppressed, and the remainder to pass at the rate of 15 for an 8th of a dollar; and if not then a supply for use, in such case, all were to be called in and a new issue made, of continental copper coin of a large size, 12 of which should be passed for the 8th of a dollar, and no other coppers to pass. July 8th, 1776. Last weck twenty-two prisoners were taken on board a barge of the British fleet, as they were sounding a channel below New York, and arrived at Farmington, in this State. The committee for prisoners, resolved that no prisoner on parole, should go out of the parish where he was stationed, except by a written permit, on pain of imprisonment. And that it would be unsafe to employ prisoners to make fire arms, gun powder, cast cannon, cannon balls, or erect fortifications; it was also recommended to all the towns in the colony, where prisoners were stationed, to have a watch to guard the avenues into and out of towns, to be set by 9 o'clock, P. M., to preserve peace and prevent intelligence prejudicial to the liberties of America. [Connecticut Courant] Hartford, July 15, 1776. Last week about one hundred and fifty tories in the Nine Partners, N. Y., rose in a body, fell upon the sons of liberty, disarmed them, and took possession of their committee chamber, but were quelled by a party from the west part of Connecticut of about three hundred; and twenty of them taken prisoners. Governor Trumbull issued a proclamation for all persons excused by law from military duty, householders, to form themselves into companies, to keep up the spirit of the times, &c. After which East Windsor, Saybrook, and various other towns, formed themselves into companies, appointed their officers, &c. and instructions to the heroic youth in person. In obedience to his directions, Hale passed over to Long Island, and fulfilled the object of his mission by obtaining the desired information. On his return he was recognized and betrayed by a relative. He was immediately arrested and brought before Sir William Howe, who, without even the formalities of a trial, ordered him to be The following General Orders, dated Chamblee, August 7, 1776, were sent to Gov. Trumbull by express from Ticonderoga: "ss." General Orders. Parole, St. Jerome. Countersign, Paris. "His Excellency Gen. Carlton, orders the commanding officers of corps, to take special care, that every one under their command should be informed that letters or messages from rebel traitors in arms against their king, rioters, disturbers of the public peace, plunderers, robbers, assassins or murderers, are on no occasion to be admitted. That should emissaries from such lawless men again presume to approach the army, whether under the name of a flag of truce men, or embassadors, except when they come to implore the king's mercy, their persons shall be immediately seized and committed to close confinement, in order to be proceeded against as the law directs; their papers and letters for whomsoever, even those for the commander-in-chief, are to be delivered to the provost marshal, that unread and unopened, they may be burned by the hands of the common hangman. At the same time, the commander-in-chief expects that neither the assassination of Brigadier General Gordon, nor the late notorious breach of faith, in resolving not to return the troops, and Canadians taken at St. John's in exchange for those rebels who fell into the hands of savages, at the Cedars, and Quinchin purchased from them at a great price, and restored to their country, on those express conditions, be not imputed to the provincials at large, but to a few wicked and designing men, who first deceived them step by step, misled the credulous multitude to the brink of ruin, afterwards usurped authority over them, established a despotic tyranny not to be borne, and now wantonly and foolishly endeavor to provoke the spilling the blood of our unhappy countrymen, of this continent, in hopes of covering their own guilt, or confirming their tyranny by the general destruction of their country. Let their crimes pursue these faithless, bloody-minded men, who assert that white is black, and black white; it belongs to Britons to distinguish themselves, not less by their humanity than their valor; it belongs to the king's troops to save the blood of his deluded subjects, whose greatest fault perhaps is in having been deceived by such men to their own destruction; it belongs to the crown, it is the duty of all faithful servants of the crown, to preserve from oppression, and restore to liberty, the once happy, free and loyal people of this continent. " All prisoners from the rebellious provinces that choose to return home, are to hold themselves in readiness to embark at a short notice. The commissary, Wm. Murray, shall visit the transports destined for them, and see that wholesome provisions, necessary clothing, with all possible convenience for their passage, be prepared for the unfortunate men. They are to look on their respective provinces as their prison, and there to remain until further enlarged, or summoned to appear before the commander-in-chief of this province, or any other commander-in-chief, for his majesty for the time being, which summons executed on the gibbet as a spy; which inhuman order was carried into effect at an early hour the next morning, in an ignominious manner, by the hands of a refugee. This cruel execution, or rather assassination, has generally been supposed to have taken place on Long Island, but it has lately been ascertained from undoubted authority, that the scene of Hale's last sufferings was in New York city. shall be obeyed. Gen. Howe will regulate the place of their landing. N. B. If he is allowed the liberty. Ticonderoga, August 12." The above is Gen. Carleton's orders at Chamblee, which was sent us by Maj. Bigelow, who went with a flag, and was detained 24 days. Brig. Gen. Gordon was killed within about 60 rods of the enemy's camp. August 12, 1776. Last week from twenty to thirty tories arrived in Hartford from Albany, fifteen of them were to be stationed at New London. A new ship-of-war, owned by this colony, was struck by lightning at Saybrook, and considerably damaged. By a letter from Mount Independence, (opposite Ticonderoga) to a gentleman in Salisbury, dated August 5, 1776, a list of the American fleet on the lake, is given as follows, viz.:-Royal Savage, Capt. Wyncoop, twelve carriage guns, nine 6 and 4 pounders, ten swivels, and 50 men; Enterprize, Capt. Dixon, twelve carriage guns, nine 5 and 4 pounders, ten swivels, and fifty men; Revenge, Capt. Laman, ten carriage guns, 4 and 2 pounders, ten swivels, and thirty-five men; Liberty, Capt. Primer, ten carriage guns, 4 and 2 pounders, 8 swivels, and forty-five men; four gondolas, Mansfield, Simmons, Sumner, and Ustins, captains, each gondola three guns, one 12 and two 9 pounders, 8 swivels, and forty-five men; three row galleys on a new contruction, ready to launch; and ten gondolas and more soon to be ready, with which he thought the Americans could hold the superiority on Lake Champlain. The whole standing militia of Connecticut, west of Connecticut river, with two regiments on the east side, have marched to join the grand American army, at New York, consisting of at least ten thousand men. -Connecticut Courant, August, 1776.] 1776. By a letter from Ticonderoga, dated August 10, 1776, to a gentleman in New Haven, it is stated that the American fleet of ten sail would go down the lake within a day or two on a cruise. Also, that Brig. Gen. Gordon was killed by a Lieut. of one of our reconnoitering parties between Chamblee and St. Johns. New London, August 23, 1776. Last Lord's day the ship-of-war owned by this State, built at Saybrook, commanded by Capt. Wm. Coit, came out of the river, being the largest vessel that had ever been over Saybrook bar, (piloted by James Harris.) Three vessels arrived in New London in one week, from New York, with tories collected in New York city, and on Long Island, who were sent into the country towns for safe keeping. "Thus fell Nathan Hale, in the morning of life, and in the dawn of high promise of reputation and honor to himself, and of usefulness to his country. The manner and circumstances of his death must ever be abhorrent to the feelings of humanity. He was treated in the most unfeeling and indecent manner; and every indulgence, every mark of sympathy and respect was In consequence of the great number of prizes taken by us and carried into different ports at the eastward, Jamaica rum is only 4s. and 4d. per gallon, and sugar $5 per hundred, in Boston. August 26, 1776. Last week three ships and two tenders appeared off New London, and anchored off Fisher's Island. Last Saturday, a number of gentlemen tories were brought to New London, and were sent to Norwich. Last Monday, David Matthews, Mayor of the city of New York, was brought from Litchfield, and on Friday was returned to Litchfield, to remain under the care of Capt. Moses Seymour. All the women and children, with the sick and infirm, were removed out of New York, by the recommendation of Gen. Washington.-[Conn. Courant.] Sept. 4th, 1776. By the advice of a council of war, the Thursday night previous to the above date, the whole of the American army on Long Island returned to New York, with thelr camp equipage, cannon, stores, &c., and so still were they in their movements, and secret in their designs, that it was not discovered by the enemy until the army and baggage were got over, and only three men in the battalion, the last, fell into their hands. Saturday and Sunday our troops evacuated our fortifications on Governor's Island and Red Hook, and brought off their cannon, &c., under a heavy fire from the enemy on Long Island, when the Americans lost some men. In the battle of the 27th of August, Col. Huntington's regiment suffered much; there were missing after the action, six captains, six lieutenants, twenty. one sergeants, two drummers, and one hundred and twenty-six rank and file. Sixty-four women arrived in one day at Milford, from Long Island. The post office of New York was removed to Dobb's Ferry, thirty miles up the North river. The following is a list of the names of officers in Col. Huntington's regi. ment, who were prisoners with the enemy, who sent a flag of truce for their baggage and money, viz.:-Lieut. Makepeace, Capt. Brewster, Ensign Lyman, Ensign Chapman, Ensign Hinsman, Ensign Bradford, Lieut. Orcott, Ensign Higgins, Capt. Bissell, Lieut. Gillett, Lieut. Gay, Adjutant Hopkins, Doctor Holmes, and Col. Clark.- [Connecticut Courant.] On the 16th of September, 1776, the following persons from Connecticut, were confined with others, in one room, at Halifax, among felons, theives, negroes, &c.:- Sergeants Levi Munson, of Wallingford, Zachariah Brinsmade, denied him. He desired the attendance of a clergyman,-it was refused. But what was more inhuman, the letters which he had written to his mother and friends, were destroyed on the morning of his execution. This savage outrage on the feelings of humanity could only be equalled by the reason which was assigned for it; which was, "that the rebels should not know of Woodbury; Corporals Charles Steward, of Stamford, Roger Moore, of Salis. bury, Samuel Lewis, Wm. Gray, David Goss, and Adonijah Maxum, of Sharon, Ebenezer Mack, and Levi Barnum, of Norfolk, and Flowers, of New Hartford. In the hospital-Amos Green, of Norwich, J. Mathews, of Goshen, and Wm. Drinkwater, of New Milford. All Col. Ethan Allen's men lived to return from England. Sept. 30, 1776. The following is an extract of a letter, dated Camp, Long Island, July 15, 1776, by Wm. Falconer, a Scotch officer, to his brother in Scotland. "Dear Brother-With the greatest difficulty I have obtained this small piece of paper, to inform you I am very well, notwithstanding our miserable situa. tion. We have been encamped on this Island the month past, and lived upon nothing but salt pork and pease-we sleep upon the sea shore, nothing to shelter us from the violent rains, but our coats or miserable paltry blankets. Nothing grows on the Island, being a mere sand bank, with a few bushes which harbor a million of musquitoes, a greater plague than there can be in hell itself, &c. &c." About the 5th of October, 1776, arrived four transports at Elizabethtown, in New Jersey, from Quebec, with four hundred and twenty Americans, who had been prisoners in Canada. The officers from Connecticut, were, Maj. Return J. Meigs, Capt's. Samuel Lockwood, E. Oswald, O. Hanchett, A. Savage, B. Chatten. [Connecticut Courant.] Monday, Oct. 7, 1776. On the 29th, a prize ship from Jamaica, bound to London, was sent into New London, by the armed brig Defence, Capt. Harding; she sailed from Montego Bay in company with two hundred sail under a convoy of two ships-of-war, which returned to port; the cargo of the prize consisted of 306 hogsheads of sugar, 150 do. of rum, 16 bales of cotton, a quantity of coffee and mahogany, and 2 sea turtles-of about 300 tons, called the John, McDonald, master. On the 3d of October, Capt. Harding arrived in the Defence, from a cruisethe same morning off Narragansett beach, he fell in with two British frigates; the frigates fired sixty or seventy shots at the Defence, and the Defence returned a like number-and the frigates came to anchor off Goshen reet, about five miles west of New London harbor. Two days after, Capt. Harding took the aforesaid prize; he also took a, homeward bound, from the West Indies, Wm. Jackson, master. October, 1:76. At the naval action on lake Champlain, on the 11th day of Octobor, 1776, when the American fleet was defeated, and their fleet left in a shattered and ruined condition, by the superior force of the British, in ships, |